Walker Elementary
November 13-17, 2023
Dear Walker Families,
Important Dates
Friday, November 17th- PTA Fun Food Friday Food Day 2
Monday - Friday, November 20th-24th- Thanksgiving Break
Wednesday, November 29th- Dress as your favorite holiday
Thursday, November 30th- Lifetouch Picture Retakes
Wednesday, December 6th- Dress like a snowflake and bring $1 to the front porch at 7:15
for glitter hair paint
Wednesday, December 13th- Elf awareness day(wear red & Green)
Thank you for your partnership,
Mrs. Lynn Ryan, Principal, lryan@sdale.org
Mrs. Katherine Wilson, Assistant Principal, kwilson3@sdale.org
November Gratitude
Thank You All Around The World (Official Animated Video) by Miss Kim's Children's Music
About Walker Elementary
Email: lryan@sdale.org
Website: http://walker.sdale.org/
Location: 1701 S 40th St, Springdale, AR 72762, USA
Phone: (479)750-8874
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Lynn Ryan
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