Sycamore Canyon Family Newsletter
December 11, 2022
ELAC Meeting
ELAC stands for English Learner Advisory Committee. This committee is comprised of parents/community members who wish to provide input on English Learner programs and services at Sycamore Canyon. If you are interested in participating in this committee, please join us on Monday, December 12th at 9:00 AM in the Sycamore Canyon Multipurpose Room. We'd love to have your input.
Winter Dress-Up Days
Join us in some early holiday fun with our Winter dress-up days the week of December 15th - 21st.
Winter Break 12/22-1/4
Just a reminder that our Winter Break is fast approaching and very different this year. Our last day of school before the holiday break is Wednesday, December 22nd. We return to school on Thursday, January 5th. If you have any questions, please contact the school office. Thank you!
Sycamore Canyon Staff Spotlight
- If your student will be absent please make sure you are calling our attendance line to let the front office know.
- If your student is showing COVID symptoms (sore throat, fever, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, chills, congestion or cough), be sure to take two tests (12-hours apart) prior to returning to class. If you are in need of COVID tests, the school has tests we can provide you.
- You may also want to email the teacher and let them know as well.
Sycamore Canyon Attendance Line: 619-258-2205
Project Safe Camps!
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club is back and running every Wednesday from 8:45-10:45 AM. Teachers submit work/projects that need to be completed for the classroom. Parents come in and work in our new LRC Building (Learning Resource Center) for a couple hours to complete those projects.
If you are interested, please complete the volunteer packet prior to arriving on campus. You will also need to bring your Driver's License to scan into our computer visitor system. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Jenn in the front office.
Volunteer Packets
Are you interested in volunteering on campus this year? Below you will find the link to the volunteer application. Each adult that wishes to work in Breakfast Club, as a Room Parent, attend Field Trips, become a Garden Volunteer or just work on campus, you must fill out a new application each year. This is the first year that the entire process is electronic, please click on the link for more information. Thank you!
The State of California is offering FREE online tutoring services for students through the California Library System. It is quick and simple to access. Try it today.
Stay Informed
There are numerous ways to stay informed about our fabulous school. We also have an Instagram account: sycamorecanyon.
Email: infoSC@santeesd.net
Website: https://sc.santeesd.net/
Location: 10201 Settle Road, Santee, CA, USA
Phone: (619) 956-5400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SYCCAN