Library Report
Second Quarter 2013-2014
Student Learning
# Student visits: 14,343
Research and Technology Course
All freshmen know how to:
- Choose and organize important websites using Symbaloo.
- Student example
- Blogging/making a digital portfolio with Blogger.
- Write parenthetical citations.
- Use media ethically with Noodletools
- Find and use databases.
- Evaluate sources using the C.R.A.P. test. C=Currency, R=Reliability, A=Authority, P=Point of View.
- Analyze and describe contemporary instances of plagiarism through the cases of Jayson Blair, Kaavya Viswanathan, and Jonah Lehrer. They have considered how plagiarism relates to the larger idea of academic integrity.
- Student presentation example (awesome Powtoon--definitely take a look!)
- Student honor code
- How to use one of these presentation tools: Haiku Deck, Smore, Powtoon, Picktochart.
- How to search for images and cite them using Creative Commons, Flickr, and/or AP Images.
- Use some advanced Google search functions and evaluate search engines.
Special Education
Wrote an Assistive Technology and Audiobook White Paper for the Weston School district.
Mid-Year Curriculum Analysis
The skills I teach are overwhelmingly interdisciplinary. Students, especially Juniors and Seniors, can benefit from lessons where I collaborate with their classroom teachers.
60% of my teaching is in Res-Tech
40% is co-teaching in other classes
The proportion of students I teach in formal classroom settings are
- 75% Freshmen
- 20% Sophomores
- 5% Juniors and Seniors
Most frequent goals of my classes are
- Using technology to access and display knowledge
Organize knowledge so it is useful
Determine how to act on information
Organize personal knowledge in a way that can be called upon easily
Skills I teach most often:
Using media ethically with Noodletools
Vocabulary I teach most often is:
Curriculum integration and collaboration patterns are
- 95% of what I teach are interdisciplinary skills, yet
- 65% of my classes have no collaboration with other teachers, and
- only 20% have a high level of collaboration with other teachers
For more statistics and information, including standards taught, please see Library Curriculum 2013-2014
Learning Commons Transition
Weston High School Mission and Learning Commons Document
Trying some new things...
National Novel Writing Month promotion in November
Approximately five students wrote/tried to write novels. The library provided a quiet writing space in my office and writing support materials.
The YouTube Festival
Students and faculty were invited to contribute to this crowd-sourced event happening the day before holiday vacation. We will try it again next year to see if it gains more traction.
Weston Room
Established in small conference room to house local history materials.
New Books Display Shelves
Behind catalog computers
Fun web 2.0 collaboration
with Angela Lee on World History Paper Pinterest board
If you are interested in creating and collaborating on a board to support your teaching, so am I!
Database Statistics
Searches on personal computers: 5,551
Paper alert! Spike in use from 8pm-12am in December.
Circulation Statistics
First #: 2nd Q last year
Second #: 2nd Q this year
Nonfiction: 525 / 346
Fiction: 233 / 240
video: 119 / 101
Macs: 2,018 / 0
PCs: 101 / 1,260Nonfiction stats continue to decline. Watching and waiting. Perhaps an anomaly, or a real decline in nonfiction book use which will be addressed by expanding our ebook collection during the Learning Commons transition.
These stats tell us about BYOT
Computer lending was down almost 50% compared to the same period last year. Students are bringing their own computer rather than using ours.