Divine Mercy Community Update
February 2023
Divine Mercy Info
Principal- N. Tome
Vice Principal- T. Brancalion
Secretary- R. Panousis
Trustees- Brea Corbet Ward 9 & 10 905-301-9373 L. del Rosario-Ward 6 & 11 416-528-6447 Superintendent- Martine Lewis (905) 890-1221
Parish- Merciful Redeemer
Pastor: James (Seamus) Hogan
Associate Pastors:
Fr. Suresh Xavier
Email: DivineMercyInfo@dpcdsb.org
Website: https://www.dpcdsb.org/DMRCY
Location: 2840 Duncairn Drive, Mississauga, ON, Canada
Phone: 905-812-5445
Twitter: @DivineMercyDP
A Prayer for the Virtue of Respect
I genuflect before You Honorable Jesus, Respecting Your Will, Plan and Judgment!
You overcame earthly evil temptations, Maintaining Self-respect to the end.
Jesus, You are my code of conduct; I strive to comply with Your precepts.
Teach me all I need to know about respect, Its mastery being my long-term objective.
May this include learning to listen, Allowing others to share their opinions.
May my respect towards other humans Truly reflect Your love towards all!
Welcome Father Iguintz!
Morning Star
- MORNING STAR -Morning Star Rosary Ministry prepared such a meaningful rosary mediation that was well received by staff and students. It is a beautiful and simple program that can make a big difference in the lives of our young ones. They work hard on setting up the various lessons and take it very seriously.
Catholic School Council
Our Catholic School Council Meeting dates for this year.
November 7, 2022 5:30 to 6:30
January 16 2023 5:30 to 6:30
February 27, 2023 5:30 to 6:30
April 24, 2023 5:30 to 6:30
Pizza Days are Back!
Session 2 Pizza Dates are as follows:
January 24, 31
February 7, 14,21,28
March 7, 21, 28
April 4, 11
Cold Weather is Here!
Inclement Weather Reminders
Our winter season is here! At this time we would like to remind all students to dress appropriately for the season by wearing the proper winter attire which should include hats, gloves/mitts, winter coats and boots. When students are dressed properly for the winter conditions, they can go outside and enjoy some fresh air and activity in comfort. There will be a few times during the course of the year where a recess may be shortened or held indoors due to extreme cold temperatures. Our school board policy states that although consideration should be given for keeping students indoors during recesses when the wind chill reaches -20C, students are to be kept indoors during recesses when the wind chill reaches -22C.
In the colder weather, we receive numerous requests to allow children to remain indoors when students have a cold, the flu, etc. Please note that we cannot comply as we neither have the facilities nor the staff to supervise these students. Moreover, the health officials indicate that the fresh air is good for children, and not harmful as long as they are dressed appropriately.
Saidat Assemblies
Guelph Grotto
How to put on a climbing harness
How to tie the knots required for climbing
How to belay and lower using a Petzl GriGri
How to ascend up a fixed line
Skills related to climbing (Movement techniques) and personal development (Effective communication and leadership)Divine Mercy GR1-8 STUDENTS WILL EXPERIENCE:
1 week of in-school instruction
19ft high top rope wall with 12 ropes & 24 routes
9ft high bouldering wall
6 different rope ladders
Winter Fun Safety Expectations
SNOW Safety Expectations
Now that the snow is here it is important to remind students that St. Therese of the Child Jesus has a strict rule of forbidding the throwing of snowballs and kicking of snow. Every student has been made aware of the importance of this rule in the preventing of injury to others.
S Snow stays on the ground
NO No standing, sitting, sliding down hills
W Winter wonder: building snow angels, snowpeople, snow forts!
Please review our Snow Safety Expectations with your children. Thank you for your support.
Important Reminder
Please note that to ensure the continued safety of all students, the Dufferin -Peel Catholic District School Board with the support of the Anaphylactic Society and the Peel Health Department has recommended that students not bring peanut butter alternatives (soy butter, sunflower butter) to school. We thank you for your cooperation in supporting student safety.
Head Injury Protocol
Safe Arrival: School Messenger
Whether it’s a medical appointment, an illness or other important event, there are times when students may need to be away from school. The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District school board is introducing a new method for parents to report their child(ren)’s absences. Using the SafeArrival system, parents will be able to report daily or future absences in one of three ways:
- Go to the SafeArrival website at https://go.schoolmessenger.ca/#/home
- Select Sign Up to create your account. (Only needed for the initial setup, after that you will click on login).
- Select Attendance.
- Select Report an Absence.
- Download and install the SchoolMessenger app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. Please note that SafeArrival uses the SchoolMessenger app.
- Select Sign-Up. (Only needed for the initial setup, after that you will click on login).
- You will be prompted to enter your email (same email address your school has on file) and create a password.
- The system will send a link to the same email address the school has on file, please click on the link you have received in your email to activate your account.
- Call the toll-free number 1-844-435-3440
- Listen to and follow the instructions to report an absence.
- If the system doesn’t recognize your caller ID, you will be asked to enter the student’s home phone number or any phone number for the guardian that is on file with the school.
By directing your tax support to the Separate (Catholic) School System:
- You may vote for Catholic School Trustees in Municipal elections
- Your children may attend Catholic elementary schools
- You show your support for the Catholic school system
To verify that you are registered as an English Separate (Catholic) school supporter:
- Check the assessment section of your Tax Bill or Property Assessment Notice
- Check your Voter Information Card received during an election year (2022)
Have you moved?
Even if you have been an English Separate (Catholic) School Supporter in the past, the designation DOES NOT follow you when you relocate. By default, your property taxes support your municipality's English public school board. Every time you move or if there is a change of ownership, it is essential that you register yourself as an English Separate (Catholic) school supporter.
To register as an English Separate (Catholic) School Supporter or change your Direction of School Support, please contact the DPCDSB Admissions Department by phone at 905-890-0708 ext. 24512 or by email at admissions@dpcdsb.org.
Learn More:- Visit the Direction of School Support webpage
- Watch our Direction of School Support video
You can now reset your password remotely by registering for the Password Reset Tool. You must know your old password to create a new one.
To reset your password remotely you must first register with the “Password Reset Tool”, which you can do by following one of these two steps:
Students: students.dpcdsb.org and select Password Reset
Staff: https://account.activedirectory.windowsazure.com/PasswordReset/Register.aspx
**Access to personal email/cell phone is required for registration.
Once you are registered, please follow the Password Reset Instruction
Parent Teacher Interview Night
- Check email’s starting Wednesday, Feb 1, 2023 for Parent-Teacher Interview Request Electronic Form. Term one Elementary Report cards will be sent home on Tuesday, February 14. Teachers will be conducting parent/student/teacher conferences (interviews) on the evening of February 16 and during the day on February 17.
- February 17 is a Professional Activity Day and there will be no school for students on that day. It is the expectation that parent/student/teacher conferences will occur for all students this term. If you do not submit a form, a time for an interview will be provided to you. Should you have more than one child attending the school, we will attempt to coordinate times among staff. Your child’s teacher will confirm the date and time of the conference with you via a confirmation form sent home with the report card.
Tuck Shop
Divine Mercy’s Grade 8 students will be starting fundraising initiatives to raise money for their Graduation activities, some of which include food. Please see the attached list of ingredients.
Advise the school through email of any dietary restrictions or if you wish for your child not to participate in any of the activities below. The fundraising activities are:
- Tuck Shop: Over the next ten weeks, Gr 8 students will run a tuck shop for students in grades 1 through 8 before the last recess on Thursdays.
- $2 Frito Lays / Ruffle All dressed Chips
- $2 Doritos / Cheetos
- $2 SmartFood White Cheddar Popcorn
- $1 Large sour keys
- Terra Cotta Cookies
Valentine's Dance
- Pajama Valentine Dance- Tuesday, February 14th Grade 8 students will organize and run a school-wide dance for students FDK - Gr 7. All students will participate. Students are asked to donate $2.
Shrove Tuesday
- Shrove Tuesday - Grade 8 students will be cooking and serving 2 pancakes to all students on Tuesday, February 21, 2023. All students will participate (unless advised by parents). Students are asked to donate $2.
Easter Egg Hunt
- Easter Egg Hunt - Tuesday, April 11, 2023. Gr 8 Students will organize an Easter Egg Hunt for students FDK - Gr 4. Students are asked to donate $2.
Grade 8 Graduation Information Session
In preparation for it, we will be hosting a Camp Brebeuf Information meeting at the school in our meeting room on February 16, from 6:00-6:30 pm (it is also our Interview night at Divine Mercy).
This gathering is for the staff of Camp Brebeuf to inform you of the activities your child will experience while at the camp and an opportunity for you to ask any questions to the team. I am hoping you will be able to attend.
Family Day February 20th
Black History Month
February is Black History Month. Both Federal and Provincial governments recognize the importance of Black History Month. As Canadians and, more importantly, as a Catholic Community, we are called to live in solidarity. Solidarity requires that we learn from, and about our families in Christ. Black History is Canadian history and is a conversation we must all engage in, as it is everyone’s history.
We were so lucky to have The Saidat show kick off our BLACK HISTORY month. The Saidat Show last Thursday brought high-energy and information to our students from JK to Grade 8. The shows addressed serious topics with a smile and encouragement, tackling equity, inclusion, social responsibility and helping youth boost self-esteem and better understand how to handle everyday life.
All students will be engaging in the 20 Days of Black History Month video series as a continuation of the SAIDAT presentation.
February 10th West African dance workshop with live drumming for French Immersion Students Gr 1-4. The workshop is focused on West African dance and traditions. All participants will get a chance to learn a full dance Choreography led by a professional dancer, and accompanied by live drumming. Participants will also discover West African Mandingue rhythms and traditions.
February 1, 2023 Winter Walk Day
February 2nd National Sweater Day. Turn down the HEAT! Wear your favourite sweater and dress warm.
Junior and Intermediate After School Retreats
Jan 31 - Grade 8 - Revive This retreat focuses on assisting students to see what happens after their Confirmation. How they navigate their lives with these new gifts. Also, a large focus on finding hope in the most hopeless of situations. We will address topics of loneliness, mental health, family, loss, disappointment and more. Giving students a practical way to move towards the direction of finding peace and joy, when they feel suffocated and disconnected by their peers, their family and the world in general.
Feb 8 - Grade 7 & Feb 13 - Grade 5/6 - Mercy -This very interactive retreat focuses on what Mercy is within our faith, our schools, our families and ourselves. We travel through different stories and give practical steps to countering the cruelty and selfishness of our world. Students will be submerged in opportunities to act mercifully through physical and hands-on activities. We strive to assist students in realizing how a simple act of kindness, patience and bravery can, in fact, change the lives of those around them. This retreat is a great way to bring mercy back to the classroom.
Earth Rangers February 6th
- As part of our ECO initiatives we are partnering with Earth Rangers for an inspiring, interactive presentation featuring live animals, games and trivia, captivating video content, and educators who will teach kids about the environmental issues our planet is facing and empower them to take action. We will be having an Earth Rangers Presentation in the gym on Monday February 6th, 2023, at 12:45.
Hearing and Vision March 1st and 2nd
Pink Shirt Day February 22nd
Pink Shirt Day is celebrated on the last Wednesday of February each
year. Pink shirts are worn to signify taking a stand against bullying,
homophobia and transphobia. The origin of Pink Shirt Day was
established in 2007 to recognize the experience of a student in
Nova Scotia who was bullied for wearing a pink shirt. This day
commemorates the pursuit to combat bullying and all other forms of
oppression. The Catholic Social Teaching of Solidarity, and Dignity of
the Human Person requires that we learn from, and about the lived
experiences of those within our community.
Divine Mercy Second Book Fair
Divine Mercy's Scholastic Book Fair Returns from February 13-17, 2023.
Purchases can be made in person or online.
Thank you for your support.
Equity Updates
Travelling Library (Identify Affirming Texts)
The Equity Department recently sent our school some new books highlighting diversity. Each division will receive a copy of the books which are meant to be kept in the classrooms. The library will also have a copy of each new book to circulate.
Each class has be given a bin of books to explore. Each bin will have 4-5 books. Teachers may choose to read these books for read-alouds or encourage students to choose them for independent reading.
What are identity-affirming texts?
Identity-affirming texts give all students the opportunity to see a variety of identities affirmed through stories. This connection is incredibly important especially when students’ lives differ from the dominant narrative often presented in mainstream texts and media. In those cases, finding texts that truly connect with all students can involve a focus on equity that uplift different ways of knowing and being. Texts provide a lens which offers children an opportunity to learn about who is important, who matters, who is visible. Identity-affirming texts foster positive self-conception and self-worth while improving a student’s overall academic engagement and success.
- These stories offer avenues to continue conversations surrounding systemic oppression with a focus on anti-racism and Indigenous histories and stories.
- This collection will offer an opportunity to provide “Windows” and “Mirrors” as defined by Dr. Rudine Sims Bishop.
- Books that act as “Mirrors” allow students to see themselves within the storyline, characters, and experiences. Students will be able to make connections and be seen and heard after reading.
- Books that act as “Windows” allow students to see into the life or experience of someone else in a way the students may not have previously experienced. Through these books, students learn about the world through a new lens, offered by a storyline, characters or big ideas that may represent identities and ways of knowing and being that differ from their own.
To support the understanding of stories, it is important to uplift the framing of some of the books using the phrasing “words by” and “pictures by” as descriptions of who has contributed to the creation of these stories.
Kiss and Ride Reminders
Thank you very much to the many parents who safely use the parking lot and the Kiss and Ride drop-off and pick-up area! The patience and courtesy demonstrated by our community goes a long way in maintaining a safe environment for all!
A few reminders to help ensure a safe parking lot:
1) Please do not reverse your vehicle while in the Kiss and Ride zone. Children may be crossing behind you using the crosswalk. Be patient.
2) Drive slowly through the Kiss and Ride. We do try to give preference to the buses when leaving in order for them to maintain their morning schedules so please wait at the cross walk until you are directed to cross.
3) Students are reminded not to bounce sporting equipment such as basketballs while walking through the cross walk. Students need reminders that if a ball falls from their grasp, not to chase after it. An adult can help them retrieve it.
4) Please do not Walk and cross anywhere and everywhere through the kiss ride and thru lanes to get to the parking lot.
5) Please do not leave your car in kiss n ride to wait outside for kids. If you want to greet them outside your car - find a parking spot in the lot or on the street. Kiss n' Ride is not a parking spot.
6) Please pull up your car as close as you can to the end of kiss n' ride.
7) Please use the cross walk at the front end of Kiss n' ride to go from the parking lot to the school. Crossing between live lanes is unsafe.
8) Please Kiss and hug your kids (in the car) and remind them that you love them when you drop them off and pick them up.
Thank you for your attention to these matters. We know that everyone is in a hurry in the morning and at the end of the school day, but our number one concern is always the safety of all members of our community at Divine Mercy School. Thank you for taking the time to be considerate of others by following these important safety reminders!