CHS Family Bulletin
April 19, 2021
In The Know
Yearbooks - It's true, we're producing a yearbook. Even though most of the year has been in Distance Learning, we are preparing a yearbook. We are excited to fill it with sports, activities, and the usual fare. While it might not seem like a robust venture with the quarantine, we believe this is a year to remember as it is unprecedented. Additionally, if you have not yet paid, please do so at your earliest convenience. Be sure to order yours today. It's easy, just follow this link for the 2020-21 yearbook: https://schoolpay.com/pay/for/Churchill-Yearbook-20202021/SdT3d17
Please take good care of your school-issued computer - We want to take this opportunity to remind you of our Tips for Caring for Student Laptops. Please keep your student device in a safe, secure place away from pets and liquids.
Recently, we have seen a large number of computer chargers that have been damaged by pets chewing on the cords. We are running out of chargers to replace the damaged ones. Remember to charge your computer every day. Bring it to school with a full charge and bring your charger, too.
We have also seen more liquids being spilled on student computers with students putting water bottles in their backpacks along with their computers. **Liquid spills require immediate repair. If liquid of any kind or any amount is spilled on your student device, contact the front office as soon as possible to exchange your computer for repair.** The effects of a liquid spill may not be seen right away, but over time can cause irreparable damage to the device.
Introducing New Staff - I wanted to announce new staff joining us as students return to school in Hybrid. We had to make some late hires due to retirements and personal leave reasons. I wanted to introduce to you a very qualified and amazing crew of educators to the Churchill community. I know this news is coming to you late and I want to acknowledge that we have been scrambling to make the hires so that your students would have qualified teachers in front of them as we got the return to school figured out. I appreciate your patience and understanding.
Bruce Schertell - Is taking over for Linda Smart who was filling in for Mike Sterling. Bruce is currently teaching US History and AP World History. Bruce has experience teaching AP and is excited to be back in the classroom working with students. Welcome Bruce!
Vanessa Garcia-Badillo - Vanessa has completed her student teaching through the University of Oregon and will be filling in for Sra. Alicia Newton-Hamill who is out on leave. Vanessa is a heritage speaker and comes highly recommended by the World Language department and the UO. She is eager to be in the classroom and working with your students. Vanessa will be teaching Spanish 3B. Students who are taking Spanish 3B will be able to receive college credit for Spanish 102 at LCC.
Keith Mannring - Is filling in for Judy Jesiah who was unable to continue on her position. Keith will finish the rest of the school year and is excited to have the opportunity. Keith will be teaching Micro-Biology.
Lubos Hubata-Vacek - is filling inb for Joy Wells who has recently retired. Lubos comes to us with years of experience in the classroom and the world abroad. His experiences are already having a positive impact on the classroom as he brings relevant perspective and insight into his content. Lubos will be teaching US History and Economics.
From the School-to-Career office ... Here are some great job opportunities and summer camps for your students to explore.
Oregon Institute of Technology (Oregon Tech) is hosting a three-day on-campus summer program for high school and community college students focused on GIS/Geomatics/Surveying. Campus curriculum and events are specific to GIS/Geomatics fields exposing participants to ideas and careers associated with the GIS/Geomatics industry. https://admissions.oit.edu/register/?id=78437e76-0608-4f84-8757-f39187573e4c
The Youth Litter Patrol Program was founded in 1977 to help clean up highway rights of way. Often a young adult's first PAID work experience, this program provides teens with a great opportunity to work outdoors as a team, and have a role in maintaining the environment. Crew member (must be 16 by the start of employment) starts at $13.96/hr. Crew leader (must be 18 by the start of employment) starts at $14.66/hr. Watch the video (1:29 minute) here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oT8n4oXCoIo
APPLY AT https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/ORDOT/bulletins/23eda4a
Oregon State University Summer Camps for high school students grades 9 - 12. These camps are confirmed! Registration is open. Scholarships are available. Click the link to camp descriptions and registration https://stemacademy.oregonstate.edu/high-school-summer-camps
Students asked. We listened. - Last February the Counseling, Career and College Guidance Team asked students to complete an interest survey during their Advisory class. In response to their feedback, we are sponsoring a Virtual Student Opportunities Fair. Students will have the opportunity to meet with professionals representing careers in such things as medicine, the trades, art and technology, marketing, and much more. In addition, representatives from community colleges, four-year universities and the military will join us. Students can also attend workshops on the college admissions process, financial aid, scholarships and chat with current college students about what college life is really like.
We have something for everyone. All grades are welcome.
This is a three day event, April 20th, 21st and 22nd so mark your calendar! Sessions will run 3:30-4:15 and 4:30-5:15. ZOOM links were sent to students via their 4j email on April 16th.
A Brighter Future
Hello 4J Parents,
We cordially invite you to attend our biggest fundraiser of the year, our Annual {virtual} Gala- “A Brighter Future” on April 27th, 2021 5:30-6:30 PM. Led by Executive Director Dana Fleming and Emcee Celeste Edman, we’ll also be joined at our event by Interim Superintendent Cydney Vandercar and some other very special surprise guests! EEF is so excited to share the stories of hardworking teachers, students and staff, and how we have a brighter future because of our incredible community. It is more important than ever that we have your help making this event a success: the money raised from our annual gala is used to fund grants to teachers in schools and programs across 4J. EEF wants to grant as many applications as possible next year so that all students will have a brighter future. Many hands make light work, so please tell all of your friends to join us on the 27th as well!
Tickets are FREE, but you must register to join us for the evening. You can do so at: tinyurl.com/2021eefgala. You can even order boxed dinners, appetizers, desserts, and gifts to pick up on April 26th at the Campbell Center and enjoy while you watch. There is a cutoff date of April 20th for ordering food and beverages, so please get those orders in soon.
We look forward to seeing all of you (virtually) soon. Until then, stay safe!
Jessica Barnhart (she/her)
Assistant Director
Eugene Education Foundation
PO Box 1015
Eugene, OR 97440
Office: (541)790-7744
Churchill Boys Basketball
Remaining Pre-Season Workouts:
Mon and Wed: 7-8am; Saturday: 11am-1pm
April 12, 14, 17
April 19, 21, 24
April 26, 28, May 1
May 3, 5, 8
First Week of Official Practices:
May 10-15th: 345-545pm
Game Schedule:
May 18 Sheldon
May 21 Marist
May 24 at Thurston
May 26 North Eugene
May 28 at Willamette
May 31 at Springfield
June 2 South Eugene
June 4 at Sheldon
June 9 Thurston
June 11 at North Eugene
June 14 Willamette
June 16 Springfield
June 18 at South Eugene
June 21-26: TBD: Culminating Week
Message from the Coaches desk:
All plans are in place to have a basketball season as outlined above. We are optimistic that Governor Brown will support the concept of playing competitive basketball this year so our fingers are crossed!
Please register in FAMILY ID ASAP to ensure your child is cleared and ready to go! A current physical and insurance are required!
We will be traveling to the 5 away games that we have on the schedule by District 4j yellow bus to and from the contests. This is mandatory to participate in the event. Only 24 individuals can be on the bus at one time for safety precautions.
Spectators at games:
The determination of how many spectators that can be at basketball events has yet to be determined. This information will be shared when available.
Streaming of games:
At this time I believe all games will be available to viewed via a streaming service.
What is the commitment level required to participate?
Participants are required to attend all practices and games in order to be a member in good standing on the team within reason. Family emergency and overlap of sport season will be collectively worked with to help manage participation. Clear communication to us is important so there are no misunderstandings.
Does everyone make a team?
Try-outs will be held on the first two days of official practices.
It is common for us to keep 12 members per team and fortunately we have always fielded three teams. Respectful conversation will take place if a student has not been selected for a team. Churchill has a history of being one of the most competitive programs in the State year in and year out so making a basketball team at Churchill is something to be proud of and is earned.
I have other questions:
Don’t hesitate to reach out to Head Coach: Kelly Bokn, if you have any further questions or concerns. He can be reached at: Bokn_k@4j.lane.edu
Go Lancers!
National Haiku Day Saturday 4/17
Saturday is Nat'l Haiku Day. Below are a few written in Academic Seminar this week as a check in activity: return to Hybrid Haikus.
Only 2 students
Zoom voices are echoing
Hello hello hel...
The halls are empty
Students appear, they seem real!
We are back, let's hope.
What is nine plus ten?
Hot coffee in the morning
To get through that door
Looking Forward
APRIL 19–23
Earth Week Spirit Week
MONDAY, APRIL 19 - Meatless Monday
TUESDAY, APRIL 20 - Trash Tuesday
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21 - Water Wednesday
THURSDAY, APRIL 22 - Thrifty Thursday
FRIDAY, APRIL 23 - Forest Friday
APRIL 26–30
3:30 p.m. — Conversations with College Students: Dorm Life (link emailed to students)
3:30 p.m. — Conversations with College Students: Living Off-Campus (link emailed to students)
1:00–3:00 p.m. — Distribution and Drop Off (GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS PICKUP, library books, senior shirts)
Nurse Kim Roellig - We have returned from Distance Learning and the management of Contact Tracing and phone calling families about students with/without COVID is a daunting and unrelenting task. If anyone has had their 'cheese' moved this year its the school nurse. I can't say enough about Nurse Kim. She is such a delight to work with because she emanates a positive , can do attitude. I want to tip my hat and acknowledge the hard work that she has done to help keep us and our students safe during COVID. Kim, I appreciate you and your work ethic. We are so lucky to have you.
Team Churchill - Its been a great start to the school year. Start of the school year in April? Who would have figured. Students are doing well distancing themselves, hand sanitizer is everywhere, staff are out and about helping students find their way. Special thanks to all the counselors who are out and about helping students find their way. Guy and Scott have been so helpful in finding their way as well. I am proud to serve you and our kids. School is getting real. I love it.
Churchill High School
Email: dialchs@4j.lane.edu
Website: https://chs.4j.lane.edu/
Location: 1850 Bailey Hill Road, Eugene, OR, USA
Phone: 541-790-5100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChurchillHighSchool
Twitter: @CHSLancers