Dublin High School
Week of October 2, 2023
A Note From Dr. Overstreet...
Dublin High School is Going to Japan!!! Congratulations to the six Dublin High School students who were selected by the Japan/Osaka Twin Sister Scholarship Exchange Committee to travel to Japan in April of 2024 to study and experience the Japan culture. The six students were chosen after a rigorous application and interview process. Of the nine slots available, Dublin High School was awarded six. We are thrilled at this opportunity and extremely proud of the following students for representing Dublin High School: Derick McRae, Paris White, Emma McDaniel, Derricka Lewis, Elle Walker, and Kate Kolbie.
Dublin High School College Week: It was a busy, but exciting week last week for Dublin High School as the school welcomed Universities from around the state to visit the campus. Monday -- Fort Valley State University, Tuesday - "Evening with UGA" , Wednesday - Augusta University, Thursday - GA Tech, and Friday - Savannah State University & Alumni. Fort Valley State University Accepted Kirsten Washington & Derick McRae on the spot. Savannah State University accepted (17) on the spot: A'yanni Brown, Azzure Clark, Joshua Guyton, Jamya James, DeAsia Suggs, Deago Jackson, Car'Vandryah Bell, Jasonia White, Larissa White, Derick McRae, A'Zavius Davis, Lalah Brown, Paris White, Karethya Charleston, Sha'Niya Denson, Sariya Coombs, Malachi O'Neal.
A Big Irish Shout Out to Savannah State University Local Alumni: On behalf of our Superintendent, Dr. Fred Williams, DHS Band Director, Marcus Rayner, our Fighting Irish Marching Band, DCS Nutrition Staff, and faculty and staff, and student body of Dublin High School, thank you Savannah State University Recruitment and Admissions Office, and the Savannah State "Power of the South Band" for spending the day with us on our campus. We are grateful to you for the "energy" you brought to our pep rally and the to the Shamrock Bowl Friday night. It was indeed, a fun day for us all while at the same time, seventeen students were accepted to SSU. Thank you!
21st Century After School Program: The 21st Century Afterschool Program is available to all students. The 21st Century Program is an after-school program for students who are in need of extra help or tutoring for core academic subjects they are currently enrolled in this semester. Students can also recover credits for courses they may have previously failed in order to get back on track for graduation. The afternoon program is Monday - Thursday from 2:30 until 5:30. Bus transportation along with an afterschool meal are provided. For More information, please contact Ms. Madison, the school's Graduation Coach at 478-353-8040.
DHS Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month - Thursday, October 5th: Dublin High School Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration at 1:15 PM in the gym. Families and members of the community are invited to attend. About National Hispanic Heritage Month - Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. The observation started in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon Johnson and was expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to cover a 30-day period starting on September 15 and ending on October 15. It was enacted into law on August 17, 1988, on the approval of Public Law 100-402. The day of September 15 is significant because it is the anniversary of independence for Latin American countries Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on September 16 and September18, respectively. Also, Columbus Day or Día de la Raza, which is October 12, falls within this thirty-day period. Dublin High School will recognize Hispanic Heritage Month with planned activities.
Support Staff of the Year: Congratulations to Ms. Krystal Waller, Dublin High School Support Staff of the Year! We love Ms. Waller and pay tribute to her untiring work as the Family Engagement Coordinator for DHS! She is also the auxiliary coach for the Irish Band among many other duties and responsibilities. Congratulations Ms. Waller!
“Don’t Stop Believing!”
Go Irish!
Michael Overstreet
- 12th Graders: The Gates Scholarsh 10th, 11th & 12th Graders: GSBA's Student Video Contest
- 10th, 11th & 12 Graders: Superintendent Woods seeks 2023-2024 Student Advisory Council
- 11th and 12th Graders: United States Youth Senate Program - Due September 29th
- 12th Grade Only Coco Cola Scholarship https://www.coca-colascholarsfoundation.org/apply/ the deadline to submit is 5 pm Eastern on Monday, October 2, 2023.
- Students Scholaship.org. The Largest Collection of Scholarships on the web: https://studentscholarships.org/scholarships.php
- The Heisman High School https://apply.mykaleidoscope.com/apply/a0DHq00000leoNrMAI/a1PHq00000BlyySMAR
Upcoming Events
- Monday, 10/02. Lady Irish Softball vs Northeast Macon @ 4:30 Away
- Tuesday, 10/02 Lady Irish Softball vs Swainsboro @5:30 Home
- Tuesday, 10/03 Irish Cross Country vs WACO Invitational @4:30 Away
Wednesday, October 4th: National Guard is visiting Dublin High School during lunch waves
Wednesday, October 4th: Dublin High School Lady Irish Softball HOME and Senior Night vs. Warner Robins at 5:30 PM
Thursday, October 5th: End of 1st Nine Weeks for all schools
Thursday, October 5th: FCA is visiting Dublin High School during lunch waves
Thursday, October 5th: Dublin High School Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration at 1:15 PM in the gym - families and members of our community are invited to attend
Thursday, October 5th: Dubin High School Irish Cross Country @ Bleckley County Region Tune-Up at 5:00 PM
October 6th - 9th: Dublin City Schools' Fall Break; No School for Students or Staff
Friday, October 9th: Dublin High School Fighting Irish Football HOME vs Bleckley County @ 7:30 PM
Tuesday, October 10th: Staff Workday; No School for Students
Tuesday, October 10th: Start of Dublin City School’s Parent Teacher Conferences
Tuesday, October 10th: Dublin High School Softball HOME vs. Johnson County at 5:30 PM
Wednesday, October 11th: Dublin High School administering the PSAT at 8:00 AM
Wednesday, October 11th: DHS Powder Puff Game at the Shamrock Bowl @ 1:00 PM
Wednesday, October 11th: Dublin High School Sneaker Ball in the DHS Rotunda @ 7:00 PM
Thursday, October 12th: Dublin High School Local School Governance Team Meeting at 5:30 PM
Thursday, October 12th: Dublin High School JV Football HOME vs. Bleckley at 5:00 PM
Friday, October 13th: DHS Fighting Irish Homecoming Pep Rally at 1:15 P
Friday, October 13th: Dublin High School Football HOME vs. Dooly County at 7:30 PM
- Wednesday 10/11 - Report Card Day
- Wednesday, 10/11 - PSAT Test
- Friday, 11/17 - ASVAB Test
About Us
Email: michael.overstreet@dcsirish.com
Website: https://dhs.dublincityschools.us/en-US
Location: 1127 Hillcrest Pkwy, Dublin, GA 31021, USA
Phone: 478-353-8040
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dhsirish
Twitter: @dublinhighga