From the Principal's Desk
July 16, 2021
Greetings FWAFA Family,
Hope your summer is off to a great start and you are getting some time to relax and have fun. We are about one month and counting to the start of the 2021-2022 school year! I am so excited for what promises to be the best year yet at FWAFA.
The main office opens back up on Monday, July 19 from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday if you have questions that we can help answer.
Also, mark your calendars for the Back to School Night on Thursday, August 12. Elementary grades 3-6 is from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and middle/high school is from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Come walk the school, find your classrooms, and meet your teachers!
PTSO will also host a uniform resale during that time as well so you can stock up on some uniform essentials.
Creatively yours,
Dr. Jackson
PTSO Ice Cream Social - August 10
PTSO invites all new and returning FWAFA students and families to the Annual Ice Cream Social on Tuesday, August 10, 6:00 p.m.- 7:30 p.m. on the green space north of the building.
This is a great time for new students/families to meet new and returning FWAFA families.
Veteran FWAFA families we want to see you too. Come reconnect with familiar faces and help welcome our new families. Ice cream and helpful parents and peers ready to answer your questions and set you up for an amazing school year.
Please click the link to RSVP so we have enough ice cream to serve everyone.
Back to School Night - August 12
Grades 3-6 (Elementary) students and families are invited to tour the building and meet teachers from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Grades 7-12 (MS/HS) students and families are invited to tour the building and meet teachers from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
Leaving FWAFA?
Withdrawing will give you the paperwork that you need to enroll your student in a new school and will give another student on our waitlist an opportunity to join us.
We wish your student all the best in his or her new adventure and thank you dearly for allowing us to serve your student while they were here. It is our greatest honor.
STAAR Scores Available Online Now
State assessment results will now be available in the Student Data Portal, www.texasassessment.com, which houses information from any state assessment your child has taken including STAAR and TELPAS.
Results will be available in the Student Data Portal June 21 for grades 5 & 8 Reading/Math, and June 28 for STAAR grades 3-8 and EOCs. Families will also receive a paper copy of their child’s results at the end of July from the school.
The performance labels and descriptors are as follows:
- Masters Grade Level: Students at this level have exceeded the assessment requirements and TEA expects students at Masters Grade Level to succeed in the next grade or course with little or no academic intervention. Students in this category demonstrate the ability to think critically and apply the assessed knowledge and skills in varied contexts, both familiar and unfamiliar.
- Meets Grade Level: Students at this performance level have met the assessment requirements and have a high likelihood of success in the next grade or course but may still need some short-term, targeted academic intervention. Students in this category generally demonstrate the ability to think critically and apply the assessed knowledge and skills in familiar contexts.
- Approaches Grade Level: Students at this level have met the assessment requirements for purposes of Student Success Initiative grade promotion and graduation and are considered to have met at least the minimum passing standard. A student achieving Approaches Grade Level is likely to succeed in the next grade or course with targeted academic intervention. Students in this category generally demonstrate the ability to apply the assessed knowledge and skills in familiar contexts.
- Does Not Meet Grade Level: Students at this level have not passed since performance indicates a student is unlikely to succeed in the next grade or course without significant, ongoing academic intervention. Students in this category do not demonstrate a sufficient understanding of the assessed knowledge and skills.
Link to the Student Data Portal: www.texasassessment.com
- In order to access your child’s information, you will need his/her Unique Access Code. You can find their Unique Access Code using their PEIMS ID (Social Security Number) and their birthday.
FWAFA Star Awards Announced at Awards Assembly
The 2020-2021 FWAFA STARS for each grade level are as follows:
3rd Grade - Blake Baganz and Iwon Jeon
4th Grade - Addie Simicek and Andrew Tharp
5th Grade - Sarah Howell and Kylee Nichols
6th Grade - Sydney Morgan and Madelyn Prickett
7th Grade - George Ledingham and Laila Lewis
8th Grade - Abigail Alcala and Anna Tabor
9th Grade - Kailyn Alee and Avery Jesse
10th Grade - Alex Hill and Tory Rivera
11th Grade - Lily Jowers and Haley Urban
12th Grade - Aidan Brock and Alyssa Stevenson
UIL State Solo and Ensemble Accolades!
UIL Solo and Ensemble is a yearly event where singers can compete individually or as a group to receive accolades for musicianship, artistry, and technique. The scale of success is on a 1 to 5 scale with 1 being the highest score you can receive.
After receiving 1 ratings at Regional UIL, all our singers moved to State Competition and received 1 ratings at State.
Those students are: Gracie Burrows, Amy Franco, Jamie Gonzalez, Stephanie Jarboe, Vincent Kaltenrieder, Kate Portele, and Zoe Williams. Congratulations! We are so proud of your accomplishments!
Way to Go, National Art Honor Society!
FWAFA Students Sweep Circle Theatre's Playwriting Contest
They were featured last week on NPR's Art and Seek. Catch the show here.
Coming Soon: Student Choreography Concert
FWAFA’s annual Student Choreography Concert will be performed and filmed onstage in the FWAFA auditorium in September of 2021.
Student Directors and Faculty Sponsors will film and edit these student-choreographed works for a world premiere online release on Friday, September 24!
This concert will be available to view online by donation/pay-what-you-can for a limited time.
We are so excited to share this student-produced concert with friends, family, and audience members watching from anywhere through this online format.
Dancers and Choreographers that would like to take part in this concert will need to audition their works.
Please see audition details at the link below:
Summer Reading!
Awards Assemblies Recordings Available Now
High School Awards on Monday, May 17
Middle School Awards on Tuesday, May 18
Elementary School Awards on Wednesday, May 19
Parent Opt-In to Repeat Grades/Classes from 2020-2021 School Year
The 87th Texas Legislature, Regular Session passed Senate Bill (SB) 1697, which amends state law to allow parents and guardians to elect for a student to repeat a grade or retake a high school course, per Texas Education Code (TEC) §28.02124. The legislation, which went into effect on June 16, 2021, gives parents or guardians the right to opt for their child to –
1. for grades one through three, repeat the grade the student was enrolled in the previous school year.
For the 2021-2022 school year only, parents or guardians have the right to opt for their child
2. for grades four through eight, repeat the grade the student was enrolled in during the 2020-2021 school year; and
3. for courses taken for high school credit, repeat any course in which the student was enrolled during the 2020-2021 school year.
If you are interested in discussing this option, please contact Dr. Jackson at jennifer.jackson@fwafa.org.
Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer: More Information
If you would like more information about the Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer, click the following two links.
Quick Links
Mark Your Calendar!
Tuesday, August 10 - PTSO Ice Cream Social
Thursday, August 12 - Back to School Night (Elementary at 5:30 p.m.; Secondary at 7:00 p.m)
Monday, August 16 - First Day of School
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