Bee Informed
Newsletter from Medina City Schools-November, 2022
Bee Informed
Medina High School Names November Students of the Month
Medina High School has named its November Students of the Month seniors Amelia Cassidy and Robert (Bobby) Rawlins.
Amelia is genuinely a one-of-a-kind student who has found ways to be actively involved in every aspect of her high school experience. She is not only a dedicated and accomplished honors student, but she also goes above and beyond with her involvement in extracurricular activities.
Amelia’s class schedule consists of Honors and Advance Placement courses. She earned the Medina High School Academic Distinction Award Summa Cum Laude her freshman, sophomore, and junior years. She is a National Honor Society and Medina High School Honors Senior Concert Choir member and has sung with the Cleveland Orchestra Children’s Chorus.
Amelia is a four-year member of the Medina High School Varsity Girls Soccer Team and a four-year member of the Medina High School Varsity Softball Team. She has also played for Medina Heat Travel Softball for the last five years.
Amelia volunteers as a peer tutor in the Joyce B. Ebner Tutoring Center and at her church, where she is a leader in their Contemporary Worship Music team. In addition, she also works at Dairy Queen.
She plans to attend college after graduation, majoring in Biomedical Engineering or Forensic Science. Amelia is the daughter of Todd and Andrea Cassidy.
Bobby is a student who brings a level of charisma, energy, and intelligence to the classroom. He has a way of creating a learning environment where all students can thrive. He has the ability to push students beyond their limits while encouraging them to succeed.
His class schedule consists of Honors, Advance Placement, and College Credit Plus courses. Bobby has earned the Medina High School Academic Distinction Award Summa Cum Laude his freshman, sophomore, and junior years. He is a member of the National Honor Society, a Link Crew Commissioner, and a HUDDLE member. He is the Medina Musical Bees Marching Band's vice president and the Trumpet Section Leader. Bobby is also a member of the Honors Symphonic Band, Jazz Band, and Encore Pit Band.
Bobby volunteers in the Joyce B. Ebner Tutoring Center as a peer tutor. He also volunteers for Kids First Medina and his church’s Vacation Bible School.
Upon graduation, Bobby plans on attending college, majoring in Finance, and plans on continuing his education to earn an MBA. He is the son of Robert and Terese Rawlins.
Amelia Cassidy
Robert (Bobby) Rawlins
Encore Holiday Extravaganza
The musical portion of the Encore Holiday Extravaganza, beginning at 7 pm, includes singing and dancing to medleys of many holiday musical favorites as well as several small group performances and sing-alongs for the entire family. The performance is an expanded version of the holiday show typically seen by many hundreds of students and adults in the Medina community each year. Before the performance, beginning at 6 pm, younger audience members will enjoy holiday crafts, games, stories, cookies, and a chance to take pictures with Santa Claus. Children are welcome and encouraged to attend the activity and musical performances. The Encore Holiday Extravaganza welcomes audience members of all ages, especially those who may be too young to attend other performances.
This new show is presented only on Friday, December 2, at the Medina Performing Arts Center, 851 Weymouth Rd., Medina. Activities for younger children begin at 6 pm in the lobby, and the performance begins at 7 pm in the main auditorium. Reserved seating tickets are $10 ($4 for children under 12) and can be purchased using the link on medinachoir.com. Tickets will be on sale starting in late October.
Virtual Lunch with the Superintendent
To register, please click on this link.
New Student and Kindergarten Registration is Open for the 2022-2023 School Year Only
Medina City Schools Foundation Hosts Holiday Raffle
Each raffle entry is $50. To purchase raffle tickets, please click here or scan the QR code in the image below. 100% of the net proceeds will directly support Medina City Schools students and staff through the Joyce B. Ebner Tutoring Center, staff, grants and awards, and student scholarships.
For questions, please email info@medinacityschoolsfoundation.org.
ABOUT THE FOUNDATION: The Medina City Schools Foundation was established in 1984 to support and enhance learning opportunities for the students in the Medina City School District. The Foundation is an independent organization comprised of committed community members who support programs that benefit district students in collaboration with the teachers and staff of the Medina City Schools. The Foundation is a private organization, not directly affiliated with the school board or the school administration. It is incorporated under Ohio laws as a non-profit organization and is funded by various members of the Medina area through the generous individual support and community support of our annual fundraising activities.
Explore Engineering
Engineering is expected to be a growth sector in the upcoming decade and is considered a top career choice. Do you know that there are over 40 different types of engineering degrees, all within six major branches of engineering? How do you learn the differences? Which type is most suited to your interests? Come to Explore Engineering to learn about differences and have a chance to speak with current engineers.
This event for students in grades 6-12 will be held at Medina High School in the media center on Wednesday, November 30, 2022, from 6:30 PM-8:30 PM and is co-sponsored by the Medina County Economic Development Corporation. Students can explore career opportunities with professionals from multiple engineering fields. Items discussed could include information about showcasing problem-solving skills, defining the different types of engineers, and engaging in professional mentoring. Students who attend will also have an opportunity to explore and connect the various engineering classes taught at Medina High School and Medina County Career Center.
Opening Remarks will be given by Cleveland State University's Washkewicz College of Engineering.
Thinking About Volunteering?
Looking for Camps and Other Activities? Check Flyer Central Digital Bulletin Board
Board of Education Meeting Calendar
Monday, December 19, 2022
Board of Education Regular Meeting
6:00 PM-Medina High School-Professional Development Center (location subject to change)
The Board of Education meetings are open to the public. Location may be subject to change. Meetings may also be viewed live on Medina City Schools' YouTube channel, MedinaTV Facebook page, and Armstrong channel 201.
Replays of the meeting will also be available on Medina City Schools' YouTube Channel and Armstrong Channel 201.
Helping Hands Preschool Accepting Applications for Typically Developing Peers
The program provides high-quality learning experiences that are rooted in the Ohio Early Learning Content Standards in preparation for kindergarten. There are two sessions offered, Monday-Thursday. The morning session runs from 9:00 AM-11:40 AM and the afternoon session from 12:40 PM-3:20 PM.
To register typically developing peers, please call 330.636.4601 for directions to complete the online registration and screening information. For more information, please click here.
Fenn 5th Grade Students Share Their Dancing and Singing Talents
Fifth-grade students at Fenn Elementary showcased their dancing and singing talents as they performed Pirates the Musical. The story is about a boy who is a stow-a-way and desperately wishes to become the captain. When the captain comes down with laryngitis, the boy finally has his chance and doesn’t miss his opportunity.
Directed by Fenn’s music teacher Mrs. Jenny Lloyd, students worked diligently practicing and preparing for the performance. Students did a wonderful job, with many laughs and cheers from parents and families.
Fenn Elementary First Grade Students Give Back Through Operation We Care Fenn Care Pantry
First-grade students at Fenn Elementary have started the Operation We Care Fenn Care Pantry. These students have started a donation drive for personal care items for needy families. Items listed below can be dropped off at Fenn Elementary, 320 N. Spring Grove, during the donation drive from Monday, November 28, through Friday, December 16th.
Trial/Travel sizes of the following:
Bar Soap / Body wash
Shaving cream and razors
Shampoo / Conditioner
Kids shampoo
Liquid Hand Soap
Toothbrushes (travel size)
Regular sizes of the following:
Toilet paper
Paper towels
laundry detergent
Multipurpose cleaner
As part of their campaign, they worked with fifth-grade gifted students to create a short commercial about this community project.
Medical Career Night for Students Grades 6-12
Overall employment in healthcare occupations is projected to grow by 13% from 2021 to 2031, much faster than the average for all occupations; this increase is expected to result in about 2 million new jobs over the decade. In addition to new jobs from growth, opportunities arise from the need to replace workers who leave their occupations permanently. On average, about 1.9 million openings yearly are projected to come from growth and replacement needs.
Students in grades 6-12 are encouraged to come to Medical Career Night at Medina High School in the media center on December 7 from 6:30 PM-8:30 PM to explore occupations in multiple medical fields that help clients maintain and improve their well-being.
Co-Sponsored by The Medina County Economic Development Corporation, this event will open with remarks from the Medina County Career Center and Diversified Medical Technologies Sports Medicine and Exercise Science.
Medina High School International Student Introduces Students to Her Home
Bardatugs is a scholarship exchange student who lives in the Selenge province in Zuunburen Soum with her dad, mom, and two big brothers. Her parents are herders, and her home is in the countryside. This was a great way to introduce students to different cultures and communities.
Blake Elementary Students Display Works of Art at Medina Public Library
Medina High School Art Club Participates in Gingerbread Homes and Villages Tour
The scene included a 24-inch tower, two dragons, and four lizards constructed from gingerbread. This creation was designed and built in only five school days. Thanks to Mrs. Karagiozis, family and consumer science teacher, for her help in allowing the club to use her cooking room and supplies throughout the week while constructing the entry.
Winners of the competition were announced on Saturday, November 19, 2022. The students received Best Creative Concept and People's Choice awards.
All proceeds from this event benefit the Battered Women's Shelter and YAHAB, a 501(c)3 devoted to providing necessities to people in need.
Medina City Schools Students and Staff Present to the Greater Medina Chamber of Commerce
During the Tuesday, November 1, 2022, member meeting for the Greater Medina Chamber of Commerce held at Weymouth Country Club, about 26 Medina City Schools students and some of their teachers presented some of their innovative learning. Members in attendance took a walk visiting each of the six interactive stations and talking with the students about their projects and hands-on learning experiences.
Superintendent Aaron Sable and Tina Cassidy, Director of Instruction, discussed the various landscape shifts in education, the continued importance of moving toward innovative instruction, and competencies in the District’s Portrait of a Bee that were developed through collaboration with all stakeholders. “It is an exciting time at Medina City Schools. We were honored to be able to demonstrate the future direction of Medina City Schools through student presentations with so many of our business community partners,” said Tina Cassidy, Director of Instruction.
“We are so happy to provide an avenue for these impressive students to show various projects and learning techniques to our business community. Medina is working to help build a future workforce of problem solvers,” said Jaclyn Ringstmeier, executive director of the Greater Medina Chamber of Commerce.
Pancake Breakfast and Spotlight on Students Slated for Saturday, January 21, 2023
Breakfast will be served from 8:00 AM-12:00 PM in the main cafeteria at Medina High School. Tickets are $5 each and can be purchased online by clicking here. Seniors 60+ are free of charge. To purchase tickets in person, they will be available at both Medina Buehler's locations beginning January 2, 2023. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, syrup, butter, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, and orange juice.
Student artwork from all grade levels will be on display during the event. A lineup of student performances will take place on the main stage in the Performing Arts Center, including an appearance from Encore Entertainment Company, Medina High School's show choir. More information on the schedule will be coming soon.
Net proceeds from this event benefit the Medina City Schools Foundation and the programs and services they offer to our students and staff.
Middle School Students Participate in Third Annual Veterans Day Essay Contest
Medina City Schools’ sixth through eighth-grade students recently participated in the third annual Veterans Day Essay Contest to address the question, “What Does Veterans Day Mean To Me?” This project was a collaborative effort between the District and American Legion Post 202.
Several members of the Post, along with Medina City Schools’ Board of Education member Ron Ross carefully read close to 300 entries. “Some of the entries submitted brought us to tears,” said Dave Taylor, Essay Judge Coordinator for Legion Post 202.
This year’s winners were:
6th Grade
1st Place: Isabella Stropko Claggett Middle School
2nd Place: Raimondo DiFranco Claggett Middle School
3rd Place: Anthony Alassaf Claggett Middle School
Honorable Mention: Mia Spataro Claggett Middle School
7th Grade
1st Place: Emma Koehler Claggett Middle School
2nd Place: Peyton Chura Claggett Middle School
3rd Place: Gianna Peppeard Claggett Middle School
Honorable Mention: Maddie Bradway Claggett Middle School
8th Grade
1st Place: Colton Wilmoth Claggett Middle School
2nd Place: Caleb Miller Claggett Middle School
3rd Place: Isabella Marzano Claggett Middle School
Honorable Mention: Lincoln Marks A.I. Root Middle School
The essays were judged by several members of the Legion and Board member Ron Ross. A rubric focusing on four areas was used to determine the winners: Purpose/Focus, Organization, Elaboration, and Mechanics. Collectively, the judges reviewed each entry selecting the first round of essays that fit the rubric. They were then passed on to a different evaluator for a second reading. To make the final decision to determine the winning essays, the judges listened intently as the essays were read aloud to select by majority vote first, second, and third places in each of the three grade levels.
Each winner received a certificate and monetary award thanks to the generosity of Ron and Kathy Ross. Each student with winning essays attended the November 21 regular meeting and read them to the Board.
National Honor Society Students Give of Their Time to Help at the Recent Harlem Wizards Game at Medina High School
Medina City Schools Staff Members Recognized
Distinguished Service Award
Julie Crew, financial secretary in the Business Office, was presented with the Distinguished Service Award.
Going the Extra Mile Award
The Going the Extra Mile Award is awarded to staff members that demonstrate an exemplary work ethic, is a great role model, shows pride and enthusiasm in the workplace, and goes the "extra mile" serving on committees, assisting others, and improving the culture within their department or building, spreading kindness, or doing good deeds. Up to 20 staff members in a school year are selected by the District Selection Committee to receive this award. These awards are sponsored by the Medina City Schools Foundation. The following staff members have recently have been presented with the award.
Michelle Lus, bus driver
Kelly Kriner, language arts teacher, Medina High School
Bryan Pennie, custodian, Medina High School
Brian Mullins, custodian, Medina High School
Sandra Thompson, paraprofessional, Canavan Elementary
Highlighting Innovation Award
The Highlighting Innovation Award recognizes teachers that work to provide rich learning experiences for our students that help them master our rigorous academic content and includes the Portrait of a Bee competencies. These awards are presented by the Department of Instruction each month.
In the month of November, the following teachers received this award.
Sara Dreibelbis, fifth-grade teacher, Northrop Elementary
Andy Riegelmayer, fifth-grade teacher, Garfield Elementary
Bethany Hills. math teacher, Medina High School
Dan Schneider, intervention specialist, Heritage and Blake Elementary
Medina City Schools Participates in Parade of Lights
Free Youth Physicals Offered
Medina City Schools Mobile App
Kids First Medina Offers Decorative License Plate
Kids First Medina is a group of volunteers that help to provide a voice to community members, families, and students of Medina City Schools to help shape educational opportunities for our students.
Online Ticketing Through Hometown Ticketing
Medina City Schools
Email: busbya@medinabees.org
Website: www.medinabees.org
Location: 739 Weymouth Road, Medina, OH, USA
Phone: 330.725.8831
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MedinaCitySchools
Twitter: @MCScomm1