Mitchell Elementary
October 2023
A Great Place to Grow!
Email: mes@hsd.ca
Website: www.mes.hsd.ca
Location: 99 Willow Street, Mitchell, MB, Canada
Phone: 204-326-6622
Instragram: meshanover
Twitter: @MEShanover
September was an extremely busy month at MES! Our weeks were filled with special events including Meet the Teacher, Strong Connections, our Terry Fox Run, and the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (Orange Shirt Day). Over the past month our students and teachers have spent time getting to know each other and have settled into classroom routines. Every day it is a privilege to walk into classrooms and see the high level of teaching and learning that is happening within our building.
As we move into October we have a lot to look forward to! Our Thanksgiving assembly this week will feature our Grade 4 choir. We will also be learning as a school about bus safety and recycling in some upcoming assemblies. We thank you for your support as we began a new school year and look forward to an incredible year working together!
September 20th - October 4th
Our Niakwa Pizza fundraiser is in full swing! Only a few more days to go!
**Order sheets and money are to be handed into the school office by Wednesday, October 4th.**
Pizzas are 12" take and bake pizzas with the following options:
- cheese
- pepperoni
- double pepperoni
- pepperoni & mushroom
- pepperoni & bacon
- ham & pineapple
- 5 pack frozen 12" pizza crusts
- gift cards are also available
Frozen pizzas are $12.50 each and the frozen crusts are $15 per pack of 5.
**Pickup date is Thursday, October 26th from 3:30-5:30 pm with details to follow.**
Niakwa pizza is for sale on Fridays at lunch time.
**Please note*** Pizza tickets are sold in bundles of 4 for $10 (1 ticket per slice).
We will not be selling individual tickets. Tickets can be purchased by sending cash or cheque (payable to MES) to your child's homeroom teacher. If you would like to make a payment via the Parent Portal, please notify the school office by email to mes@hsd.ca to make arrangements.
Chocolate milk is available everyday at lunch time.
**Please note** Milk tickets are sold in bundles of 10 for $10.
We will not be selling individual tickets for milk cartons. Tickets can be purchased by sending cash or cheque (payable to MES) to your child's homeroom teacher.
If you would like to make a payment via the Parent Portal, please notify the school office by email at mes@hsd.ca to make arrangements.
***Picture Day is Wednesday, October 11th***
The school fees for 2023-2024 were due Friday, September 29th. Please pay online on Parent Portal or bring exact cash or a cheque payable to MES to the school office.
Kindergarten $40
Grade 1 $40
Grade 1/2S $20
Grade 2 $20
Grade 3 $20
Grade 4 $40
8:30 Students enter School
8:43 Announcements, Period 1
9:15 Period 2
9:45 Period 3
10:15 Recess
10:30 Period 4
11:00 Period 5
11:30 Lunch/Recess
12:00 Recess/Lunch
12:25 Period 6
12:55 Period 7
1:25 Period 8
1:55 Recess
2:10 Period 9
2:40 Period 10
3:12 Dismissal for bus students
3:20 Dismissal for walking/pick-up students
*Please check in at the office.
*Please remember to send your child's water bottle, cutlery, and proper outdoor clothing.
*No medication can be administered at school. According to Hanover Policy, no medication, not even Tylenol, should be carried in student backpacks or be self-administered. If medication is needed, parents may come to school to give it to their child.
*Outside supervision begins at 8:15 am, students are let in at 8:30 am and any children walking/picked up at end of day are dismissed at 3:20 pm and need to be picked up at that time.
BUS SAFETY WEEK - October 16 - 19
FALL FUN WEEK IS COMING - More details to follow!
Thank you to all parents for keeping our bus loop clear and safe. This is just a quick reminder to all our students and parents of the bus loop rules:
1) Refrain from using the bus loop between 8:00am and 4:00pm (during school hours).
2) If you are dropping off or picking up students please do so from the street in front of the school (please do not drive onto the staff parking lot.)
3) Always walk around the front of the first bus, or the back of the last bus (not between them!) when more than one bus is stopped in the bus loop.
4) Please remind children who walk or bike to school to do so on the appropriate sides of the street so that buses and other vehicles can pass safely.
Please take note of the areas that are safe for parking. The Mitchell Gospel Church is willing to let parents use their parking lot during the hours of 8:15-9:00 and 3:00-3:45 pm. This is the parking area one block directly south of the school down the path that connects to Willow & Oakview.
In the interest of maximizing learning time in the classroom and keeping interruptions to a minimum, please make home time arrangements with your child(ren) before they leave for school in the morning.
Send a message on Seesaw if home time arrangements are different from your normal routine, whether your child is going home with someone else or being picked up at the end of the day.
If you must phone the school regarding a change in home time arrangements please call before 2:30 pm.
If you are picking your child up for an appointment during the school day, please sign your child out at the office and the secretary will call your child to meet you at the office.
Please let the school know if your child will not be attending school. This can be done through Parent Portal, phone call to the school office (204) 326-6622, voicemail, email to mes@hsd.ca or SeeSaw to the teacher.
Extreme Weather
In severe weather conditions, the school division closes the school and stops the buses. An announcement is made on radio stations 95.1 FM, 96.7 FM, and AM 1250 between 7-8 am, as well as on www.steinbachonline.com and as a bulletin on the HSD website www.hsd.ca
Bus Delays
When the buses are running late, there will be a Bus Delay Bulletin posted on HSD website. You can also call the Transportation Department at (204) 320-2347.
Bus Loop Procedures
Just a reminder that there is no stopping or driving in the bus loop. This includes student pick ups and drop offs. Many children use that door when going out for recess and we need to keep the bus loop clear for safety reasons.
We have students who have life-threatening nut allergies. We are encouraging parents to keep this in mind as you pack lunches/snacks for your children. Please avoid sending nut products to school.
Hanover Parent Child Community Program is offering a preschool program at MES in our hut.
- Tuesday afternoons 1-3 pm
- Thursday mornings 9:15-11:45 am
Please contact Stacey Marcoux at (204) 326-9829 or email smarcoux@hsd.ca for more information.
Oct. 3 Admin/PD Day - No classes
Oct. 4 Niakwa Pizza School Fundraiser forms and money due
Oct. 9 Thanksgiving - No classes
Oct.11 Picture Day
Oct. 16-19 Bus Safety Week
Oct.20 Admin/PD Day - No classes
Oct.26 Pick up date for Niakwa fundraiser pizzas