Patriot Post
News and Updates from Dr. Dutt
North Warren Regional
Location: Blairstown, NJ, United States
Phone: 908-362-8211
Twitter: @NorthWarrenHS
Happy Winter Break
I hope you and your family find the time to rest, relax and enjoy some peace over winter break. I hope all my students take a nice long Zoom break unless they are connecting with friends and family for the holidays in a virtual setting. For our parents who are working virtually as well, I wish you a few days off of Zoom or Meets or whatever platform you have been in front of for months.
I know this is a vastly different start to our break, but I am sure you need it more than others in past years. My wish for you is to not only relax but may you focus on the good and positives in your lives and not be overburdened by the challenges.
Find time to read a book for fun (not school or work!) watch movies, cook and eat comfort meals together, or go for walks in the cool air. Mostly, do what makes you happy!
See you in the New Year!
The Tradition Continue
You can see the video yourselves by accessing it on our district webpage!
Back To School Hybrid Model
As you know, we plan to return to on-site school on January 25, 2021. We have spent the last few weeks evaluating data, gathering input from all stakeholders including students, parents, and faculty, to evaluate a relaunch of our hybrid learning option. We collaborated with the Department of Health and the Department of Education and have formed what we think is a safe and viable option for more on-site instruction for our students.
We will be re-launching our hybrid learning option utilizing an A/B schedule with a half day bell structure. For example, 4 classes on one day and 4 classes on another day. Students who are not on-site will be expected to engage in a parallel lesson with their class via simulcast. In this model all students will receive 45 minutes of live instruction for each class in their schedule.
We currently have an internal team of administrators, teachers and staff working to design the protocols for this new model that adhere to the CDC guidelines while addressing the inherent challenges unique to NWR’s facilities and the general challenges of operating under the New Jersey Restart Guidelines.
Once protocols are developed, we will host another Parent Forum to again get your valuable feedback and perspective. If you have not done so already, please let us know if you are interested in participating in upcoming parent forums. Feel free to email me at if you have not already signed up for the forum and I will add you to my list.