Simmons Elementary School
November 22, 2023
Mrs. Karen Kanter, Principal
Dr. Robert Campman, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Jillynn Parsons, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Lynn Doan, Attendance Secretary
As we reach the Thanksgiving holiday break, we are also nearing the close of the first trimester of the school year. Please note that PowerSchool will be closed to families from Nov 27 – Dec 5 as our teachers finalize their grades. Families will receive their first trimester progress reports and be able to view them in PowerSchool on Wednesday, December 6th. We will hold family conferences on Wednesday, December 6th and Friday, December 8th. On both of those days, students are dismissed at 1 p.m.
Today our fifth grade students participated in our annual Turkey Bowl at the high school stadium, as a reward for meeting their reading challenge. Each of the classes was challenged to at least 30 books in the month prior to Turkey Bowl. Again this year, our fifth graders exceeded their reading goals! The round robin tournament featured friendly flag football games between the four classes, officiated by our PE teachers, Mr. Paci and Mrs. Flack. Congratulations to Ms. Salevsky's class, the Blue Panthers, on winning the championship trophy!
In this season of gratitude, the faculty and I want to thank you for your ongoing support. We appreciate your partnership with us to support our children to learn and grow academically, socially, and emotionally in a caring community.
Upcoming Events
Today - Early Dismissal for Students and Staff at 1 p.m.
Thurs., Nov. 23 - Mon., Nov. 27 - School Closed for Thanksgiving
Tuesday, Nov. 28 - Welcome Back!
Saturday, Dec. 2 - HSA Holiday Shop
Monday, Dec. 4 - HSA Holiday Shop
Wed., Dec. 6 - Early Dismissal for Students and Family Conferences
Friday, Dec. 8 - Early Dismissal for Students and Family Conferences