Kaikōura Suburban School
Newsletter 13 Friday 16 September 2022
He pānui o te tumuaki - A note from Whaea Alicia
What an incredible past few weeks we have had. Topped off by the amazing return of our legacy fundraiser - The Whale Run. We had over four hundred and thirty competitors.
This included the previous Principal of our kura Michelle Spencer, who started the event 18 years ago. A huge thank you to everyone on the Whale Run committee for your action and drive in making the event such a success. To all of our community for donating your time to helping us on the day and to our sponsors whom were so very generous in their donations. I also want to acknowledge our staff we were at school until late most days leading up to the whale run and everyone pulled together for the full day of the whale run as well. Thank you to the Suburban team - you are so amazing.
Mrs Hills also arranged for our Kaikōura primary schools to experience 'Strike Percussion'. This was an uplifting mov'in 'N' groov'in performance. Thank you so much Mrs Hills for making Strike Percussion happen.
Miss Watt is has been taking Toroa on a journey of being Kaitiaki of our land, meeting with Barry and Jenny Dunnett who shared their predator control mahi up in the Waimangarara reserve. Also, hosting another fundraiser, the Toroa market day, coming up on Saturday September 24th - where our Toroa tamariki will be engaging their exceptional entrepreneur skills once again.
In Tītī Miss Macer has been working with Miss Southgate on learning about Hauora - wellbeing, nutrition and health.
Ka mihi te aroha,
Whaea Alicia
Coming Events
Friday 16 September - Piwakawaka Assembly
Tuesday 20 Sept - BoT Meeting (6:00pm)
Thursday 22 Sept - Learning Celebration (6:00pm)
Saturday 24 Sept - Toroa Market
Monday 26 Sept - Queen Elizabeth Memorial Day, Public Holiday (School Closed)
Thursday 29 - Small Sticks Hockey
Friday 30 Sept - Term 3 Ends
Birthday Celebrations
Ben Dunnett (Sept 9)
Neve Dunnett and Miss Watt (Sept 21)
We hope your day is extra special!
From the Suburban Whānau
Strike Percussion
Piwakawaka News
Small Sticks Hockey
Catching up with the Toroa's...
We are so looking forward to Saturday 24th September, to run our market and raise money for our 2022 camp.
We hope to see you at the market day!
Trapping trip with Barry & Jenny Dunnett
Whale Run volunteers, guiding runners
Maths with Ian from Just-in-time maths
The Alec Mackle Memorial Trophy - Rugby Award.
Meet the Board
Our new school Board took office last month and we thought we’d take this
opportunity to introduce ourselves and tell you a bit about what we do.
The boards role is to oversee the governance of our school and to ensure that
everything that needs to be done gets done - legally, ethically, and as well as
possible in the best interests of our students. We want our Kaikoura Suburban
students to be prepared for life well beyond school and we outline our targets
and long-term goals in our school charter to make sure we achieve that.
We meet on the second Tuesday of each month (except during school holidays).
Anyone is welcome to attend a Board meeting – the agenda, including the date
and time of the meeting, is available in the school office 2 school days before the
meeting is held (our next meeting is September 20th). Our new staff
representative on the Board is Bec Macer.
Brendon Macphail - Board Chair (Presiding member)
Hi Kaikoura Suburban School community. My name is Brendon Macphail, my
wife, three kids and I moved to Kaikoura nearly 7 years ago. We have had two of
our kids go to Suburban school, Isla who is currently in year 5 and Hannah who
left two years ago to go to the high school.
I am currently the Board Presiding member and encourage any of you to give me a ring or send me an email
should you have any queries or questions.
or 021753316
Jo Wilson
Tania Ross
I joined the board earlier this year as I was curious about what the board does and how the school runs in the background and wanted to be a part of the decision making processes that ultimately affect the direction for our school. I love seeing the kids thrive in the fun loving and supportive environment offered at Kaikoura Suburban School. Please feel free to chat to me anytime about your thoughts and ideas for the school or if you have any questions.
Margaret Bignell
Kerrie O’Donnell
I have become a board member because I want to become apart of the community, and I look forward to helping Suburban grow.
Community News
The Kaikoura Pet Show
Entries close Thursday 29 September.
New World - Kaikoura
Hi there,
As you may have heard, New World Kaikoura’s Online Shopping goes live to the public on the 11th of October – yay!
To prepare our in-store team for this exciting new service, we’re having a special “Friends and Family” week where invited people can use the new service without the usual service fees being charged. We’d like to invite parents and teachers at Kaikoura Suburban School to join in the fun.
Friends and Family week will run from Friday, 30 September to Monday, 10 October. The first orders will be available for collection on Tuesday, 4 October.
If you would like to participate, please register your name and email in the link below:
Already a Clubcard member? Ensure you use the same email address you used when registering for Clubcard. If you need to register your email address, you can do so via this link first: https://www.clubcard.co.nz/newworld/en/register.
We thank you for supporting our move to Online Shopping!
Many thanks,
Sally-Anne Tull Owner Operator New World Kaikoura C: 021 148 9898
124-128 Beach Road
Kaikoura 7300
P: 03 319 5723 ext 201
E: sally-anne.tull@newworld-si.co.nz
Hi All,
Summer is not far away, and we are excited to run the Kaikoura Summer Hockey in Term 4. Please see attached for information, a flyer, and team registration.
David will be down in Kaikoura later this term for some small sticks in schools sessions and will be available to chat through any questions you may have, otherwise we are happy to answer via email.
Kind regards,
George Nation
Administration and Accounts
PH: 03 578 5550
Follow us on Facebook or visit www.hockeymarlborough.org.nz
Payments for Hockey
To the parents/caregivers,
payments can be made online if they wish at this link https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewform/204377
It will be $30 per person, the same as in previous years.
Info and payment can also be found on the website at http://www.hockeymarlborough.org.nz/kaikoura-2
Dental Services of the School Holidays
Priority for Community Dental Service appointments during the school break will be for immediate dental needs at the following clinics:
Woolston Community Dental Clinic, 11 Hopkins Street, Christchurch
Hornby Community Dental Clinic, 2 Hei Hei Road, Christchurch
Timaru Community Dental Clinic, 18 Woollcombe Street, Timaru
To access these appointments, call our Contact Centre on 0800 846 983 noting that priority is given to children with immediate dental needs.
For any dental advice please call the Contact Centre on 0800 846 983 or email commdental@cdhb.healh.nz