Hillsdale Herald
Hillsdale Elementary School, November 2024, v.1
November 1, 2024
Hello November!
Thank you to all our volunteers for making our Halloween celebrations a success! I hope everyone is enjoying today off!
We have several exciting things coming up in November.
We hold Family-Teacher Conferences the week of Thanksgiving - Monday 11/25 1-4pm, Tuesday 11/26 1-4 & 5-8pm; Wednesday 11/27 8-11am.
Students are dismissed at 12:05 on these days and lunch is NOT served at school.
There is NO SCHOOL for students on Wednesday 11/27 - Friday 11/29.
A special Newsletter regarding signing up for conferences will be sent.
Veteran's Day - Nov 11th
Students will be learning about the importance of Veteran's Day in their classrooms and through announcements. We will honor and celebrate the Veterans in our home and school families.
Our Picture Re-Take Day is scheduled for Tuesday 11/12 - if you do not like your child's picture or were absent, please be assured we can have their picture taken that day. You can purchase your child's picture through the Barksdale Portal. Directions are included in the proof that was sent home earlier this week.
Benergy Assembly
As we continue to teach about being a Respectful and Caring Hillsdale Husky, on Nov 13th we will welcome "Ben" to HDE to share with our students his experience of growing up with Autism. Please see the link below for more information. It is PTO fundraising like Move-a-thon that allows us to host these events for our students.
Food Drive
November 1-21 students are encouraged to donate food to support local families. We are also supporting Hunger and Homelessness Awareness week (11/18-11/22) through grade level assemblies and a Dress up Day to wear RED on Thursday Nov. 21st.
PTO Meeting
Our next PTO meeting is Thursday Nov 21st as well (6:30pm) where our school counselor, Mrs. Ronayne, and our school psychologist, Dr. Leonhardt, will present about Social Media (think cell phones AND video game chats) and the impact on Student Mental Health.
Please see info from WCASD Gifted Parent group -ANNUAL CRAFT FAIR, the Health Department and ACP below.
Looking Ahead - Save the Date
11/1 - No School - Diwali & All Saint's Day
11/5 - No School - Election Day
11/6 - 5th grade trip
11/11 - Veteran's Day - Classroom celebrations
11/12 - Picture Make-Up Day
11/13 - "Benergy" Assembly
11/21 - PTO meeting 6:30pm; Dress Up with a RED shirt for Hunger & Homelessness Awareness
11/22 - end of Trimester 1
11/25 - 11/27 - Conferences
11/27 - 11/29 - No School for Thanksgiving Break
Chester County Health Dept - Pneumonia Update
If you would like to volunteer in our school this year, please understand the following:
1) Volunteers must have clearances.
2) Younger siblings are not permitted at school while you volunteer.
3) Volunteers are held to the same confidentiality standards as any WCASD employee.
4) While you may see and interact with your child when you are volunteering, you are here to assist all children.
Please be sure your clearances are up to date! Click above for details.
Cómo traducir los boletines Smore Newsletters
Los enlaces para los boletines del distrito WCASD y desde el correo electrónico del director pueden encontrarse también en los sitios web del distrito y de la escuela. La traducción será generada por una máquina por lo que no será completamente exacta.
1. Haga clic en el botón para traducer
2. Haga clic en la fecha para seleccionar el idioma
3. ¡Disfrute el boletín! Las imágenes con palabras no se pueden traducir, para obtener una traducción, envíe un correo electrónico al director.
Spanish Language Phone Line
Si usted prefiere comunicarse en español por favor llame al 484-266-1690 para contactarse con personal escolar.
(If you prefer to speak to a Spanish speaking operator, please call 484-266-1690 to connect with school personnel.)
About Hillsdale Elementary
Email: pmerten@wcasd.net
Website: https://www.wcasd.net/Domain/602
Location: 725 West Market Street, West Chester, PA, USA
Phone: 484-266-2001
Instagram: @hdehuskies