Raider Nation News
Volume 4 Ed. 3
Raider Nation ....Raider Nation!
Homecoming Week Information
Dear Raider Nation,
North Forsyth High School is celebrating Homecoming the week of September 11th – 16th. Homecoming is an exciting week filled with fun, school spirit, and lasting memories. The week has themed dress days and activities. Our Homecoming football game vs. Jackson County HS will be played on Friday, September 15, and the Homecoming Dance will be held on Saturday, September 16, inside of Raider Arena from 7:30 to 10:00pm.
Unfortunately, some students take this opportunity to engage in class wars. These activities are counter-productive to honoring our school’s sprit and family atmosphere. Please know that North Forsyth HS does not endorse, encourage, or condone this type of behavior. Please help us in speaking with your student about such activities that could potentially lead to criminal consequences.
Any malicious activities or damage should be reported to the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office rather that the school.
Thank you for your support of our great school and we look forward to seeing you all in Raider Valley cheering the Raiders on Friday, September 15th!
The Homecoming Week Schedule is included below.
Monday – 7 period day (Adam Sandler Theme Dress)
Tuesday – Odd block day (Sports Theme Dress), North United “Parenting in the Age of Smart Phones” 5:30 – 7:30
Wednesday – Even block day (Class Colors Theme Dress), Powder Puff Football 10:00 -12:00 Raider Valley
· 9th gr. -White
· 10th gr. – Black
· 11th gr. – Gray/Silver
· 12th gr. – Purple
Thursday – Even block day (Hawaiian/Beach Theme Dress) Homecoming Parade 10:00 – 11:00 am
Friday – Odd block day (Wild West Theme Dress), Football Game vs. Jackson County HS 7:30, Homecoming Court halftime
Saturday – Homecoming Dance 7:30 – 10:00 (inside Raider Arena)
Bob Carnaroli
It’s always a GREAT day to be a Raider!
Continue to follow us on:
Principal Bob Carnaroli Twitter
North Forsyth HS Counseling Instagram
North Forsyth HS Counseling Twitter
North Forsyth HS Athletics Twitter
North Forsyth HS Athletics Instagram
North Forsyth HS Athletics Facebook
As always, our goal is to provide the best possible experiences and opportunities for your student. Please reach out to me if you have any questions, concerns, or need clarification on anything.
Bob Carnaroli
770 781-6637
Ext: 160106
Mary Ewing Teacher of the Year
Homecoming Dance Student Drop-Off/Pick-Up and Student Driver Parking
National Honor Society Inductions
NFHS & North United Schools Receive Duck Grants
Science Team Received Sawnee EMC "You Are A Bright Ideas" Grant
SRO Jacoby presents to Health Classes on negatives of Drugs and Alcohol
Get your 30th Year Raider Gear now!
Test Prep Opportunities
Register for AP Exams
Class of 2024
Class of 2024 -
Information about upcoming senior events, senior dues and graduation information can be found on the NFHS Website under ‘Senior Class News’.
You can also follow us on Instagram @nfhs_seniors.
Senior Dues –
Families can now pay for senior dues! All payments will be made online at https://www.3rdascent.com . Early bird pricing will be $150 until 12/31. We encourage all families to take care of this before the end of the first semester. There are two ways to pay! You can pay the full amount up front or in installments. Senior Dues cover the cost of your student's Cap/Gown, their Diploma/Diploma Cover, Senior Picnic, Senior Breakfast, Senior Sunrise, and the rental of Gas South Arena.
Senior Photos and Yearbook Information -
Please be aware of these important dates and deadlines regarding senior portraits and senior ads. For more information, please visit the Lily McGregor Website: Book Your Session — Lily McGregor Photography. October 7th is the last day to be photographed by Lily McGregor Photography and be in the NFHS Yearbook. Please book as soon as possible to ensure your senior will be included in the senior section of the yearbook. For more yearbook information, please visit the official yearbook page.
Graduation -
Graduation will be held on Monday, May 20th, 2024 at 7pm in Gas South Arena. Please note the updated time that has been assigned to us by Forsyth County Schools. We hope the later start time will be more convenient for our students and families!
Any questions? Please contact our senior sponsors:
Mrs. Liz Smith: ETSmith@forsyth.k12.ga.us
Mrs. Laura McGray: LMcGray65@forsyth.k12.ga.us
To buy your book, visit YearbookOrderCenter.com and input Job #15157.
Books cost $85 through the end of August. Prices will go up to $90 in September, so buy early and save!
Lily McGregor Photography will be on campus September 6th & 7th to take our Underclass/Faculty Photos. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend!
Families, please remember that we will have our annual Portrait Proofs sent out in January before we submit your photos to the publisher. This is your opportunity to confirm how your student's name will appear in the book. This information will be made available on the NFHS Student page on Canvas.
NFHS Hosts College Fair
Counseling News
Please check out the NFHS Counseling Newsletter: https://www.smore.com/e8a79
At this point in the school year, schedule corrections are done. Unless a student is grossly misplaced, we will not be adjusting student schedules. If a student asks about a schedule change at this point, please do not send them to counseling or say there is space available in your classes. If you are concerned about a student, please reach out directly to that student's counselor and counselors can support you with a plan for the individual student. We will re-evaluate individual students on a case by case basis at the end of the 1st 9 weeks.
Mrs. Mason: Dual Enrollment, ESOL, Specialized Instruction (GAA)
Dr. Benton: Last Names A - D
Mrs. Smith: Last Names E - K
Mrs. Mattie: Last Names L - Ri
Ms. Balog: Last Names Ro - Z
Career Tech
WBL Interns
Raider Team Competes in 1st Competition/Naval Honor School Award
NFHS MCJROTC Raider Team had their season opener at Etowah today and our team had an incredible start, securing two 2nd place finishes and a 3rd place finish in different events.
As we move forward in the season, we remain motivated and determined to achieve even greater accomplishments. We are confident that our team's spirit and passion will continue to drive their success.
2nd place - Team Run
2nd place - Physical Team Test
3rd place - Tire Flip
This week, the Cadets of Raider Battalion also received some very exciting news.
We are happy to announce that our school has been awarded the Naval Honor School Distinction for the second straight year. This recognition is a testament to the unwavering dedication and exemplary performance of our outstanding cadets.
Achieving this distinction signifies that our school has demonstrated exceptional excellence in various key areas including academic achievements, adherence to core naval values, leadership development, and community service. It is a true reflection of the high standards we have set for ourselves and the commitment we have made to instilling qualities of honor, discipline, and service in our students.
We would like to express our gratitude to all those who have contributed to this remarkable achievement, including the hardworking students who continuously strive for excellence, the dedicated faculty who go above and beyond to provide quality education, and the supportive parents who have entrusted their children to us. This distinction belongs to all of us and serves as a reminder of what we can accomplish together.
Moving forward, we are determined to maintain the high standards that this distinction represents. We will continue to prioritize the holistic development of our students and ensure that they are well-prepared for their future endeavors.
One Act Play Rehearsal 12 Angry Jurors
Fine Arts
Tickets are now on sale at www.nofostage.org - FCS employees receive 2 free tickets by using their forsyth.k12.ga.us email when purchasing tickets.
NoFo Stage Presents
12 Angry Jurors
by Reginald Rose
October 13th at 7 PM
October 14th at 3 & 7 PM
Tickets will go on sale September 1st at www.nofostage.org
Cheer ...Cheer ...Cheer....for Raider Nation!
Best Band in the Land
Will Mashburn Raider Alum
Will, a 2020 graduate here, was a stellar player here, club and into college. He has been a massive help in the past two Januarys here in helping us prepare for the season as well.
He was having a rough few weeks at Northside Cumming, and after the last battery of tests, they found leukemia in his bone marrow.
We are jumping in to help in any way with the bills, expenses, etc. that are racking up as they are back and forth and at Emory for at least a month or more.
Thank you for your help in advance, I know our North Family will come through.
Brandon Stewart
Boys Soccer Coach
Raider Valley Restored After Storm Damage
# 40 Jack Snook Honoree Luke Stalnaker
15 - 8 overall and 3 - 0 in Region play 1st place
8 - 6 overall and 5 - 0 on Region play 1st place
Defeated Forsyth Central 27 - 17 in the home opener of the season.
Lost a tough hard fought game 17 - 14 at West Forsyth. The Gridiron Raiders are back in action Friday in Raider Valley vs. Creekview. (Youth Night)
Cross Country:
KSU Stan Sims Meet Results:
Boys overall 1st Place finish
Girls overall 1st Place finish
Thomas Durand - 1st place
Sophia Moerschel - 1st place
6 girls in top 10 and 5 PR's
5 boys in top 10 and 6 PR's