4th Grade News
August 2021
Hello From 4th Grade!
Important Dates
August 23: First Day of School
September 9: Curriculum Night 5:00pm-7:00pm
What We Are Learning -Two weeks at a Glance
Restorative Circles: Creating our essential agreements and SOAR expectations. Creating our classroom essential agreement, connecting them and our learner profiles to Junkyard Wonders. Character traits.
Reading: Reading procedures, using choice boards with our books, running records, iready diagnostic begins. Reviewing character traits. Introducing fiction and nonfiction digital resource passages.
Math: Math About Me-Getting to know each other through math, math attributes survey.
Collecting data and graphing with Bar graphs, line plots, frequency tables. Addition and subtraction. Iready diagnostic begins.
NBT.4 Add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers up to and including 100,000 using the standard algorithm with place value understanding.
MD.4 Represent and interpret data using whole numbers by:
Collinging data by asking a question that yields numerical data
Making a representation of data and interpret data in a frequency table, scaled bar graph, and/or line plot
Determining whether a survey question will yield categorical or numerical data
Who We Are
How our choices and actions communicate our values.
Exploring nutrition and exercise with healthy food choices. Students will be sorting healthy vs. Unhealthy food choices.
4.L.2 Understand food and the benefits of vitamins, minerals, and exercise.
Getting to know you activities: The best part of me. Designing a t-shirt activity
Books We Will Be Reading This Month
The Junkyard Wonders
Rotten Richie and the Ultimate Dare
Thank You, Mr. Falker