Columbia Crest A-STEM Academy
April 2019 e-Newsletter
Happy April, Rainiers!
Dear Columbia Crest Families,
I hope you feel rejuvenated and were able to reconnect with family and friends during Spring Break. As we gear up for the last quarter of the school year I would like to share a few reminders.
Driving safely in the parking lot is extremely important. As you enter the school you will notice a new speed limit sign posted on our gate. We ask that as you enter, please travel 5 miles per hour when students are present. Parents need to come to the entry of the building to pick up their child. To ensure safety, students may not walk out to the parking lot unaccompanied. All parents, students and staff are to use the crosswalk during loading or unloading times so they are visible.
Bus drivers have a thankless job that is often very tough. Let’s do our part to make their drive a little smoother by following these tips:
Have your child(ren) at their bus stop 5 minutes early. Please know that the bus may arrive 5 minutes before or after the scheduled pick up time.
If you happen to miss the bus, you may call transportation at 360-879-1900 to ask where you can meet the bus at the next scheduled pick up location.
Please ensure your child leaves the house with a coat each morning. This time of year multiple students come to the office to ask for a coat before going out to first recess. It is still rather chilly in the morning and students need to prepare for being outside rain or shine.
Students who attend Columbia Crest are very busy people. We would like to hear from you about activities in which your children participate or honors they have earned that occur after school. Please email their participation information and a picture to Mrs. Shew and we will recognize them at our next assembly. Thank you to the families who participated last month.
Please note the various activities this month advertised in our newsletter. There are a number of opportunities for you and your family to enjoy an event on campus for little or no cost. We hope to see you here for at least one event this month.
Principal Shew
Preschool? Fill out the Form Below
Do you have a 3, 4, or 5 year old who you'd like to enroll in our Preschool Program? Don't delay enroll today!
Click this link to begin the registration process: https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSdGgNKUynazMbYWvx…/viewform
Preschool Enjoying the Sandbox
Prize Pick Winners
Chicks in 3rd Grade
April Food Menus
Garden Committee Meeting
Columbia Crest A-STEM Academy's Garden Committee is looking for new members! If you are interested in assisting with any garden activities including after-school activities, this is the committee for you!
We will meet on the second Tuesday of each month in the Maker Space (old bus barn), from 2:15- 2:45. We would love your help and expertise in planning the future of our beautiful garden space! Thank you for considering, and we will see you at our next meeting, Tuesday, April 9th, 2019.
Tuesday, Apr 9, 2019, 02:15 PM
Columbia Crest A-S.T.E.M. Academy, Washington 706, Ashford, WA, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Character Trait of the Month ~ Self Discipline
Self-Discipline - To think before you act and to make good choices Self-Control is “doing what is right, even when I don't feel like it.”We are seeking students demonstrating this Character Trait to be our next Rainiers of the Month.
Honor Society
Appreciation Week
Perfect Paragraph
Snack Donations Needed
Video Spotlight, Staff Band
Talent Show
Green Congress
Quality Work
Volunteers Needed
CC PTO needs volunteers to help at our upcoming BOGO Scholastic Book Fair
May 3rd - May 10th. We would like to invite you to take a moment to view our Scholastic sign up link. https://volunteer.scholastic.com/#/signup/bDIRK2peG
All volunteers need current volunteer paperwork on file with our office. Thank you and hope to see you there!
Basketball Tournament
Family Dance
It’s an 80’s theme FAMILY DANCE PARTY!
Students, bring your Guardian Guest! Free admission, pizza and glow items will be available for purchase.
Wear your best 80’s outfit and be entered into a drawing! Music will include today’s current hits as a YouTube video playlist on the big screen!
$3 for Field Day Shirts Needed
Family & Friends Welcome
District Calendar
1. Friday, May 24 is once again a day off.
2. The last day of school is once again Tuesday, June 18th.
Please review the attachment below for the full calendar.
Counselor's Corner
Hi! I hope that you are enjoying the fact that spring seems to have arrived! My name is Deb Noble-Perry. I retired from the Bethel School District in 2015. I have worked in a variety of roles during my 34 years as a teacher and counselor in Bethel. I am at CC 2 days per week, on Mondays and Wednesdays. I work with students, parents and teachers in a variety of areas/needs. If you have a question, or if you feel you could use my services, please feel free to contact me through the school. I return emails and phone calls as promptly as I am able. Looking forward to being at your service!
As always you are welcome to stop by our office or give us a call if you wish to discuss your child's needs.
You may reach Ms. Noble-Perry at D.nobleperry@eatonvilleschools.org
Counselor's Office Hours
· Mondays 7:45- 2:45
· Wednesdays 7:45-2:45
Office Reminders
- Remember to dress your child appropriately for our weather. Indoor recess will only be when extreme conditions happen. Please have an extra set of clothes in your child’s backpack. We are in desperate need of donations of sweatpants and gym shoes.
- Students need to be on campus no later than 7:40 a.m. as class begins by 7:45 a.m.
- Students learn most when they are IN class. Do your best to eliminate vacations and time away from school to enhance your child’s learning this school year.
- Be sure to sign your child in if they are tardy and sign them out if you need to remove your child from school.
Contact Information
Principal: Mrs. Allison Shew
Secretary: Ms. Lindsay Fitzer
CCA Office Hours: 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Student Hours: 7:45 a.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Attendance Message Line: 360-569-2567
Transportation: 360-879-1900
Stay Connected
Email: a.shew@eatonville.wednet.edu
Website: www.eatonville.wednet.edu/CCA
Location: 24503 SR 706 E Ashford, WA 98304
Phone: (360)569-2567
Facebook: facebook.com/ColumbiaCrestASTEM
Twitter: @CC_STEM_School