OHS Eagle News
Week of December 3, 2023
A Message from our Principal, Mr. Pflugrath...
Dear Osbourn Family,
I hope you and your family are well. Last week our students were very busy with their academics, athletics, the tree lighting ceremony, and the Manassas Christmas Parade on Saturday.
Monday, December 4th is our monthly college and military spirit day. A goal of ours is to promote a culture of college and career readiness at Osbourn, so dress in your favorite college or military clothes to unite us all towards a common goal. Tuesday, is an Early Release day for all students and they will be dismissed at 12:20 pm. Teachers will use this time for instructional planning. Please join the Osbourn Counseling staff on the evening of Tuesday, December 5th at 6:30 pm in the library. We cordially invite all 11th grade parents as we will be covering postsecondary options including 2 and 4 year colleges, military options, employment, and career and technical schools. We will also discuss how to get financial aid. By delivering this earlier this year, we hope to give families more time to act on the information provided. We look forward to seeing you! On Wednesday, December 6th, we are hosting our CTE Financial Literacy Night at 5:30 pm in the library. I hope you can come out and see our Choral Concert on Thursday, December 7th at 7 pm in the auditorium.
Students, please take advantage of the Saturday Learning Seminar this weekend from 9-12 in the library, including free tutoring and a free breakfast.
As always, thank you for your continued support and please reach out if you have questions.
Mike Pflugrath
Osbourn High School
Our glow of the week is sophomore student-athlete Irieanna Smoot and her girls’ basketball teammates. Ms. Smoot has led our girls’ basketball team to an impressive start of the season capturing multiple victories. We are proud of our students’ achievements in and out of the classroom. Congratulations to our girls’ and boys’ basketball teams for earning their first victories of the season over Hylton and Manassas Park. We look forward to following you this season. Keep up the good work. Thank you for carrying the banner for Osbourn High School. Please come out and support our students’ extracurricular activities. We love the school and community spirit and thank you for supporting our kids. Their efforts bring great pride to Osbourn and the Manassas City community.
Friday, December 1 to Wednesday, December 20 - Canned Food Drive
Monday, December 4 - College/Military Spirit Day
Tuesday, December 5 - Early Release @ 12:20 pm (No after-school buses)
Tuesday, December 5 - Junior Parent Meeting @ 6:30 pm
Wednesday, December 6 - CTE/Financial Literacy Night @ 5:30 pm
Thursday, December 7 - Choral Concert @ 7 pm
Thursday, December 14 - Orchestra Concert @ 7pm
Monday, December 18 - Rehearsal Holiday Fest
Tuesday, December 19 - Holiday Fest @ 7 pm
Thursday, December 21 - Early Release @ 12:20 pm (No after-school buses)
DIVISON CLOSED: Friday, December 22 to Monday, January 1 - Winter Break
Thursday, January 11 - End of Marking Period 2
Saturday Learning Seminar
Photo & Yearbook Information
The 2024 yearbook is for sale online at jostensyearbooks.com or in room 1030. We completely sold out last year, so be sure to reserve your copy today. Cost is $80, but you can reserve a book with just a $20 deposit and pay the balance in May. Contact LisaMiller@mcpsva.org with any questions!
All yearbook senior tributes and payments are due before December 15. Pages will be finalized and sent on that date. Email LisaMiller@mcpsva.org for additional information or complete your tribute and payment online at jostensyearbooks.com.
The journalism classes at Osbourn are doing an amazing job with our news website, ohstalon.com. Be sure to visit the website to check out their work and to see the daily morning show, Osbourn Today, produced by the broadcast journalism students!
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