Library Class
3rd, 4th, and 5th Grades
Candace Fleming Biography
I have always been a storyteller. Even before I could write my name, I could tell a good tale. And I told them all the time. As a preschooler, I told my neighbors all about my three-legged cat named Spot. In kindergarten, I told my classmates about the ghost that lived in my attic. And in first grade I told my teacher, Miss Harbart, all about my family's trip to Paris, France.
I told such a good story that people always thought I was telling the truth. But I wasn’t. I didn’t have a three-legged cat or a ghost in my attic, and I’d certainly never been to Paris, France. I simply enjoyed telling a good story… and seeing my listener’s reaction.
Activity Choices - Reading or Writing
Candace Fleming Activity Choice 1: Reading & Listening
- Listen to the book, OH NO!
- Complete the Story Problems & Solutions activity. You'll have to make a copy to use.
- Send it to me through the PSL Assignment box below!
Oh, No! - World Book Day
Problem & Solution form
When you click on the document below, you'll be asked to make a copy. You'll need to do that to have your own copy!
Candace Fleming Activity Choice 2: Writing
- Watch the video below to hear about CLAPS.
- Use the CLAPS story board to create your own story. You'll have to make a copy for your use.
- Turn your story board in using the assignment link on PSL.
Meet the Author: Candace Fleming
CLAPS Storyboard Instructions
When you click on the Google link below, you will have to make a copy of the document to use it.
In the Old Town Library
Ben Franklin's In My Bathroom
Nolan is a typical kid living in a typical 21st century American town. Ben Franklin is, well, Ben Franklin—Founding Father, inventor of the lightning rod and bifocals, and more. When, through a bizarre set of circumstances, Nolan and his little sister, Olive, find Ben in their house, chaos isn't far behind.
When movie director Larry Trimble travels to Berlin searching for his next big star--a dog!--he finds Etzel, a fierce, highly trained three-year-old German shepherd police dog. Larry sees past the snarls and growls and brings Etzel back to Hollywood, where he is renamed Strongheart. Along with screenwriter Jane Murfin, Larry grooms his protégé to be a star of the silver screen--and he succeeds, starting with Strongheart's first film, The Love Master, which is released in 1921. Strongheart is soon joined by a leading lady, a German shepherd named Lady Julie, and becomes a sensation.
Giant Squid
The giant squid is one of the most elusive creatures in the world. As large as whales, they hide beyond reach deep within the sea, forcing scientists to piece together their story from those clues they leave behind.