AIS Friday Flash
Friday, December 3, 2021
Special Visitor in PS
AIS had an extra special guest today. Chocapic, the hedgehog, visited and played with our PS students. Thank you to the Musalem family for sharing your friend with the class.
1,2,3 Run
We are proud to announce that our CM2 students participated in a running challenge with all the other French schools in North America and did a great job! Congratulations to all of them and special mention to Carew and Chloe who finished in the top 10 in the nation!
École des Loisirs November Books are Here!
If you signed up for the École des Loisirs French book subscription, then be sure to check your children’s backpacks today! We were very excited to receive some great new titles from graphic novels to chapter books, and more. Thanks to the great number of subscriptions received through the school, we were able to add eight fantastic French titles to the AIS library for kids of all different ages. Bonne lecture !
Virtual Winter Open House - Sat., 12/4, 10:00 - 11:30 am
We look forward to hosting a Virtual Open House on Saturday, December 4th for prospective families. We love when our community members and students can attend, so please join us in bragging about our awesome school!
Afterschool Activities & Spring ASA Registration - Mon., 12/6
The Fall Afterschool Activities (ASAs) have finished except for make-up classes. If your student is not regularly enrolled in Afterschool Care, they should be picked up at regular dismissal for the next two weeks before the break, unless you have been notified of a class make-up day.
The Spring Afterschool Activity schedule will be sent out on Monday with links to begin registration Monday evening. Be on the lookout for fantastic class offerings like Basketball, Chess, Creative Movement, STEAM classes from IDEA Labs, the Groovy Gym Bus, and more!
Kendra Scott Spirit Events X 2 - Tue. & Wed., 12/7 - 12/8
We have an exciting Spirit Event next week, just in time for the holidays! We have 2 days to get your bling on for yourself or your loved ones at Austin's own, Kendra Scott Jewelry.
- Shop online here at kendrascott.com, Monday or Tuesday of next week, making sure to enter code: GIVEBACK - AOQYS at checkout. Kendra Scott will generously donate 20% of the proceeds back to AIS! or
- Shop in-person for our December Spirit Night at the Kendra Scott Domain store at 11506 Century Oaks Terrace, Suite 104 on Tue, 12/7 from 7:30 - 9:30 pm! Make sure to show the flyer and/or mention AIS at checkout and KS will also donate 20% back to the school!
We hope you can find some great holiday items and thank you for participating in this special give-back event. For online shopping tips, click here. We would also like to thank Kendra Scott for their ongoing partnership and support in Keeping Austin International!
Uniform Exchange Tue. & Thur., 12/7 & 12/9, 3:30 - 5:00 pm
The weather is cooling, kids are growing, and you might be tempted to re-supply your kids' wardrobe with dress-code appropriate clothing. Before you fill up your amazon cart or take a trip to your favorite store, visit us at the PTO Uniform Exchange "AIS Winter Collection" Edition. We have leggings, pants, sweaters, tops, dresses, and skirts for all.
- When: Tuesday, Dec 7th and Thursday, Dec 9th from 3:30 to 5 pm
- How: The racks will be out in front of the school on the patio for you to shop at your convenience. When you're done, simply place $1 per item you take in the box (honor system).
- We will also leave a bin in case you have items to donate back to the exchange.
Thank you to Karen Rodriguez, Nikl Burke, Holly Johnson, & Peri Johnson for your support in sorting, organizing, and washing all the items!
December Virtual Board Meeting - Tue., 12/14 6:30 pm
All community members are invited to join the AIS Governing Board for the open session of the Virtual December Board Meeting on Tuesday, 12/14 at 6:30 pm. The open session of the board meeting is structured to enable our volunteer board and the Head of School to conduct school business that requires board involvement. At the end of the open session, there will be approximately ten minutes allocated for public comments, during which members of the AIS community may voice feedback to the board.
Winter Class Parties - Fri., 12/17 2:50 - 3:15 pm
Students will celebrate the winter break on Friday, 12/17 during class. Stay tuned for more information from your teachers and room parents.
Community Vaccination/Immunity Survey
As we continue to navigate the complexities of providing rigorous, world-class education during the COVID-19 pandemic, we remain committed to making data-informed decisions that are also guided by sound medical advice. An important data point that helps us establish relative risk levels for our community is that of our AIS community vaccination/immunity rate. These data will—along with other data points—help guide our school's decision to make adjustments to our adaptive health protocols around masking, distancing, and cohorting. Full participation from our community is important in order to help provide us with the most reliable information possible. We ask that all families take a few minutes to submit this online form, even if you decline to provide a vaccination status. All information submitted through this form will remain confidential. Thank you in advance for helping our team make the most informed decisions possible!
COVID-19 Vaccination Records
With the recent authorization of the Pfizer vaccine for children aged 5-11, we know that a number of AIS families have already scheduled or plan to schedule COVID-19 vaccinations for their children. If you elect to vaccinate your child, please remember to submit the vaccination record to our school so that we may include it in the student file. Austin Public Health provides flowchart-based contact tracing and quarantine guidance and an important part of this is knowing whether or not the exposed individual has been vaccinated. You may submit a copy of your child’s vaccination record via email to records@austinis.org.
December Student Birthdays
Happy Birthday, bon anniversaire, and feliz cumpleanos to the following students with December birthdays: Carina A., Amélie Z., Saya F., Lydia L., Nicolas P., Alva T., Ayden C., Ava R., Artemis S., Olivia W., Matthew J., Meyrin L., Gabrielle B., Roman P., Gabriella P., Maxim T., William J., Cora H., Robby S., Jamie D., Anna C., & Sienna B.
Save the dates
Mark these important upcoming dates on your calendars.
- 12/4 Winter Open House
- 12/7-12/8 Kendra Scott Spirit Events
- 12/14 AIS Board Meeting
- 12/17 Winter Class Celebrations
- 12/20-12/31 Winter Holiday Break/No School
- 1/3 Staff In-Service/No School
- 1/4 Students return from Winter Break
- 1/6 Head of School Coffee
- 1/17 MLK Day/No School
- 1/19 Report Cards Disseminated
- 1/25 Board Meeting
- 1/27 Austin Spurs Spirit Night
Austin International School
Email: info@austinis.org
Website: www.austininternationalschool.org
Location: 4001 Adelphi Lane, Austin, TX, United States
Phone: 512-331-7806
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AustinInternationalSchool
Twitter: @austinintschool