Voluntary COVID-19 Screening Tests
for Unvaccinated Students and Staff
District 41 will be offering COVID-19 saliva screening tests this school year for unvaccinated students and staff. The screening tests will be provided and administered once a week at school through the SHIELD Illinois program at no cost to the district.
If you would like your child/ren to participate, please complete the "Voluntary Covid-19 Testing Consent Form" in Skyward before August 27. If you have already filled out the form or do not want to participate, you do not need to take further action.
The program will tentatively start on September 13. CLICK HERE for more information about the District 41 SHIELD Illinois program.
Glen Ellyn School District 41
Email: webmaster@d41.org
Website: www.d41.org
Location: 793 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Facebook: facebook.com/glenellynd41
Twitter: @glenellynd41