Wolverine Weekly
Parent Edition: 1-31-2021 to 2-6-2021
Employee of the Month
Congratulations Hilary Lopp! Thank you for all that you have done during this school year.
Teacher of the Month
Congratulations Ms. Cuomo! Thank you for all that you do for our students!
Zach Deaton
Congratulations on being selected Student of the Month by your teachers!
Aiden Canipe
Congratulations on being selected Student of the Month by your teachers!
Patrick Hallman
Congratulations on being selected Student of the Month by your teachers!
Kate Bookout
Congratulations on being selected Student of the Month by your teachers!
Kenan Fowler
Congratulations on being selected Student of the Month by your teachers!
Cody Smith
Congratulations on being selected Student of the Month by your teachers!
Sandra Randall
Congratulations on being selected Student of the Month by your teachers!
Joshua Morgado
Congratulations on being selected Student of the Month by your teachers!
Bryson Withers
Congratulations on being selected Student of the Month by your teachers!
Ava Miller
Congratulations on being selected Student of the Month by your teachers!
Friendly Reminders
- Weekly Progress Reports will continue to be sent home to help you monitor your student's academics
This Week
Nothing on the calendar for this week.....
Looking Ahead
2-15-2021: Remote Learning Day for Both Cohorts
3-11-2021: Early Dismissal & Virtual Parent Conferences
3-11-2021: End of 3rd Nine Weeks
3-12-2021: No School - Optional Teacher Workday