Panther Press
June 10th-16th
8th Grade Promotion Ceremony
June 13, 2022 in SHS Auditorium
All families are invited to attend.
8:00 AM- Gault, Williams, Dillingham, Shelton, Mullins & Tisdel
10:00 AM: Dodson, Pirrone, Sowden, Drake, Constant, Robertson, & Virtual Students
Medication Pick Up
Dear Parent or Guardian:
Thursday, June 16, 2022, is the last day of the 2021-2022 school year for students. Please pick up ALL medications (including inhalers and epipens) in the school clinic. An adult must pick them up, preferably the parent/guardian. You may come anytime between 7:10am and 3:00pm through Wed 6/15/22 to pick up your child’s medication. If you have NOT picked it up by 11:45am on Thursday, June 16, 2022, the medication will be destroyed in compliance with the Isle of Wight County School Board Policy.
Additionally, The Physician’s Request for Administration of Medication Form, Seizure Action Plan, Life Threatening Allergy Action Plan, and Diabetes Medical Management Plan on file for your child are only effective until the end of the school year. If your child will need medication administered next school year, a new order must be obtained from your physician before you bring medication to school in September. For Doctors orders for the 2022-23 school year, see the following:
* Request for Medication Administration go to the IWCS website or click Medication Administration Request Form
* Asthma Action Plan click Virginia Asthma Action Plan
* Life Threatening Allergy Action Plan click Life Threatening Allergy Action Plan
For questions please contact Nurse Harris between 7 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Remember EARLY release at 11:40am on Wednesday 6/15/22 and Thursday 6/16/22.
Rising 8th Grade Students
Exploratory selections Date Extended...
Please complete the form:
It is imperative that this registration form is considered and submitted carefully. Every effort will be made to ensure students receive their preferred exploratory classes. The survey will remain open until Friday (6/3/2022). The 2022-2023 student schedules will be available by August 30, 2022.
June Happenings..
June 13th-8th Grade Promotion Day
June 15th & 16th- Three Hour Early Dismissal
June 16th-Last Day of School/End of 4th Quarter Marking Period
**Weekly Updates may occur as needed
Food Deliveries
Virtual Learning
IWCS will not be offering a full time virtual platform for students in the 2022-2023 school year. If you wish for your child to continue their schooling in a virtual platform you will need to withdraw from IWCS and enroll your student in a virtual program as a homeschool student. Please note, that you will also need to submit your intent to homeschool with IWCS prior to completing the withdrawal paperwork. Information about home instruction can be found here:
SMS PTA is Seeking New Officers for 2022-2023
PTA Officers
President-Chemere Wells
Vice-President-Patrick Bloodgood
Secretary-Jamilia Shipman
Treasurer-Nicole Talton
Member at Large-Alexis Upton-Savedge
Email correspondences are accepted at
Grading Expectation Update
Students who do not submit assignments by the teacher’s specified deadline may receive a zero for not attempting the required assignment.
Cellular Phones/Electronic Devices
•Cellular phones, electronic devices (including watches with texting/calling capabilities) and headphones are not to be displayed or used during the school day. Electronic devices should be off and out of view. Unauthorized use of cell phones or electronic devices will result in disciplinary action. The school is not responsible for loss, theft, or damage of cell phones or electronic devices.
•Classrooms will have a PARK IT, PACK IT, PLUG IT policy. Students may PARK their cellphones in a provided cell phone sleeve located in the classroom, PACK their phone into their bookbag, purse or pocket, or PLUG their phone into the charging stations.
•If students are unable to abide by the SMS Cell Phone Policy, communication will be made home. Continued failure to follow the SMS Cell Phone Policy may result in your child’s cell phone being placed in the principal’s cell phone jail safely until parents/guardians are available to recover the phone from the school.
YELLOW zone - teacher discretion (classrooms)
GREEN zone - acceptable place to use device (lunch courtyard - which must be earned)
RED zone - no cellphones at all (all other locations such as restrooms, cafeteria, clinic, main office)
In case of an emergency, please contact the front office (757-365-4100) and we will make sure that your child is informed.
Students who are pick-ups will be released through the front doors at 2:35pm.
No dismissals will take place between 2:15 and 2:35pm.
Visitors to the school are not permitted to park in the fire lane in the front of the school unless it is dismissal time. Dismissal begins at 2:35 pm and finishes around 2:45.
School Visitors
Visitors are welcome to visit the school. Visitors may conference with teachers, participate in PTA meetings, and/or other school programs. At this time, we are not having visitors eat lunch with students in the cafeteria.
Anyone, including students, who enters a school at nighttime without the consent of an authorized person except to attend an approved meeting or service or who enters or remains on any school property, including school buses, in violation of (i)any direction to vacate the property by an authorized individual or (ii) any posted notice which contains such information, posted at a place where it reasonably may be seen may be prosecuted.
Student handbook
Please see below for a downloadable version on the 2021-2022 student handbook. This handbook contains important information on pick-up/drop-off procedures, technology, discipline, and much more.
Stay Connected
Grades & Schedules
Please be sure you login to PowerSchool Parent Portal to check student schedules and keep track of your child's grades! School Calendar