Our Lady of the Cape Primary School
Newsletter - Wednesday 31 March 2021
You are the light of the world.
Let Jesus shine through you to others.
Matthew 5 13-16
2021 Important Dates
Week 9:
Weds 31 March, 10am : Easter Liturgy / Play / Bonnet Parade 2.30pm: Star Citizen Awards
Thurs 1 April: Y4-6 Swimming Carnival - Margaret River
Week 1:
Mon 19 April: - Term 2 commences
Tues 20 - Fri 23 April: Y6 Camp
Fri 23 April: Anzac Day Assembly
Week 2:
Mon 26 April: Anzac Day Public Holiday
Tue 27 April: No Canteen
Wed 28 Apr: Wheelie, Walkie, Waste-Free Wednesday
Fri 30 Apr: 2M Prayer Assembly
Sat May 1: Y3 Family & Commitment Mass
Please go to our calendar for more dates: https://www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au/calendar.php
Interschool Swimming Sports / OLC Carnival
A very excited and talented group of students travelled to the South West Aquatic Centre last Thursday to represent our school at the interschool swimming carnival. Our students did exceptionally well. Looking forward to seeing our Y4 - Y6 swimmers at the OLC Seniors Carnival in Margaret River on Thursday!
Parent Teacher Interviews
Thank you to all class teachers for preparing parent interviews over the past two weeks. They have been really well attended with teachers sharing student academic progress, attitude and effort and social and emotional wellbeing with parents. If a further meeting is required, please contact your child’s class teacher to organise a time next term.
2022 Kindy Enrolments
We have commenced enrolments and tours for Kindy in 2022. Remember to enrol younger siblings as who will turn 4 before June 30 next year. The more enrolments that we have before the CEWA building panel arrive on May 18, the more likely we will be given funding to update and extend our junior primary facilities.
Harmony Day:
Our Pre Primary classes celebrated our Harmony Day assembly last Friday afternoon. We learnt how Harmony Day celebrates all our differences and to make Australia a great place to live. Thank you to Mrs Birch and Mrs Leahy for coordinating this day for us.
Playground Committee.
Our Senior Playground Committee has had one meeting to develop the playground on the hill overlooking the school oval. Thank you to Alastair Kerr, Matt Armstrong, Brad Reynolds, Craig Saunders and Honor Putland for offering to assist in the planning of a playground that all of our children can enjoy for many years to come. Over time we will be seeking specific donations of materials and your attendance at a busy bee to construct our new playground.
Uniform Committee:
Thank you to Vanessa Gleeson, Chelsea Torrese, Anita Demarchi and Julia Thompson who have met to discuss potential changes to our school uniform. We are currently looking at shorts and trousers for girls and giving boys the option of wearing shorts all year round. Thank you to these generous parents for giving up their time to organise this on behalf of all families.
OLC School Advisory Council
Chairperson: Craig Saunders.
Secretary: Caron Reynolds.
Treasurer: Felicity Pollard.
Members: Fr. Francis, Damon Eastaugh, Matt Polain, Gary Hodge, Reece Duffield, Eugene Lee, Adrian Torrese, Amie Meyer (After LSL)
Thank you, Mrs Holt
Mrs Holt has done an excellent job coordinating RE in the school while Mrs Meyer has been on Long Service Leave during term one. It is no easy job promoting Catholic values every day, facing many daily challenges. Mrs Holt is a very organised person, highly qualified, and we all know that she is an excellent teacher who displays our school values on a day-to-day basis.
P&F Executive
Thanks to our P&F executives and all the class reps for the 2021 school year. Our official office bearers for this year are,
President: Paul Richardson.
Vice President: Matt Armstrong.
Secretary: Honor Putland
Treasurer: Annie Mussell
Our Pre Primary classes skillfully planted potatoes this week. If the weather is kind to us, they should be ready for wedges to eat and for sale at assembly by the end of term 2 or early term 3. We will then plant our corn and sunflower seeds in late term 3. A few classes will plant and nurture our corn seeds prior to this time.
Worm wizz is available for sale at any time, especially before and after assemblies. Fresh free range eggs will also be available. All proceeds will go to ‘Wheelchairs for kids’, so a small child somewhere in the world can become mobile instead of just sitting in the dust all day long.
Mrs King’s class enjoyed learning a little more about looking after God’s earth with their science lesson looking at the many amazing qualities of earthworms.
Wheelie, Walkie, Waste-Free Wednesdays
Next term dates (All on school website)
Monday 19 April: Term 2 commences.
Monday 26 April: ANZAC Day holiday
No canteen on Tuesday 27 April (Sarah catering for 100 teachers in our school hall)
Tuesday 11 May: Wheels After Meals
Friday 4 June: Pupil Free day
Monday 7 June: WA Day Public Holiday
Tuesday 8 June: Pupil Free Day
Tuesday 15 June: Wheels After Meals
Wednesday 17 June: Cross Country
Sunday 27 June: First Holy Communion
Friday 2 July: 3-6 Dance Extravaganza (After Lunch)
OSHC Updates
We are steadily working our way through the legislation, policies and procedures to have an Out of School Hours facility here at OLC. The earliest date we are currently looking at is December 19 commencing with holiday care. We met with CEWA reps last week to assist with our planning.
Fr. Francis, ten years being a priest Mass.
Congratulations to Fr Francis on being in the Priesthood for ten years. He held a special Mass on Tuesday evening and celebrations in our school hall afterwards.
The 2021 NAPLAN testing will run from 11 May through to 14 May. All students in Years 3 and 5 are required to undertake NAPLAN unless parents choose to withdraw their child. Parents wishing to withdraw their child must contact me to obtain a Withdrawal Form. The form must be submitted by Wednesday 28 April.
Happy Easter
May all our families enjoy a safe and joyful Easter.
Our Easter Liturgy on Wednesday highlights the Risen Jesus and the hope the Easter story brings. Thank you to Father Francis, the Year 5H class and our Pre-Primaries for presenting this to the other classes.
Click on the picture clip to the right to view the dates and times for our local parish mass celebrations.
Sloan Drive in the Mornings
If parents would turn left off at Cape Naturaliste Road onto Endicott Loop, then left onto Sloan Drive, life will hopefully be safer for everyone.
To protect our students who are immunocompromised, please do not send your children to school when they are unwell. Your support is very much appreciated.
Did you know
Our Interschool Swimming team departed on a luxury bus at 8.11am on Thursday morning. All the competitors were all very excited and did exceptionally well.
- Holly and Lola (6) are riding in the Equestrian WA-Interschool State Championships during the holidays.
- Oscar B, Milla, Sienna (3) and Beau were playing totem tennis at 110kmph during break times.
- Hudson Archer (5) dislocated the lower joint in his thumb playing footy last Wednesday at lunchtime. He still managed to play basketball on Wednesday evening and swim like a swordfish on Thursday at the inters. The number one AFL draft pick is out for two weeks after dislocating his thumb on the weekend!
- ‘Wilko’ our care dog comes into school on Fridays.
- Our worms like to eat shredded paper along with fruit and veggie scraps of course.
- Mrs. Sweeney is very good at answering the school phone......... sometimes.
- Cruz (5) has gained a sponsorship with ‘Quicksilver” for his excellent work surfing.
- Skyla, Dior and Georgia (6) were playing netball in the undercover area at lunchtime on Monday.
- Taya, Tara and Myla (6) brought a fresh, warm egg to the office on Monday morning.
- After 336 students finished eating their lunch on Tuesday, there was some popcorn left on the grass. Two crows and three doves were very grateful for their after-lunch snack.
- Adele and Alexis (3) really enjoy playing with the giant “Connect Four” at lunchtimes.
- If you click on any image in this newsletter - it will enlarge!
Watching the students play with the new lunchtime play equipment in the court yard.
Being approached by our Year 6 leaders to speak at Fr Francis' ten year celebration
Some Notes from Admin:
Please note that all absences should be either notified via an online absentee note (https://www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au/absentees_form.html) or the absentee line 9781 3201, or you will receive an absent text in the morning. Even when verbally notified, absentees still require a written or online absentee note to be completed. Thank you for your support.
Lost Property
Parents, there is a large amount of lost property on display outside the Uniform Shop, including items from swimming lessons. Please check if any items belong to your child. These items will be absorbed into second hand uniforms and donated at the end of term.
SMS's From the School
- SMS’s sent from SEQTA now come from a number unique to our school. The number is 0481883616.
- Replies to any SMS messages sent from this number will be sent to the email address admin@ladyofcape.wa.edu.au.
- If you reply to an sms, please note your name so we know who you are!
RE Updates
Thank you "beary" much for embracing our mission fundraiser this term. An outstanding amount of $460 was raised and the children loved having their “special guests” at school for the day! Beary successful!
Family Mass
The first of our Family Masses was last Saturday night. Thank you to those Year 6 families who joined us for blessing of the palms for Palm Sunday. It was also lovely to share some pizza with the students after mass.
News from the P&F
Meelup Sundowner
The Meelup Sundowner was an amazing afternoon of sandcastle building, swimming, sausage sizzles and socialising. The weather definitely turned it on for our first get together of the year and a wonderful afternoon was had by all.
The kids worked incredibly hard to build some very creative sculptures in the sandcastle competition.
A massive thank you to Hot Chocolatte for donating gift vouchers as prizes for the day.
Bogan Bingo
The P&F are currently seeking donations for our Bogan Bingo Fundraiser. If your family or business are able to donate items towards our Fundraising efforts on the night, we would greatly appreciate your contribution.
Please contact Honor at honor.putland@hotmail.com if you are able to help. We’d love to hear from you!
We would also like to say a huge thank you to Myrianthe and Peter Riddy for starting off our donations with an incredible Rottnest Wild Seafood Experience Tour for 2 (valued at around $500) with their business Rottnest and Mandurah Cruizes.
I’m sure there will be some stiff bidding for this wonderful prize on the night!
More about us
Email: admin@ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Website: www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Location: 245 Cape Naturaliste Road, Dunsborough WA, Australia
Phone: 9781 3200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OLCDunsborough/