Hall's Corner
September 17, 2021
Dear BHS Families:
As we end our first cycle of school today, I have a few reminders for you and your students. Please review with them. We need your support!
Please talk to your students about always wearing their masks properly when inside the building, over the nose and over the mouth! We only allow masks to be removed when eating/drinking in the cafeteria and GYM during FLEX. Students are encouraged to take mask breaks and eat outside under the tent or at the stadium where they can remove masks.
Homeroom/school starts at 7:40 AM! Last year we started at 7:49 AM so there is a difference. Please make sure your students arrive to school by 7:40 AM so that they can attend homeroom, hear the announcements and Pledge of Allegiance, and receive special paperwork and reminders from homeroom teachers.
Schools across the United States are seeing a rash of thefts and vandalism taking place inside and outside their school buildings. A new TikTok trend has developed called “viscous licks” where students film themselves stealing school property or destroying/vandalizing school property. At BHS, we have seen this taking place in our school bathrooms. Soap dispensers have been ripped off the walls and either smashed or taken. In response to this trend, we have increased our presence in and around our bathrooms multiple times per period. I also shared an announcement with students on the PA system asking the 99% of students not doing any of this nonsense to help us address the 1% who are. Please see below for my entire message. Thank you for talking to your students about this unacceptable behavior.
BHS OPEN HOUSE Feedback Requested!
Thank you so much for your participation and support of our building open house/curriculum night! We are seeking feedback on what worked well for families and new ideas to consider as we plan for next year. Please click on the thought exchange below to share feedback.
Link to the BHS OPEN HOUSE Thought Exchange
Topics covered in today’s Hall’s Corner: READ ONLY WHAT YOU WANT!
Senior Parent Nights – Check this out! IMPORTANT INFO!
Junior PSAT Prep Courses
NEW BHS Library/Media Center Website Launched
BHS School Pictures were taken at BHS!
.....Order pictures online at: www.mcastudios.com
.....Enter Order Code:
.....Retake day, October 22
Athletic News
.....Check out this website for the most up to date athletic schedules
.....Follow Brighton Sports on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/BCSDSports
Calendar of Future Events – Check this out!
Senior Parent Nights – Three Great Information Nights – Check it out!
1st Night – 9/23 at 6:30 PM – BHS Auditorium and ZOOM
Please join the BHS counseling department on September 23rd at 6:30 p.m. in the BHS Auditorium for Senior College Night. Much of our presentation will be geared towards the college application process.
2nd Night – 10/5 at 6:30 PM – BHS Auditorium and ZOOM
The second night of our three-part post-secondary options series will be Financial Aid Night on October 5th at 6:30 in the BHS Auditorium.
3rd Night – 10/12 at 6:30 PM – ZOOM ONLY.
Our third night on October 12th at 6:30, the counselors will present to the students/families who are undecided, would like to go to a vocational school, take a gap year, or consider one of the branches of the military.
These presentations will be in person and over ZOOM. Please remember to wear your mask. If you are more comfortable viewing our parent nights via zoom, zoom link will be sent the day of the event.
Are you a Junior taking the PSAT exam in school on October 13th? Be prepared and confident before you take your exam! This class will help you become comfortable with the exam format and style and provide tips for achieving your most successful outcome. You will practice the three sections of the exam, Reading, Writing & Language, and Math and complete at least one practice exam in class.
This class meets for a total of twelve hours; from 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. on October 4, 5, 6, and 7th OR from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on October 2nd and 9th (Saturdays). Select the session that fits your schedule!
Class Fee: $99; student also purchases PSAT textbook: Barron's Strategies and Practice for the PSAT/NMSQT, 2nd Edition (ISBN-13: 973-1438008882 or ISBN-10: 1438008880) Financial assistance is available through the BHS Counseling Office; see Ms. Ingle for more info. Complete information and registration are available at https://brightonschools.revtrak.net.
Ms. Mary Jo Jepson, a retired BHS teacher who has led PSAT, SAT, and ACT Exam Prep classes at Brighton High School for more than 20 years, will teach this class remotely using Zoom. You do not have to be a BHS student to register! You do not have to be a Junior to register! Students taking the November or December SAT exam are welcome to register for this PSAT focused class as prep or a refresher; future SAT exam prep class dates are listed at brightonschools.revtrak.net and bcsd.org/communityeducation.
Brighton HS Library Media Center
The BHS Library Website has been completely rebuilt and redesigned with the help of library staff member Ms. Natalie Larimer. Thanks Ms. Larimer! We hope that users find the new design to be easier to navigate and use.
There will be more content and resources coming soon as the year progresses.
Here's the link
LibGuides: Brighton HS Library Media Center: Home
LibGuides: Brighton HS Library Media Center: Home
All links on the BCSD district and BHS pages have been repointed to our new page.
Administration and Counselor Contact Information
Date ….. .,,,,,Event………………………………………………......................................................Time
9/23 …………12th Grade Parent Night, Aud. (Zoom avail.) ………………....................…...6:30 PM
9/27-10/2 .Homecoming Week with Game & Parade on Saturday!
9/ 29…… ….PTSA Meeting with Principal for PARENTS, Room 262..........…..Noon & 7 PM
10/2 …………SAT Testing BHS………………………………………………….....................................…8:00 AM
10/4 ………..BHS Community Ed. Fall Prog. Begins
10/5...........Financial Aid Night – for all parents with kids heading to college!!!!
....................in BHS Aud. (Zoom avail.) ........................................................................6:30 PM
10/7........... Brighton Believes Council Meeting, Admin ............................................12 -1 PM
...................Families of Color Meeting....................................................................7 – 8:15 PM
10/8..........Superintendent’s Conference Day................................................... No School
10/11........Indigenous People Recognized/Columbus Day................................No School
10/12.........Grade 12 Parent Night, Aud. (Zoom avail.)....................................6:30 – 8:30 PM
...................Support Group for Parents of Children with Social
....................and School-Related Anxiety ................................................................7 – 8:15 PM
10/13 .........PSAT for Juniors ....................................................................................School day
10/23 .........ACT, BHS......................................................................................................8:00 AM
10/14.........9th Grade Parent Night, Aud........................................................................6:30 PM
10/ 20 .......Central PTSA Community Mtg., Admin. ....................................................7 – 8 PM
10/22.........Picture Retakes .
10/23 ........ACT Exam, BHS ...........................................................................................8 – 11AM
10/25 - 29 Red Ribbon Week
10/ 26 ........PTSA Meeting with the Principal for PARENTS, Room 262........Noon and 7 PM
10/ 29 & 30 Fall Play, Blood Relations, BHS Auditorium ..............................................7 – 9 PM
PA Announcement on 9/15/2021 IN RESPONSE TO TIK TOK and VISCOUS LICKS
Good Morning BHS Students:
It really angers me to have to address the issue of theft and vandalism and destruction of school property in our BHS bathrooms, especially knowing that 99% of our students would never do this… and I have to speak to the 1% who is, as we don’t yet know for sure who the vandals are, but we have several leads. To all those students who just go about their day and use the restrooms appropriately and for what they were meant for, I am sorry you have to hear this. However, I need your help in addressing this problem and helping us to fix it so that it does not continue.
From what I am told, there is a new trend, maybe related to TikTok, where people either steal school property or destroy it and video themselves doing it. In our case, this is happening in our male restrooms inside the school and in our bathrooms outside near the concession stand. Soap dispensers are being knocked off the walls with soap spraying all over the floor. We have replaced soap dispensers only to have them broken or knocked off once again. Not only does this take our custodial staff away from their work, but it creates an unsafe environment for those simply trying to use the restroom and wash their hands. To have basic hygiene items available at all times for all students during the day is critical to ensure health and safety and should be a given for every student, every day.
Starting today, we'll be taking additional steps to monitor all student restrooms multiple times each period with a system in place that will allow us to determine those responsible. Please know this is not how anyone wants to be spending their time during the day when there are so many positive things we want to do this school year. Please, we need your help! If you see something suspicious, say something and please report it. If you happen to see videos posted to social media of students vandalizing or destroying school property, please report that to us as well. You can do this anonymously through the safe schools helpline or by seeing a counselor, teacher, security guard, or administrator. We also have video surveillance in all of the hallways at BHS and outside all restrooms areas.
The act of stealing items and/or destroying items or school property is against school policy and against the law.
Thank you to everyone for helping to make BHS a safe, clean, and welcoming place for everyone each day.