Athens State University RIC
February 2022
Tennessee Valley Edcamp 2022
I do want to tell you about an exciting event that we have been working on for two years, Tennessee Valley Edcamp. If you have never attended an Edcamp, you are in for a treat!
Edcamps offer an unconference style format, where educators can learn about lots of topics in short round table discussions in one day. This event provides choice and voice for all educators. Choice because you are able to choose the sessions you attend, and voice because you have the opportunity to lead a session about something great that you are implementing in your classroom.
This event is going to take place on June 9, 2022, at Priceville High School, from 9:00-2:00 PM. Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided. Also, there will be lots of great giveaways and door prizes. You don't want to miss this opportunity to network with other educators throughout our region.
Tennessee Valley Edcamp is a collaborative effort between Athens State University Regional Inservice Center and all ten school districts within our region (Athens City, Blount County, Cullman City, Cullman County, Decatur City, Hartselle City, Lawrence County, Limestone County, Morgan County, and Oneonta City Schools).
We are super excited about this opportunity and hope that you will be able to join us for this one-day event. Registration goes live on March 8, 2022
Professional Learning Community for EL Teachers
The 6 Principles for Exemplary Teaching of English Learners
Description: This training is a professional learning community dedicated to exemplary teaching and learning of English as a new language. Participants will meet four times during the school year to discover the universal guidelines drawn from decades of research in language pedagogy and language acquisition theory. The six principles include: 1. Know your learners. 2. Create conditions for language learning. 3 Design high-quality lessons for language development. 4. Adapt lesson delivery as needed. 5. Monitor and assess student language development. 6. Engage and collaborate within a community of practice. Participants will create various products (lessons, assessments, etc.) that will be used in the classroom and the results will be discussed in the PLC. This course is limited to only 20 people as it will function as a PLC. Participants will receive 20.0 hours credit.
Date: February 16, 2022 (Final Session)
Time: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Format: In Person
Cullman County Board of Education
402 Arnold Street NE
Cullman, AL 35055
Facilitator: Robin Stutts, ALSDE Regional EL Specialist
CEU: 20 Hours
Calling All Special Education Teachers
Essential Skills for Special Education Teachers
Date: Friday, February 11, 2022
Time: 8:30-3:30 PM
Location: Athens State University (Carter Gym)
300 N. Beaty Street
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Sonya Yates, CALT, NBCT
Register HERE
K-3 Administrators
Essential Standards and 3rd Grade Portfolio (Literacy Act)
- Essential skills and standards in the Literacy Act Portfolio (LAP)
- LAP creation process
- Determining who needs a LAP
- Promotion determination
- Evidence required in the LAP
- Use of current materials/programs
- LAP Checklist
Date: Thursday, February 10, 2022
Time: 8:00-11:00 AM
Leon Sheffield Magnet Schools (Decatur City Schools)
801 Wilson Street
Decatur, AL 35601
Facilitator: Sonya Yates, CALT, NBCT
Register HERE
Powerful Conversations Network
Description: The Powerful Conversations Network (PCN) is comprised of school teams across Alabama. The purpose of the PCN is to connect participants to research-based and actionable professional learning and foster the creation of a collaborative and supportive network. The focus for PCN this year will be on accelerating learning to address the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. The guiding text will be The New Art and Science of Teaching, by Marzano, et. al.
This session is for previously registered participants.
Date: February 17, 2022 (Meeting #3) and March 10, 2022 (Meeting #4)
Time: 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Format: In Person
Beasley Center - First United Methodist Church
202 West Bryan Street
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Alyson Carpenter and Kelli Nichols
CEU: 32 Clock Hours or 1 PLU
ELA Textbook Adoption
2022 English Language Arts Textbook Caravan
Description: The 2022 English Language Arts Textbook Caravan provides textbook committee members an opportunity to listen to formal, scheduled textbook presentations from the publishing representatives in order to assist them in purchasing the best resources for their district. Districts are encouraged to send a representative team to both the elementary (K-6) & secondary (6-12) textbook caravans in their inservice region.
District teams will be provided a schedule to follow which gives them equitable access to presentations from each state-adopted comprehensive resource. In addition, publishing representatives from state-adopted supplemental resources will be available with exhibitions of their resources.
As a part of the schedule, district teams will be provided a collaborative period during the day in which they can match notes and discuss which resources best meet their district’s needs as well as visit with supplemental providers. In order to maximize the day for participants, lunch will be provided at no cost to the participants.
The 2022 English Language Arts Textbook Caravan is for textbook adoption committee members only.
Session: Elementary (Grade Levels K-5)
Date: February 28, 2022
Time: 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Format: In Person
Location: Athens State University Campus
Facilitator: Lisa Silver and Patrick Chappell
CEU: 6 Hours
Registration Link: Register HERE
Session: Secondary (Grade Levels 6-12)
Date: March 1, 2022
Time: 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Format: In Person
Location: Athens State University Campus
Facilitator: Lisa Silver and Patrick Chappell
CEU: 6 Hours
Registration Link: Register HERE
National Board Certified Teacher
Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Candidates
Please sign up for individual planning times with Patty Maze and/or Mentor for Review of Work during the months of March-May. This sign-up is only for MOC Candidates.
MOC Planning with Patty Maze and Mentor Sign Up
NBCT Q & A/Technology Tips
Description: Participants will receive technology tips on submitting written work and uploading videos for components 2-4. Participants will be given time to ask questions they have encountered on any of the components.
Lawrence County BOE
Date: February 8, 2022
Time: 3:15 PM - 5:30 PM
Format: In Person
Lawrence County Board of Education
14131 Market St
Moulton, AL 35650
Facilitator: Patty Maze
CEU: 2.5 Hours
Register HERE
North Cohort-Morgan County Educator Resource Center
Date: February 8, 2022
Time: 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Format: In Person
Morgan County Educator Resource Center
235 Alabama Highway 67
Decatur, AL 35603
Facilitator: Ellen Thompson
CEU: 2.5 Hours
Register HERE
South Cohort-Cullman City BOE
Date: February 8, 2022
Time: 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Format: In Person
Cullman City Board of Education
301 1st Street NE
Cullman, AL 35055
Facilitator: Stacy Dove
CEU: 2.5 Hours
Register HERE
NBCT 2022 Scholarship Writing Tips
Description: Each year the Alabama State Department of Education, through the support of the Alabama Legislature, offers scholarship money to educators for the registration fees of the NBCT process. Participants in this session will receive writing and application tips to complete a successful NBCT Scholarship.
NBCT 2022 Scholarship Writing Tips (First Opportunity)
Date: February 10, 2022
Time: 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Format: Virtual
Facilitator: Sue Noah and Kate Armstrong
CEU: 2 Hours
Register HERE
NBCT 2022 Scholarship Writing Tips (Second Opportunity)
Date: February 23,
Time: 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Format: Virtual
Facilitator: Sue Noah and Kate Armstrong
CEU: 2 Hours
Register HERE
NBCT Writing Retreat
Description: Participants will work on7 Components 2-4 for their specific certificate areas. Candidate Support Providers will provide candidate support through reading, reviewing, and providing feedback to current NBCT Candidates. Credit hours received are dependent on hours of participation.
Date: April 22, 2022 and April 23, 2022
Time: 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Format: In Person
Athens State Regional Inservice Center
1115 US Hwy 31 South
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Patty Maze
CEU: 14 Hours
Register HERE
Approved Professional Development Providers for TEAMS Teachers
Hudson Alpha Institute for Biotechnology
ACAP Summative Science, ELA, and Math Test Blueprints
ACAP Supplemental Reading Test Information
There are two supplemental test windows for the ACAP Reading Test. Check with your district curriculum director for further information.
Window 1: 6/27/2022 - 7/1/2022
Window 2: 7/18/2022 - 7/22/2022
Retired ACAP Summative Items in Scantron Achievement Series
Retired NAEP Items in Scantron Achievement Series
- Access to item banks for teachers to create tests for their students to help prepare them for NAEP
- Scantron also has available built-in pre-made tests for the NAEP retired questions.
- An additional resource for NAEP can be found here: NAEP 2022 Some Questions Booklets Available.
Upcoming 2022 Conferences
Location: Mobile, Alabama
MEGA Conference July 11-15
Location: Mobile, Alabama
Bite Sized Professional Learning Series (February)
Athens State University Regional Inservice Center
Program and Financial Assistant: Leigh Ann Todd (leighann.todd@athens.edu)
Website: https://www.athens.edu/academics/education/in-service-center/
Location: 1115 U.S. Hwy 31, Athens, AL, USA
Phone: 256-216-6622
Facebook: facebook.com/AthensStateRIC
Twitter: @AthensStateRIC