Lone Oak Elementary Newsletter
Fueled by Faith and Family!!!
LOISD Chief, Mr. Casey Northcutt
Hello, Lone Oak ISD parents. For those of you new to the school district, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Casey Northcutt, and I am the Chief of Police for your Lone Oak ISD Police Department. I want to welcome everyone back to school and look forward to another great school year. I am very excited about this year and look forward to getting to know you and your children. Continuing the tradition of having one of the safest schools in Texas is a job I do not take lightly and I will continue to improve the district’s safety and security plans. I genuinely believe this is a TEAM effort with law enforcement, staff, and district parents coming together for the safety of everyone. I encourage everyone to please follow all school guidelines, such as approaching the school at the main front entrance and following the procedures for dropping/picking up all kids before and after school. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me via email at cnorthcutt@loisd.net. It’s going to be a great year for Buffalo Nation!
BUFF Dads is a program designed for elementary and secondary school campuses to provide positive male role models for the students at Lone Oak ISD. The presence of these "BUFF Dads" will have the following benefits on the students they interact with:
- They will act as a positive role model.
- The additional adult presence will aide in reducing negative behavior.
- They will provide enhanced school safety and security by being an additional set of eyes and ears watching over the students.
- Their presence and time investment will demonstrate to the students that their safety and their education are a valued and essential part of our community.
- These father figures will gain a greater awareness of the challenges that students face daily. As a result, they can learn to relate to and support their students to build deeper connections.
Father figures and male role models are extremely important in the early child development years as children grow. Sadly, as society changes, single-family households have increased, leaving many kids without a positive male role model in their everyday life. As a BUFF Dad, Lone Oak ISD will bring that back to every child in our elementary and middle school with the help of great father-figure volunteers.
If you are interested in learning more there will be a meeting on August 22, 2023 @6:00pm, in the Lone Oak Elementary Cafeteria.
Car Tag Information
Car tags are available for new families in the office. One tag per family. Returning families may use their one from last year. If you need to purchase an additional tag they are $5 each.
Reminder: For your child's safety, if you do not have a car tag, you will be asked to come to the office to sign your child out. Please have a photo ID available.
***Students cannot be picked up or signed out by anyone who is not listed on the Parent Portal.
Please remember our no change policy for transportation. We want students to experience consistency each day.
Morning Drop Off
Please have your child ready to exit the vehicle on the right side once you have come to a complete stop. This will help move the car line along in a timely manner.
If you would like to speak to a staff member regarding bus transportation, the Bus Barn number is: 903 634-5260
Arrival and Dismissal Information
- Follow Highway 69 past all LOISD buildings
- Turn right off of Highway 69 after the football field, onto Buffalo Crossing (Google Maps has this as 3417, but the street sign says 3426)
- Continue on Buffalo Crossing (3426), going behind the softball/baseball fields
- You will arrive at the newly paved addition behind LOES (see second photo)
- Turn in to our newly paved addition on the east side of the building (behind the gym)
- Drop your child off and complete the circle drive
- Exit the circle drive, turning right onto County Road 3426
- Follow the road to FM 513 and proceed to your destination from this point
- Please do not turn in to the north end of the building due to this being the new bus lane
- Repeat this process for afternoon pick up
As we begin the 2023-2024 school year, all LOISD schools will continue to keep campuses closed during lunch times. We love that we live in a community with parents and family members who are so involved with their students. However, safety is always our number one focus, and space is quickly becoming a concern as well with the growth that our district is experiencing. For this reason, we ask for your help in keeping our kids safe, and keeping the number of visitors in and out of our doors to a minimum. We will continue to have "picnic on the playground" for each grade level this year!
Lunches for the 2023-2024 school year will be $3.25
- Regular lunches will be $3.25, and those that need a larger portion have the option to order an adult portion for $5.00.
- Please put lunch money in an envelope or baggie with student and teacher name.
Looking Forward...Kona Ice Thursday, August 24
Refills with Kona cup-$4
12oz. $4
16oz. $5
18oz. $6
Social Media
At Lone Oak Independent School District we are dedicated to telling "our story". We need your help! If you have something positive to share on social media about our campus, we would appreciate it! If you have a concern, please call Me/Mrs. Whitehead directly. We want our campus to shine and be celebrated in a positive manner!
LOISD Mission
To create a supportive learning environment that nurtures positive self esteem and physical well-being while enabling students to reach their fullest academic and social potential. The district accepts the responsibilities for preparing students to be productive citizens and lifelong learners in our changing world.
eing while enabling students to reach their fullest academic and social potential. The district accepts the responsibilities for preparing students to be productive citizens and lifelong learners in our changing world.
Please have your child to school by 7:40. Students should be in their classrooms, ready to learn by 7:45. Over time, a lot of instruction can be lost when your child arrives to school late.