NSE News
Updates + Information for Families
We have a huge collection of coats in the lost and found! If your child is missing a coat please remind them to check for it. Also, if your child is in need of a coat as the temperatures drop please let us know. We have new winter coats that have been donated to help students in need.
Thanksgiving Food Drive!
Our Thanksgiving food drive is happening now! We are collecting items to prepare food boxes to help Stewart County families. Items can be dropped off at the NSE office.
Important Dates: Mark Your Calendar!
November 6 - PTO Meeting CANCELLED
November 8 - Veterans Day Program
November 10 - No School - Veterans Day
November 17 - Turkey Tango (PBS reward day at school)
November 22-24 - No School - Thanksgiving
December 4-15 - Mastery Connect Benchmark Window for 3rd-5th Grades
December 15 - Abbreviated Day
December 18 - January 1 - Winter Break
Report Cards: Oct. 20, Jan. 12, Mar. 28, May 24
Progress Reports: Nov. 21, Feb. 16, May 3
Keep working on those Little Debbie Fundraiser orders! This is great way for our school to raise money for special projects while enjoying a sweet treat!
🧠Current Guidebooks Unit for 3rd-5th Grade ELA Classes 📚
3rd Grade
Students read literary and informational texts to learn that stories and books are important for learning about themselves and others. Students understand that storytelling can be a way to connect them to others and pass on family history and traditions. Students express their understanding by explaining how characters learn lessons through their experiences with one another and by writing their own story based on illustrations.
4th Grade
Students read literary and informational texts to learn about folktales in order to understand how they help to preserve the culture of societies that have disappeared. Students express their understanding by comparing an element in two different folktales and creating a dramatic presentation from a folktale.
5th Grade
Students read literary and informational texts about how Native Americans and global explorers laid the foundation for the United States. Students understand and express their understanding of how we learn about our past and how that impacts who we are today by writing about character and theme development and discussing how point of view is important for constructing meaning.
Helpful Links to Check Out
Order Your Yearbook Online
November Lunch Menu - Meals are FREE for ALL students!
Numbers You May Need:
Transportation Office 931-232-7342