Senior Countdown
Fife High School Class of 2021 Info
May 25, 2021
Dear Class of 2021,
Every year with a few weeks to go toward graduation send senior families a comprehensive letter outlining the different details surrounding graduation. This is the same information that we covered in our senior meeting on 5/24. This information will also be mailed home this week. If you didn't attend the senior meeting, I'd really suggest you watch the video linked below.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions. We are looking forward to seeing so many of you over these next few weeks.
Brandon Bakke
Calendar of Events
5/26 Senior Xello Portfolios Due
6/7 Edgenuity Course Completion Deadline
6/7 Seniors Night Out Formal! 7PM Gym
6/8 Final exams Cohort A and Remote Students
6/9 Final exams Cohort B
6/10 ESPY Sports Awards in Cafeteria 6PM
6/10 Senior Checkout in all classes (Cohort A- In person)- Graduation tickets distributed
6/11 Senior Checkout in all classes (Cohort B)- Graduation tickets distributed
6/11 Senior Sunset Movie Night in Stadium (Senior Video and a Movie) Time 8:30PM
6/12 Senior Caravan Drive Through Fife, Edgewood, Milton AM Time 9AM
6/13 Senior Grad Celebration Event (run by Booster parent group)
6/14 Remote Students Senior Checkout 8AM- Graduation Tickets Distributed
6/14 Senior Graduation Rehearsal at Washington State Fair 1PM (arrive at 12:45PM)
6/15 Graduation 6:30PM Washington State Fairgrounds (Limited in person and Streamed)
6/21 Diploma Pick Up Drive Up, FHS Bus Loop, Time 9-11, 1-3PM
8/1 Google and Skyward Accounts Close
8/12 1-3PM Yearbook Pickup
Senior Night Out!
On Monday 6/7 Seniors who signed up will be participating in our Senior Night Out festivities! This includes an opportunity to take pictures at Wild Hearts Farm anytime between 11:30 and 3PM, followed by our Senior Awards Ceremony at FHS. Seniors who signed up should arrive at FHS between 6-6:30PM, park in the staff parking lot. We encourage you to dress up for this event, but formal attire is optional. More information has been provided to those who signed up, but anyone can view this event online live beginning at 7PM at tinyurl.com/fifelive
Senior Caravan
The Senior Caravan through our parts of our local communities is June 12th at 9AM. Seniors who would like to participate should show up in the staff parking lot between 8 and 8:30AM so we can stage everyone. Seniors should be dressed in cap and gown. We will depart at 9AM through a predetermined route which we will communicate out to the community. We have adjusted the route a little from last year’s version of this event to allow us to keep our caravan together a bit easier… we estimate it will take about 1 hour to complete the route.
Senior Checkout Info for all seniors including Running Start students
On the last day of class for each cohort on campus seniors will be formally checking out from school. Students will still attend class on this day as well as turning in any classroom materials, paying any fines that are on their accounts, and turning in their chromebooks, cases, and chargers. Students must have all their fines paid in order to get official transcripts sent to any colleges or institutions needing them.
Remote students and Running Start students must come to campus on your checkout date (you will simply be turning in materials-including Chromebooks, paying fines, and picking up grad tickets and then you can leave).
Cohort A checkout= 6/10
Cohort B checkout= 6/11
Remote Students and Full Time Running Start Students= 6/14 (8-11AM)
Graduation Details
The graduation ceremony is at the Washington State Fairgrounds 110 9th Ave SW, Puyallup, WA 98371
Parking is free, park in the Gold Lot on Meridian near the Starbucks.
Graduates arrive between 5:30 and 6PM through the Gold Gate.
Gates also open for guest seating at 5:30PM. Please plan for traffic.
No Balloons or horns allowed inside the Fair
Due to COVID health protocols, following the ceremonies families can greet their graduate in the parking lot, there is no loitering afterwards within the fair’s gates.
The ceremony will be live streamed from the district website, www.fifeschools.com
Each graduate will be given 5 tickets for the graduation ceremony. Tickets will be distributed to seniors at their checkout day. Tickets (seating assignments) are distributed in a random draw so it makes no difference when your cohort checks out. If you need seats for your family in a wheelchair accessible section, seniors please let us know on the day you are checking out so we can be sure to get your tickets in the appropriate section.
Graduates Sign up for who you want to sit with!
Graduates can sign up with a partner to sit next to each other at graduation. To request to sit next to another person you must complete a sign up form by Wednesday June 2. Only one of the two of you need to fill out the form, but be sure both students have agreed that they want to sit next to one another. https://forms.gle/wxSkhnCzn6k9qNzQ6
Required Graduation Rehearsal
Monday 6/14 from 1-3:30PM is our graduation rehearsal at the Washington State Fairgrounds in Puyallup. Students can drive themselves to the venue. Park in the Gold parking lot (near the Starbucks) and enter through the Gold Gate. Students must be inside the venue ready to go by 1PM SHARP.
Need A Ride to Rehearsal??
Appropriate Graduate Attire for Graduation Ceremony
Please check your graduation gowns as soon as possible to determine whether Jostens has provided you with the correct size. If there is a problem, please contact Jostens at: 800.922.7007 or 253.851.9396.
Graduation is considered a formal occasion and in order to be dressed appropriately students should dress as follows:
Awards and Regalia--Only Fife High School distributed academic cords and medals are worn during the FHS Graduation Ceremony.
Gowns—Graduation gowns should be ironed before wearing.
Shoes—please wear dress shoes, no tennis shoes or beach sandals. Please wear shoes that you can walk up and down stairs in safely. Some high heels are challenging footwear when students are experiencing graduation excitement.
Shirts should have a collar, and ties are recommended, but not required.
Pants—Dress pants are recommended. Jeans or shorts are NOT considered appropriate.
Students are not allowed to wear any accessories or decorations on their caps or over their gowns during the ceremony that are not provided by the school. Individual students who desire to wear accessories that have cultural symbolism must get prior approval from the principal.
Students who fail to comply with the above standards may be removed from the ceremony.
Due to the pandemic, students will be provided with a matching Class of 2021 facemask that graduates will wear during the ceremony. These will be given to the students at the ceremony just prior to it beginning. Students should arrive that evening with a disposable mask that they can throw away.
Pictures at Graduation
Class Act Photography will be taking pictures during the ceremony as your student receives their diploma. Photos will be available online with more information provided to your grad at graduation practice.
Diploma Pickup, Transcripts, Shot Records
Diploma pick up 6/21 from Time 9-11AM and 1-3PM. To minimize the amount of traffic through the office this will be a drive up event. You can also pay fines on this day if you still need to do that. We do not mail diplomas, and diplomas must be given directly to the student graduating. *Summer office hours are limited and begin June 21 Monday through Thursday.
If you are a Running Start student or PSSC student, we must wait for your grades to be finalized and sent to FHS before we can complete your final transcript and issue your diploma.
Requesting Transcripts
To request a transcript complete the transcript request form which is located on the FHS Website. We will begin processing requests after the July 4th holiday.
Shot Records
Your student’s immunization form will be included with their diploma which they pick up after graduation.
Google Account Closing Date
Please note, August 1st senior accounts will be locked in google (email and drive). Be sure to get any documents you need downloaded or transferred to a different Google account. Here are links to instructions.
There are two options:
Here are directions to transfer to a personal Google account: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6386856
Here are directions to download content to a location: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/3024190
Yearbook Distribution-- August
One last note. We have moved back our yearbook distribution for this year to August. With so many events happening at the end of the year due to the pandemic, we want to be sure to capture these in the book which means delaying when we send it to print. Our planned senior pickup day is August 12th, from 1-3PM.
On Going Senior Reminders
Watch Senior Events Online thanks to TDM at: tinyurl.com/fifelive
Senior Graduation Website
June 13 Senior Parent Run Event
A group of senior parents has been preparing to host an oudoor socially distanced celebration event on June 13th. If you are interested in attending please click this link!
Didn't Get your Senior Yard Sign?
Fife High School
Email: tgieck@fifeschools.com
Website: https://fhs.fifeschools.com/
Location: 5616 20th St E, Fife, WA, USA
Phone: 253-517-1100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fifehigh/
Twitter: @fifeHSTrojans