January 2022
Calendar of Events
Jan 3: Shooting Sports Practice - Rushville Legion - 3:30-7:00 pm
Jan 9: High School Robotics Open House - Extension Office - 4:00 pm
Jan 15: First Lego League Showcase - Extension Office - 4:00 pm
Jan 17: Shooting Sports Practice - Rushville Legion - 3:30-7:00 pm
Jan 17: 4-H Council Meeting - Extension Office - 6:30 pm
Jan 18: Clover Buds - Rushville Elementary - 3:30-5:30 pm
Jan 19: Clover Buds - Gordon Elementary - 3:30-5:30 pm
Jan 20: Cabin Fever Workshop - Extension Office - 5:00-6:00 pm
Jan 21: Sew Fun - Hay Springs School Cafeteria - 1:00-4:00 pm
Jan 23: Sheridan County Beef Weigh-In - Sheridan Livestock Auction - 1:00-3:00 pm
Jan 25: Clover Buds - Hay Springs School - 4:15-5:30 pm
Jan 27: Adult Sew Fun Clinic - Extension Office - 6:30-8:00 pm
Jan 31: Sew Fun - Extension Office - 1:00-4:00 pm
- Market Beef Weigh-In January 23 at the Livestock Market in Rushville, 1:00—3:00 pm.
Volunteer Screening Process
Like many other youth-serving organizations, Nebraska 4-H makes youth safety a priority. Nebraska 4-H makes youth safe by screening the volunteers that work with youth. 4-H has different volunteer roles. Reach out to find out the different ways to volunteer! Depending on the volunteer roles, there are different volunteer screening processes.
Direct Volunteers (club leaders, adults who teach special interest programs, etc.)
- Complete 4-HOnline Enrollment
- Complete Volunteer Screening - done every 5 years after initial screening. Dawes next rotation will be 2023
- Attend Volunteer Training
Indirect Volunteers (superintendents, 4-H Council, etc.)
- Not required to complete 4-HOnline Enrollment
- Sign paperwork given by office
Please note that certain volunteer roles within Nebraska 4-H require additional screening or training, including 4-H Shooting Sports Instructors/Leaders, FIRST Robotics volunteers, and 4-H Horsemanship Advancement Level Examiners.
Helpful Resources:
Giddy Up and Let’s Get our Horse Level Testing done.
We learned so much on December 28th and 29th, Let’s get together again on March 9th and 10th, 2022 from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. we will be working on the written tests for the Horse level testing. There will be some really fun games and ideas to help remember the information to get you an “A” on the test. We will meet at the New Extension Office at 800 S. Loofborrow, Rushville, NE 69360. You can also study online at MANE-U.COM. Kids can play games and do practice tests to study.
For more information you can contact Wendy Andersen at 308-327-2312 or stop in the Extension Center.
Making Contributions During the Holidays
The holiday season gives youth and adults an opportunity to stop and reflect on events of the past year, one’s beliefs and values, and what gives life meaning and purpose. For the last 21 months, the global pandemic has given many young people and adults the opportunity to re-evaluate what is important to them. As 2021 draws to a close, it is a wonderful time to reflect and act in ways that provide contributions to others.
Research has found when we feel we have made a difference in the lives of others, it often gives our own life meaning and purpose. Even small acts of kindness can provide great life satisfaction. By serving others in a positive way, one can gain a deeper sense of perspective. When considering ways to contribute, make sure to ask a few questions. Does this opportunity align with my values, budget, and time capacity? Below are some tips to help you and the young people in your life make meaningful contributions this holiday season.
Farrowed & Owned Swine Cohort
National Bird Day
Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic Livestock Judging Contest
Cookie Science
Youth Sew Fun
January 21 will be in Hay Springs in the cafeteria.
January 31 will be in Rushville at the Extension office.
4-H Enrollment
There is a $5 membership fee that can be paid at the Extension Office. If you will not be in Rushville, feel free to mail the payment to the 4-H Council at PO Box 23 Rushville, NE 69360.
Clover Buds
The Rushville Clover Bud workshop will be on January 18th at the Rushville Elementary starting at 3:30 pm.
The Gordon Clover Bud meeting will be held on January 19th at the Gordon Elementary at 4 pm.
The Hay Springs Clover Bud meeting will be held on January 25th at the Hay Springs School starting at 4:15 pm.
Clover Bud members are youth between the ages of 5 and 7 as of January 1st, 2022. Upon participating in these workshops, youth will have Clover Bud projects to display at the 2022 Sheridan County Fair. To register your child for these FREE events please contact the Nebraska Extension Sheridan County office at (308) 327-2312.
Omaha Fashion Week - Student Night
Robotics Open House
The High School robotics group will have an Open House on January 9th starting at 4:00 pm at the Extension Office. The high school group will kick off the event by helping adults learn a little bit about how to better utilize their emails as a part of the high school’s outreach Tech Changemaker program. Afterwards they will demonstrate what their robot’s capabilities for the competition. The public is invited to come and see what the robotics teams have been working hard on.
Wilderness Wonders
Market Beef Weigh-In
4-H Bucks
The 4-H Council implemented 4-H Bucks program to help active 4-H members pay for workshops and 4-H camps. Every year, 4-H members can earn up to $50 by participating in different activities such as speech contests, horse level testing, workshops, progress show, being a club officer, etc. Each activity you participate in, you receive a certain number of points. If 4-H members who are Juniors earn 5 to points they receive $10, 10 to 15 points they receive $25, and 16 or more points they receive $50. Intermediate members must earn 7 to 12 points to earn $10, 13 to 19 points for $25, and 20 or more points for $50. Senior members must earn 9 to 15 points to receive $10, 16 to 23 points for $25, and 24 or more points to earn $50.
The application for this award can be found at: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/northernpanhandle/sheridan-county-award-applications/.
This year it is due to the Nebraska Extension Sheridan County office by January 7th.
Current 4-H Bucks:
$100: Caleb Heck, Kayli Rose, Kirsten Heck, Louisa Scott
$50: Abbey Russell, Alexa Tonjes
$30: Julia Russell
$25: Bryson Bickel, Regan Anderson
Special Garden Project
Robotics Showcase
The Sheridan County First Lego League teams will be hosting a showcase on January 15th at the Extension Office at 4:00 pm. The teams will show off their robots and describe their innovative project solutions. Come and cheer these teams on as they prepare for the January 29th competition.
Summer Camp Registration
- Registration is now open for 2022 Nebraska 4-H Summer Camps! See the full schedule of camp sessions and register now at 4h.unl.edu/summer-camp-schedule.
2022 Special Agronomy Project Announced: Broomcorn Sorghum
The Nebraska Extension Special Agronomy Project gives 4-H members an opportunity to experience a crop that is grown, was grown or has the potential to be grown in Nebraska. Youth participate by receiving seed and resources to grow the crop, research traits of the crop and determine the viability of that crop in the part of the state they live. The project allows 4-H members interested in agronomy to grow something fun, new, and different.
The focus of the 2022 Special Agronomy Project is Broomcorn Sorghum. Broomcorn can be used for ornamental uses in floral arrangements or harvested for broom-use prior to seed maturity. To participate in the Special Agronomy Project, enroll in the project through 4-H Online or call your local extension office to reserve seed by February 28th.
There are three ways to complete this at the county or state fair. First, an educational exhibit that can be in a poster format can include what you learned. Secondly, let your creativity go wild and create a video-type presentation explaining what you have learned, showing the growing process, etc. Finally, you can enter the crop itself. To do this, cut 4 stalks at the ground level and bound-together with supporting information about the project. For project specifications and details, be sure to go to the Nebraska State Fairbook at https://4hfairbook.unl.edu/fairbookview.php/rules.
Project Ideas
Designs Decisions - Accessory Original Made From Metal
cut, shape, rabbit, sculpt, reassemble or otherwise manipulate
Designs Decisions - Floor Covering
May be woven, braided, painted floor cloth, etc. May be exhibited as a poster or multimedia presentation on CD.
Heirloom Treasures/Family Keepsakes
A repurposed treasure (accessory) from an old item or an old treasure refinished or renovated. May include doll-sized furniture.
University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension educational programs abide with the nondiscrimination policies of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and the United States Department of Agriculture.
The 4-H Youth Development program abides with the nondiscrimination policies of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and the United States Department of Agriculture.
Copyright ©2021
Nebraska Extension - Sheridan County Office
Email: mnelson82@unl.edu
Website: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/northernpanhandle/educational-programs/northern-panhandle-4-h/
Location: 800 S Loofborrow Street, PO Box 329 Rushville, NE 69360
Phone: 308-327-2312
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UNLSheridanCounty
Twitter: @SheridanCounty