Tioga Family Bulletin
January 12, 2024
Translating: Did you know?
- If you are reading this on a computer, the feature is on the top right by the heading.
- If you are reading this on a phone, the feature is the round icon in the bottom right corner.
December Happenings at Tioga
Art with the Principals
Extra Recess with the Principals
Trimester 1 VIP HERO Prizes
Library Time
Family Reading Night
Winter Sing Along
Kindergarten Gingerbread House Event
Kindergarten Gingerbread House Event
Kindergarten Gingerbread House Event
Important Upcoming Dates
- 1/15: No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- 1/16: Trimester 2 Midterm
- 1/16: PTA Meeting at 5:30 PM in the Tioga Library
- 1/18: Winter MAP Testing Begins
- 1/22: PTA Sky Zone Fundraiser from 6:00-8:00 PM at Sky Zone
- 1/24: Special Education Parent Group from 6:00-7:30 PM
- 1/25: Progress Reports released
- 1/25 and 1/26: Dental Examinations
- 1/29: PTA Empanada Fundraiser begins
Check out our upcoming Spirit Day themes:
- 1/19: Hawaiian Day
- 1/26: Twin Day (2nd Grade Voted!)
- 2/2: Fancy Day
- 2/9: Superhero Day
ACCESS Testing
Parent Teacher Conference Information
The sign up window for parent-teacher conferences is coming soon! All families are encouraged to participate in parent-teacher conferences. Information on how to sign-up for conferences will be sent to families on February 5th.
January PBIS Goal
The first week back from winter break has been an important time for teachers to review our HERO expectations with students. Students were engaged in lessons, read alouds, and games as they discussed the importance of:
- Having responsibility
- Extending kindness to themselves and others
- Being respectful
- Observing our safety rules
As part of our January goal, staff are focused the next two weeks on handing out as many HERO tickets as possible to reinforce HERO behavior in our students. Students will then have the opportunity to redeem their HERO tickets for fabulous prizes and experiences.
Bus Lane and Staff Parking Lot Reminders
As a reminder, Tioga's bus lane (front drive off Memorial) and staff parking lot (off Mason) are closed to parent pick-up and drop-off during arrival and dismissal. This is especially important as we have seen a number of families attempt to utilize the bus lane to pick up their children. Not following Tioga's safety procedures creates a less safe environment for pedestrian traffic and slows down the arrival/dismissal process for all families.
Please contact Tioga's main office with any questions.
January Breakfast and Lunch Menu
PTA News and Notes
Thank You!
Staff Appreciation
January PTA Meeting
Upcoming PTA Fundraisers
Skyzone Glow Party
Empanada Fundraiser
E-Learning Days
eLearning Days will begin an hour later than normal school days to provide teachers planning time to adjust their instruction for eLearning.
On eLearning Days, K-8 students will log into their Chromebooks that they already bring home daily, go to their Google Classrooms through their Classlink page, and join eLearning from the Google Meets link(s) posted there. Attendance will be taken, and students will then be engaged in live instruction for the entire five-hour school day.
An eLearning Day counts as a regular school day, and does not require the District to use a built-in emergency day at the end of the school year.
Parents will be notified no later than 6 a.m. if the District is closing its schools and holding an eLearning Day. (No announcement means it will be a normal school day.)
- Click here for the District's eLearning Plan.
- Click here for the District’s eLearning Day Parent FAQ.
School Closing Notifications
The District’s mass notification system contacts all student households when a school must be closed for emergency reasons such as extreme weather. In these situations, parents/guardians will receive a phone call, email, and/or text message no later than 6 a.m. if their contact information with the school is up to date. Please make certain your proper contact information is on file with the school to ensure you are notified through this system.
SEL Class Information from Ms. Lincoln
SEL Newsletter
January SEL Newsletter
Upcoming Drug Awareness and Prevention Lessons
Please review the Parent Information Letter to learn more about these lessons that will be taught during the SEL Special the last week of January and the 1st week of February.
Tioga Elementary School
Ms. Soike - Assistant Principal
Email: ckramer@bsd2.org
Website: https://www.bsd2.org/Tioga
Phone: (630) 766-2602