Finn Hill Falcon Flyer
Week of September 27, 2021
This Week at FHMS
- FastBridge ELA (given during ELA classes)
- Suicide prevention presentations by counseling department in health classes
- FastBridge ELA (given during ELA classes)
- Curriculum Night video posted
Wednesday, September 29
- Early Release
- Study Hall
- First Cross Country Meet (@FHMS), 3:30-5:30 pm
- FastBridge ELA (given during ELA classes)
- FastBridge ELA (given during ELA classes)
Upcoming Events
October 5
- Community Flu Clinic, 4:00-7:30 pm in the gym (see below)
- "Cookies in the Courtyard" Admin Meet & Greet, 6:30-7:30 pm in the courtyard (see below)
October 6
- Study Hall
October 12
- SBIRT administration by the counseling department
October 13
- Study Hall
October 14
- Hearing & Vision Screening
- Last day to turn in popcorn orders
October 20
- Unity Day (more information to come)
- Study Hall
October 22
- Healthy Youth Survey administration (6th & 8th)
October 27
- Study Hall
Meet our New Associate Principal
We are excited to announce that the new Associate Principal at FHMS and EAS is Dr. Stacy Mehlberg! Dr. Mehlberg comes to us with extensive experience in education at the K-12 level and the collegiate level, as well as educational research. Dr. Mehlberg officially started on Friday, September 24th. Please see the attached introduction letter from Dr. Mehlberg linked below. Welcome, Dr. Mehlberg, to the Falcon Nest!
PTSA Request: Hearing & Vision Screening Volunteers Needed
Below is the link to the Sign Up Genius for the upcoming Hearing and Vision Screenings on 10/14. Thank you in advance for volunteering to help this important yearly event run smoothly!
From The Counseling Team: In Need of Resources?
In need of resources? Please make sure you fill out the Finn Hill Resources form to request various resources. The form can be filled out online, via the following link Finn Hill Resources Form or you can print out a copy, complete it, and return it to the main office. Also, even though lunch is free for all students this year, make sure to fill out the Free/Reduced lunch application on Skyward, if you might qualify or have qualified in the past. If you qualify, you can access additional benefits such as having extracurricular and athletic fees waived for your student. Please contact your student’s counselor if you have any questions.
--Finn Hill Counseling Team
¿Necesitas recursos? Asegúrese de completar el formulario de recursos de Finn Hill para solicitar varios recursos. El formulario se puede completar en línea a través del siguiente enlace Finn Hill Resources Form o puede imprimir una copia, completarlo y devolverlo a la oficina principal. Además, aunque el almuerzo es gratis para todos los estudiantes, asegúrese de completar la solicitud de almuerzo gratis / reducido en Skyward si puede calificar o haber calificado en el pasado. Si califica, puede acceder a beneficios adicionales, como la exención de tarifas deportivas y extracurriculares. Comuníquese con el consejero de su estudiante si tiene alguna pregunta.
--Equipo de consejería de Finn Hill
Você precisa de recursos? Certifique-se de preencher o formulário de recursos Finn Hill para solicitar vários recursos. O formulário pode ser preenchido online através do link Finn Hill Resources Form abaixo ou você pode imprimir uma cópia, preenchê-la e devolvê-la ao escritório principal. Além disso, embora o almoço seja gratuito para todos os alunos, certifique-se de preencher o formulário Skyward Free / Reduced Lunch se você se qualificar ou já se qualificou no passado. Se você se qualificar, terá acesso a benefícios adicionais, como isenção de taxas esportivas e extracurriculares. Entre em contato com o conselheiro do seu aluno se tiver alguma dúvida.
--Equipe de Aconselhamento Finn Hill
From LWSD: Family Communication-Friday Connections
As we near the end of the first month of school we want to thank all of our students, families, and staff for the collective efforts to keep everyone safe. We continue to need everyone to be vigilant about staying home when sick, wearing face coverings, and washing hands.
We continue to follow guidance from King County Public Health, recently updated, when it comes to determining when students can return to school when they are close contacts, test positive, or have symptoms. Isolating and quarantining students or staff that present symptoms, test positive, or have been close contacts is an important layer of safety to help prevent transmission of COVID-19 within our schools.
When provided with a range of options we are using the safest options identified by King County Public Health. We will continue to evaluate the impact on our students and schools and may adopt other options identified by Public Health as conditions evolve. Under Public Health guidance:
- Unvaccinated students and staff identified as close contacts and have a negative test will quarantine for 14 days from the last date of contact with the person with COVID-19. Students and staff who are vaccinated and do not have symptoms do not need to quarantine
- Students and staff who test positive and have no symptoms can return after isolating for 10 days. If students and staff who test positive and do have symptoms must also be symptom-free before returning.
- Students and staff with symptoms of illness, who test negative and have no close contact, can return 24 hours after symptoms have passed OR if there is an alternative diagnosis by a health care provider
- Students and staff with symptoms, who test positive, and have no close contact are required to isolate for 10 days.
- In all cases where students have symptoms, they must be symptom-free for at least 24 hours before returning regardless of the length of isolation or quarantine.
Families can access testing in multiple ways, including
- Accessing free testing sites and private providers as the first option for testing
- For families that cannot access free sites or private providers' resources, the district will soon begin offering free testing at regional sites.
More information about our COVID Safety Plan is available here.
Needed: Cross Country Home Meet Volunteers
Our first (and only) Cross Country home meet is Wednesday, Sept. 29th at 4 pm! We need a lot of volunteers to help the meet run smoothly. If you're willing and able we'd love to have you help out and cheer on the kids! No prior experience needed. Spouses/partners, teenage/adult children, and family members are welcome to volunteer as well! For more information and to sign up follow this link:
Join the 2021-2022 FHMS Orienteering Team
Looking for a fun, outdoor sport without too much commitment! No practices - just 2 events per month!
Join the FHMS orienteering team, where there is never bad weather, only poor clothing choices. Learn how to read a map, get unlost, and problem solve in the most beautiful locations. The middle school league runs Nov 6th to Feb 20th. Events are only every other weekend.
What’s Orienteering? It’s a navigation sport! Orienteers use only map and compass to navigate, but compass knowledge is not needed to get started. In fact, the primary skill in orienteering is reading the map and relating it to the terrain, and you can do that with just your eyeballs.
Orienteering events are organized by Cascade Orienteering Club which is a non-profit organization in Washington State since 1977. More information on orienteering can be found here:
Registration is now open. Reach out to Vick Morrella, your FHMS coach, for any questions or would like to register. You will need to register before October 10th to avoid $10 late. Free Training at a local park on October 9th, please let me know if you’re interested. I’ll set up a virtual meeting before the season begins Nov 6th.
This is a low-pressure sport and you don’t need to come to every meet; between 4-8 meets is enough to contribute to the team effort.
From Ms. Delman
The Athletic Department needs your help!
FHMS/EAS needs coaches for ALL soccer coaching positions for season 2 (starting at the beginning of the 2nd quarter). Please reach out to Taylor Holland if you would be interested in coaching soccer this year OR know anyone that would be interested. Ms. Holland can share the schedule/stipend information for those interested in the position.
Virtual Curriculum Night
We will once again be hosting Curriculum Night virtually. Short FHMS administrator, teacher, staff, and PTSA videos will be available for viewing on Tuesday, September 28. You can view these videos at your convenience. I will send a link to the videos to families through School Messenger on 9/28.
ASB Fundraiser
Our first ASB fundraiser kicked off on Friday! Students are selling popcorn and coffee from now until 10/14. Each item is $20.00 and the school keeps $10.00 of each item sold. We do not want students to go door to door or sell to strangers.
Popcorn comes in a one-gallon size bag and the coffee comes in a 12 oz bag. Both products are made in the Portland area. Every person that purchases an item will receive a free discount card. The deals on the discount card can be used throughout the year.
Checks should be written to Finn Hill Middle School
Turn in dates: Friday, 10/8/21 & Thursday, 10/14/21
Please help students to remember to CLEARLY fill out all information on the envelope and brochure. Help them make sure the money and orders match up before turning your packets into the school.
If students need an extra envelope or order form, go to the office.
Students will earn the prize for each level they reach in addition to the prizes from all previous levels.
Participation is the key to a great fundraiser! Go Falcons!
Walk Your Wheels
Just a reminder that for safety reasons, students are expected to dismount skateboards and bikes as soon as they come on campus.
High School Football Game Expectations
Below is a message from the LWHS Athletic Director:
“We are always excited to welcome our future Ravens to the JHS campus for athletic events. At all four comprehensive high schools in LWSD, however, students in elementary and middle school MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian who will actively supervise them at all times.”
Fall Smarter Balance Assessment (SBA) Dates
Each spring, all Washington public school students in grades 3-8 and 10 are assessed in English Language Arts (ELA) and math using Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBA). Students in grades 5, 8 and 11 are also assessed in science using the Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS). Results from these assessments provide meaningful feedback and data that teachers and other educators can use to help students succeed. The results provide data to help evaluate school-level and district-wide instructional strategies, initiatives and other programs. Last spring, these tests were postponed until the fall by the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). This was due to the number of students attending school remotely. The fall tests will be based on the content from the previous grade level and have also been shortened in length.
Our current 6th graders will be taking the 5th grade ELA, 5th grade math, and 5th grade science tests.
Our current 7th graders will be taking the 6th grade ELA and 6th grade math tests.
Our current 8th graders will be taking the 7th grade ELA and 7th grade math tests.
Our testing schedule is as follows:
- Tuesday, November 2-English/Language Arts
- Wednesday, November 3–Science (6th graders only)
- Thursday, November 4–Math
Learn more about the state assessments on the district website. Next spring we will be back to the regular schedule of state testing.
Flu Shot Clinic at FHMS
Lake Washington School District is partnering with Seattle Visiting Nurse Association to offer flu shot clinics. Vaccinations are available for all age levels. Pre-registration is required. There will be a clinic at FHMS on Tuesday, October 5, 2021 from 4:00–7:00 p.m.
Other dates and locations:
- Wednesday, September 22, 2021 at Kamiakin Middle School – 1:30 – 6:00 p.m. OR Rose Hill Middle School – 2:30-7:00 p.m.
You're Invited!
We want to invite all of our FHMS families to connect and contribute at Finn Hill Middle School via the PTSA.
Join the PTSA: For as little as $15, a PTSA membership grants you a voting voice at all PTSA general meetings and gives your PTSA a stronger voice on a state and national level.
Donate to the PTSA General Fund: The general fund supports classroom supplies and teacher projects, and also sponsors clubs, visitors and special programming, student support services, and much more! Every child in the building benefits in some way from general funding. Please consider giving at any level. For perspective: To support staff and students to the fullest extent possible, the PTSA’s spending averages to about $50 per student per year. Any amount is appreciated.
Learn More:
Where is your passion? What are your interests? We'll help you help others. Volunteer your time and talents. Days or evenings, at home or virtually, occasionally or on a regular basis—there are LOTS of ways to help. Here are a few roles we would like to get filled within the next few weeks. Please reach out to for more information.
FHMS PTSA is on Facebook! Follow Us on Facebook.
Visit the FHMS PTSA website to find links to resources, articles, and events.
Questions about FHMS PTSA? Please email our PTSA President, Sarah Mertel.
Finn Hill Middle School
Each student will graduate prepared to lead a rewarding, responsible life as a contributing member of our community and greater society.
Every student future ready: Prepared for college, Prepared for the global workplace, Prepared for personal success
Location: 8040 NE 132nd St, Kirkland, WA, USA
Phone: (425) 936-2340
Twitter: @FinnHillMS