09/15 McMicken Family Connection
September 15, 2022

Principal's Corner
A Word from Your Principal
Dear McMicken Families,
Our amazing Kinder team and the entire school community were thrilled to welcome our Kinders into the building. Our Kinders did a great job getting to know school routines. Kinder families did a great job, too! It’s not easy letting go of your Kinder for the first time. But we take our mission seriously to provide a safe, welcoming and positive learning environment for all students here at McMicken. I was also able to do a read aloud of our Principal Book of the Month, Rain Before Rainbows, with all classes in grades 1-5. It was wonderful to hear students’ connections between the story and our COUGAR Learner Habits and the Learning Pit. Everything worth learning has some element of challenge to it, and we are teaching our Cougars that it’s okay to struggle and use their habits (like being collaborative) to overcome barriers to learning. Starting on September 15, we begin recognition of Latinx Heritage Month—classes may do some read-alouds or special activities, so stay tuned. We are also excited to connect with families across the school during our Family Connection conferences, which are ongoing through the end of September. Please feel free to reach out with questions!
:) Principal Haas
Principal's Choice: Last Year's Book of the Month
As we celebrate Hispanic/Heritage Month, consider re-reading Principal Haas' choice for last year's September's Book of the Month, "The Astronaut with a Song for the Stars: The Story of Dr. Ellen Ochoa" by Julia Finley Mosca.
Growing up in a family of immigrants, Ellen dreamed of becoming a professional flutist, but all of that changed when she discovered engineering in college. Though she was told that field of study wasn't for girls, the bright young scientist refused to give up - ultimately becoming a NASA astronaut who shattered barriers and rocketed to success!
"The Astronaut With a Song for the Stars: The Story of Dr. Ellen Ochoa" is the fourth book in a riveting educational series about the inspiring lives of amazing scientists. In addition to the illustrated rhyming tale, you'll find a complete biography, fun facts, a colorful timeline of events, and even a note from Dr. Ochoa herself!
VOTE on the 2022 Bond: Proposition 1
Highline Public Schools has an upcoming bond on the November 8th ballot. This bond will fund the replacement of Evergreen HS, Tyee HS, and Pacific MS, and fund critical repairs and improvements across the district - without raising tax rates! Once Evergreen and Tyee high schools are rebuilt, every high school service area across Highline will have a safe, modern high school.
To learn more information about the bond, you can watch this video, visit this website, or attend a bond informational meeting.
- Thursday, September 15, 6:00-7:00 p.m. at Tyee High School Library, 4424 S 188th Street, SeaTac
- Tuesday, September 20, 6:00-7:00 p.m. at Evergreen High School Library, 830 SW 116th Street, Seattle
- Thursday, September 22, 6:00-7:00 p.m. at Pacific Middle School Library, 22705 24th Avenue S, Des Moines
- Monday, October 17, 6:00 p.m. (Zoom link to be provided)
- Thursday, November 3, 6:00 p.m. (Zoom link to be provided)
Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month
Each year, we observe National Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month, which takes place from September 15 to October 15. It is a time to celebrate the histories, cultures, and contributions of those whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America.
The day of September 15 is the anniversary of independence for the Latin American countries Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on September 16 and September 18, respectively.
To learn more about National Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month, check out these resources in English and Spanish.
See the full year's Heritage Month calendar and think about how you can continue to celebrate these groups at home.
"Families as Partners" and PTO
We are excited to bring back our "Families as Partners" and PTO (Parent-Teacher Organization) events this year! These groups will focus on ideas and actions to support the growth of our school and students.
If you have not signed up during "Back to School Night" and you are interested in receiving more information about these groups, please complete this form or scan the QR code to fill out the interest form.
We will contact you in a few weeks with more information. For any questions, please contact Annie Nguyen at annie.nguyen@highlineschools.org.
Attendance Matters
If your child will not be in school, for any reason, you must call the school office every day your child is out. Please call 206.631.4300 to report the absence. Please review the Attendance Basics for our policies. More information can be found on the Attendance page of the school's website.
A missed absence, for any reason and for any amount of time, is a missed opportunity for learning. Help your child succeed by building the habit of good attendance early. Good attendance will help children do well in high school, college - and at work.
Did you know students can suffer academically if they miss 10% of the school year, or about 18 days? That's just one day every two weeks. Research shows that missing 2-3 days a month can result in:
- 3rd grade students falling behind in reading
- 6th grade students failing courses
- Teens dropping out of high school
Sporadic absences matter too. Just one or two days a month can add up before you know it!
Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school and themselves.
If you are facing challenges related to health care, unstable housing, transportation or lack of food, our school can help. Ryan Bunda, our school counselor, can connect you to services for the whole family. Contact Ryan Bunda by texting or calling 425.298.5329 or emailing Ryan.Bunda@highlineschools.org.
Student Pick Up
Please try to schedule all appointments and vacations when school is not in session. It is important your student does not miss valuable learning time. If you need to take your student out of school early, please check into the office. You will need to sign your student out.
Students will not be released the last 15 minutes of the school day. It is disruptive to classrooms, which are transitioning to dismissal procedures. Also, please plan ahead as last-minute changes to dismissal plans are not guaranteed. If there are any changes to your daily dismissal routine, please call the front office no later than 2:00pm.
School Hours
Doors open at 8:20 A.M.
Doors close at 4:00 P.M.
Please make sure your student arrives on time. All students are in their classrooms at 8:45am, ready to learn. For student safety, please make sure you pick up your student promptly after school. We have limited staff to supervise children not picked up on time. Thank you for your cooperation with this.
COVID Updates
If you would like your child to have the option to test at school, you can complete the Highline Public School's COVID testing consent form. It only needs to be completed once this school year.
Our Weekly Habit
September's Monthly Focus: We are C.O.U.G.A.R.S.
Weekly Focus (Sept. 19-23): We are Optimistic!
Quotes to think about:
- "You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them." - Michael Jordan
- "I do my best because I'm counting on you counting on me." - Maya Angelou
When we are optimistic, it looks like:
Setting yourself up for success
When we are optimistic, it sounds like:
- Using positive language and affirmations
- Complimenting and celebrating each others’ successes
When we are optimistic, it feels like:
- Confidence in knowing where you’re at and where you want to go next
- Being brave
- Wanting to give up but not
- Believing in yourself
Friday, October 14: No School for Students (Pre-K to 12)
City of SeaTac: Before & After School Programs and Camps
The City of SeaTac provides a before and after school program full of organized and exciting educational activities for your child. They are open Monday to Friday (before school starting at 6am and after school ending at 6pm).
Register online: https://secure.rec1.com/WA/city-of-seatac/catalog or in person at SeaTac Community Center: Parks, Community Programs & Services Department (13735 24th Ave. S., SeaTac, Washington 98168). You can call them at 206.973.4680.
Pricing: Is flat rate and depending on if you need morning, afternoon, or both. Please see the attached for more details. Scholarships available for SeaTac qualifying residents.
Recreation Scholarship Program
This program is to provide financial assistance to youth and teen citizens for recreational services. Please call the SeaTac Community Center at 206.973.4680 for more information. Click here to view/print a 2022 Recreation Scholarship application.
For assistance for express approval option, if you student receives free or reduced lunch reach, please reach out to: Highline Public Schools Nutrition Services at 206-631-3228 for verification.
Students will be approved individually with the following:
- Letter from the Highline School District stating your child is approved for free or reduced lunch.
- Copy of a recent utility bill with parent/guardian name and SeaTac address. Name must match the name on the Highline School District approval letter for free or reduced lunch.
- Back page of scholarship application filled and signed.
- Free lunch - 70% scholarship
- Reduced lunch - 50% scholarship
Highline College Offers English as a Second Language for Adults
Highline College offers English classes to immigrants, refugees, permanent residents, and U.S. citizens who are at least 18 years old. These classes help to improve reading, writing, speaking, listening, technology, and academic skills in order to be successful in college and the workplace.
There is a $25 tuition fee for the quarter. Tuition waivers are available during the registration process.
If you have a temporary visa such as F1, F2, H1, or you are an Au Pair (nanny), business travelers, or tourists, go to the International Programs website for English language training options.
Visit our ELCAP (English Language, Career and Academic Prep) website for more information.
Website: English Language, Career and Academic Prep (ELCAP)
Email: elcapofficestaff@highline.edu
Phone: (206) 592-3297
For information in Spanish, please call 206-592-3750.
If you have a disability that requires special accommodations, contact Access Services after your assessment appointment either in person at building 99 or by phone at 206-592-3857.
KCLS: Study Zone Plus
For more information, visit https://kcls.org/studyzoneplus/.
Zoom Meeting ID: 848 1415 3950; Passcode: 883304
Study Zone Tutors (grades K-12) on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 4-6pm.
Math Club (grades K-8) on Thursdays 5:30-7:30pm.
Reading Buddies (grades K-6 & ELL to grade 12) on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30pm.
Kids and Teen Talk Time (grades K-12) on Thursdays from 4-5pm.
Study Zone Plus volunteers offer academic support for students in grades K-12. Log in during open hours for:
- Free homework help
- Access to KCLS librarians
- Language and reading support
- Social activities
Type your requested activity in the Chat or wait for the Greeter to call on you. Students will be moved to breakout rooms for the service they choose.
Study Zone Plus programs will be closed August 26-September 11, November 21-24, December 19-29, January 16, February 20-23, and June 19-29.
Contact us for support or with questions.
McMicken Heights Elementary School
Phone: (206) 631-4300
Follow us on social media!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/McMickenHeightsElementary/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mcmicken.heights
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mcm_heights
Click on the image to complete the consent form for COVID testing at school. This only needs to be completed once this school year.
Does your student have symptoms? Click on the image for a flowchart to know when to send your student to school.
Click on the image for information on COVID vaccination and upcoming vaccine clinics.
Click on the image for more up-to-date information about COVID safety in Highline Public Schools.
Keep updated on your student's grades, attendance, and more! Create or update your ParentVue account by clicking the image.
Click the image for current and past Book of the Months.