Weekly Update
Holy Trinity Catholic School -- November 9th, 2023
A Note from Mrs. Longden
Recently, I have been reading and hearing a lot about being thankful and having gratitude. Having a thankful attitude helps keep our souls and spirits healthy. There is also research on how gratitude helps keep us physically and mentally healthy. Even when things do not go as planned, there is something in every situation to be thankful for.
During this month of November, I encourage all of us to enlarge our hearts and be thankful. This is what is meant by having an attitude of gratitude. It is a very important skill to teach our children, but they cannot learn when they only see and hear anger, resentment, hate, and negative talk. Be thankful today for all that God has blessed you with. Be thankful for the people who interact with your life, bringing both joy and challenge. Just be thankful and have gratitude for all. Let’s see if this makes a difference as we head to Thanksgiving and the holiday season.
Mrs. Longden
Great to be Grateful
Any veterans from our school families and parish are welcome to attend.
We will begin with Mass at 7:45, followed by a presentation in the Holy Trinity School Gym afterwards.
Students please wear a red, white, or blue polo.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the school office.
Catholic Schools Walk
Thank you to all who came out and enjoyed the food trucks and did the walk with us!
Great fun was had by all!
The money we raise at Holy Trinity will be used for specialized field trips, bussing for field trips, music department risers, and for our library remodel.
All School Incentives
$500 Raised = Out of Dress Code Day
$1000 Raised = 20 minutes Extra Recess
$2000 Raised = BINGO Party
$3000 Raised = Pajama Day
$5000 Raised = Ice Cream Party
$7000 Raised = Movie/Popcorn Party
$10,000 Raised = Top 10 students can throw a pie in the face of Mrs. Longden or
Father Patrick
We have brought in $7,519.50 from pledges, the walk, and online donations.
Donations are accepted through November 14th. We will then receive our proportional match from the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.
Special thank you to our sponsors (Quest Engineering and West Bend Elevator) who helped cover some of our initial costs.
Home and School
They will have a board party that evening with their meeting.
Watch for more details to come!
Scrip gift cards are great for shopping on Black Friday, both online and in stores. We have Amazon and all the major department stores plus lots of speciality stores. The school office keeps some gift cards in stock so please call us if you need something on short notice.
If you currently are not purchasing Scrip, please contact the office at 262 626-2603 with any questions and we will help you get started.
Scrip can help reduce your tuition costs and support HTS!
Sick Kids
Please make good decisions about sending kids to school when they are not feeling 100% well. The school prefers kids to stay home when they have anything that spreads to others.
There are a number of illnesses going around, some of which are contagious. These illnesses may warrant a bit longer out of school. For other illnesses, a day or two at home resting will help the children and the teachers stay healthy. If your child has a bad cough, is very congested, and has symptoms – STAY HOME until these are better.
Children should not be in school if they do not know how to cover their cough or blow their nose sanitarily.
Children must be fever-free without medication for at least 24 hours to come to school.
Children must not have vomited or must not have had an episode of diarrhea for 24 hours before coming to school.
If the child is sent home from school due to illness, they need to stay home the following day until they are significantly better and have met the 24 hour rule.
Ski Club
Wreath and Poinsettia Sale
Target delivery and pick-up date for the wreaths and poinsettias is Monday, November 20th.
Please watch for more information pertaining to this.
Upcoming Dates
Friday, November 10th - Mass
Friday, November 10th - Veteran's Day Program
Wednesday, November 15th - Mass (Grades 4K, 5-8)
Friday, November 17th - Baptism Mass (October/November Baptisms)
Monday, November 20th - Home and School Meeting
Tuesday, November 21st - Thanksgiving Prayer Service (7:55 A.M.)
Tuesday, November 21st - End of Trimester 1
Wednesday, November 22nd - No School - Teacher In-service
November 23rd-24th - No School-Thanksgiving Break
Wednesday, November 29th - Mass (Grades 4K, 1-4)
Wednesday, November 29th - Grades 1-3 Nutcracker Field Trip
Friday, December 1st - Mass
Sunday, December 3rd - Advent Begins
Sunday, December 3rd - Kewaskum Christmas Parade
Wednesday, December 6th - Mass (Grades 4K, 5-8)
Friday, December 8th - Mass (Immaculate Conception)
Wednesday, December 13th - Mass (Grades 4K, 1-4)
Friday, December 15th - Mass
Wednesday, December 20th - Mass (Grades 4K, 5-8)
Thursday, December 21st - Christmas Concert 1 PM and 5:30 PM
Friday, December 22nd - Mass
December 23rd-January 2nd - Christmas Break
Wednesday, January 3rd - School Resumes
Calendar of Cash
November 2- Debra & Dan Paul
November 3 - Laney Krueger
November 6 - Cele Schmidt
November 7 - Maggie Lijewski
November 8 - John Herriges
Building a Culture of Vocations
This event is free and open to the public! Registration can be found on our website here.
See the attached picture for more information.
Kettle Moraine Symphony
Altar and Server Guild Meetings
Our Mission is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to provide a high-quality education, and to guide children in living the Catholic faith.
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Email: holytrinityschool@htschool.net
Website: http://www.htschool.net
Location: 305 Main St Kewaskum, WI 53040
Phone: (262)626-2603