HSD News Round-up
Keeping the Hockinson community in the loop!
The Robots are Coming!
We are not talking about a robot rebellion, but instead learning opportunities for HSD students to develop problem-solving, teamwork, and STEM skills in a fun and challenging context. Currently, Grade 8-12 students can participate in the FIRST Robotics Competition program in Camas. Soon, students in Grades 5-8 will be able to join the FIRST Lego League, which we anticipate will take place on Wednesday afternoons and Saturdays in Hockinson. Younger students can explore the design-build-test cycle through Community Ed’s Lego Robotics classes. More information to come!
Hockinson Community Education Updates
Hockinson Community Education is working to expand offerings to meet the needs and interests of Hockinson families. Click here for current offerings. Here is an overview of what’s available this spring:
- Childrens after-school programs: Classes are filling fast. There is still space available in After School Soccer, Brick Zone Kids (Legos), and Garden Art Club. Classes begin the Week of April 11.
- Adult Sports: Basketball, Pickleball, and Jazzercise.
- Hockinson Farmers Market: The Hockinson Saturday Market is becoming the Hockinson Farmers Market and will run once a month through September. Tentative dates are Thursdays June 23, July 14, and August 11.
Classified Employee Appreciation Week
This past week, the HSD honored its classified staff as part of the statewide Classified Employee Appreciation Week.
Every day, our classified employees perform important jobs that ensure our students are safe, supported, and learn at high levels. These jobs fall under categories such as: Secretarial, Custodial, Transportation, Security, Paraeducator, Health Room, Aides, Grounds, and Nutrition Services.
A lot goes into fulfilling our mission of "preparing every student for lifelong success." It requires a team effort and our teachers and students are lucky to have our amazing classified employees on the HSD Team. They are truly in a class all by themselves!
Click here to view profiles of some of our amazing team members and here if you are interested in exploring Classified Employment opportunities in the HSD.
Spring Sports Calendars
High School Spring Sports - Baseball, Softball, Girls Golf, Girls Tennis, Boys Soccer, and B & G Track - are underway and you can find the schedules (and re-schedules!) at: https://hockinsonhawks.com
A reminder to register now for HMS Boys and Girls Track, which begins Monday, March 28.
2022-23 HSD School Calendar Update
The 2022-23 school calendar is undergoing a slight revision. The first day of school will remain Wed. Aug. 31. But due to the addition of a non-attendance day on Mon. Jan. 2 the last day of school will be Thurs. June 15. The official calendar will be posted Tuesday if approved by the School Board at its special meeting this Monday.
HHES, HSD Celebrate National Reading Month
Every year, schools celebrate National Reading Month, which kicks off with 'Read Across America Day' on March 2 (the birthday of the late Dr. Suess). National Reading Month celebrates the joys of reading and brings awareness to the importance of reading in education and motivating kids to read more. This goal is even more important following the COVID pandemic. Nationwide research shows that many young readers lack fundamental reading skills, which are critical for future academic and career success. Hockinson Schools are intentionally focusing on literacy skills and promoting academic and recreational reading, but we need help. Please encourage your students, regardless of their grade level, to use our libraries and read at home. Also, save the dates for the 3/28 Scholastic Book Fair and 5/13 Book Swap (see below for details).
Upcoming Events:
- March 14 HSD School Board Special Meeting @ 6:30 pm Zoom
- March 17 3rd Grade Concert @ 7 pm at HHS Gym
- March 24 1st Grade Concert @ 7 pm at HHS Gym
- March 28 HSD School Board Meeting @ 6:00 pm HHS Library
- March 28 Scholastic Book Fair @ 5 pm HMS Library
- April 4-8 Spring Break (No School)
- May 13 PWT Book Swap
- May 14 PWT Book Swap & Community Plant Sale
Connect with Hockinson Schools
Website: hocksd.org
Location: 17912 NE 159th St, Brush Prairie, WA 98606
Phone: (360) 448-6400
Facebook: facebook.com/HockinsonSchools