Assistant Superintendent Update
April, 2018
Springing into the season with Terrific Teaching and Learning!
High School Science Students Engaging in a Team STEAM Activity
Our District Reading Teachers Collaborate on a Sequencing Activity
Middle School Social Studies Teachers Collaborate and Plan Curriculum Units with Blended Learning Tools
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessments and More...
Completing upcoming Spring District Universal Screening Assessments at the Elementary (AIMS Web) Secondary Levels (STAR); analysis ongoing with related stakeholders; Increases in reading and math achievement at all levels based on this assessment data
Professional Development in Math for both Elementary and Secondary levels as we examine and analyze our current curriculum, tasks, and assessments
Conducted successful RICAS Infrastructure Trial to test our technology
RICAS Assessment has begun very successfully and is ongoing as the RI Science Assessment will begin in early May
Successful completion of the PSAT10 and SAT at NPHS
Facilitating Teacher and Administrator Evaluations successfully as we move into final phases for this year
Revised Elementary Reading Intervention Progress Reports
Facilitation of District Reading Specialists creating digital and other Reading resources to use across district at all levels
Facilitation of Kindergarten teachers professional development to collaborate on next year's program, schedules, and staggered start in August with screenings
Professional Development at both Elementary and Secondary levels: Math, ELA, Social Studies, Science and integration of Blended Learning resources in all curriculum
Ongoing Science Professional Development in coordination with East Bay RI Collaborative at the Elementary level: calibration of student work and online FOSS Science support. Support with released items for new RI Science Assessment, Spring, 2018
Blended Learning Professional Development is ongoing and embedded at all levels through our Technology, Curriculum Integration Specialist, Mrs. Theresa DeRiso; The focus for Elementary has been best evidence based reading practices integrated with Blended Learning practices
Professional Development work with District Media Specialists/Librarians and Special Education Teachers to support best instructional practices infused with Blended Learning
Completed blended learning professional development in Math at the Elementary level; The focus was the Math Workshop model, best practices in math instruction with integration of blended learning resources
The Middle Schools and High School have examined content such as ELA, Math, and Social Studies while integrating Blended Learning tools as well; We have completed a second round of professional development with the Middle School content specialist teachers.
Coordinated District Summer Reading Committee for Elementary, Middle, and High School levels. We now will have a cohesive summer reading experience for all students; Expectations for students include student choice of multiple project options and a variety of texts
Coordinated and completed a very successful and first District Reading “One Book” event for Reading Week March 5-9 with the book “Dream” by Susan Bosak; related to our theme of “Follow Your Dreams...Read”
Co-facilitate a District Family Engagement Committee which supported a successful District Wide Family Literacy Month in March and school based family literacy resources
Succesful completion of District Spelling Bee in February
Successful completion of first District Elementary Global School Play Day in February to encourage social skills, creativity, and hands-on learning
Coordinated “Shadow a Student Challenge” February 19 - March 2; administrators shadowed a student at all levels to learn from the students’ perspective as a method of school improvement
Personally continuing to mentor an elementary student at Marieville Elementary School
Successfully coordinated and trained elementary teachers in how to create clear and simplified mid-trimester progress reports for students
North Providence School District
Location: 2240 Mineral Spring Avenue, North Providence, RI, USA
Phone: 401-233-1100
Twitter: @NPAsstSupt
More Supports at All Levels...
Technology: 1:1 Devices for all students Grade 8-12; continuing to add more devices for students at the Elementary Level
Introduced new 504 forms and procedures Grades K-12
Working with Induction Coaches and new teachers to support their professional growth
Continuing our work as a District RtI/MTSS Committee to review current documents, procedures, intervention forms and intervention resources; Creating a District MTSS/RtI Guide (to start)
Continued Universal P.B.I.S. programs at Elementary and Middle level with further expansion at Elementary schools with no formal behavioral support programs.
Continued M.T.S.S grant work (American Institutes for Research) with McGuire and Birchwood Middle School who has recently joined the grant.
Our PTECH (Pathways in Technology Early College High School) program at North Providence High School continues to be successful! Recently had a very successful student highlight at the Commissioner's state of Education address!
We will be applying for a $50,000 grant for our Marine Trades Program at North Providence High School
Our Marine Trades program at both the North Providence High School and Middle Schools continues to be an outstanding and real world pathway for our students.
Our Mechatronics and Hydroponics programs at our Middle Schools are successful and lead our students to embrace different pathways
Facilitated our NPHS enrollment in the Advanced Coursework Network so our HS students may enroll in coursework offered by the Network; Coursework are offered by Rhode Island LEAs, Community-Based Organizations, Institutions of Higher Education and approved Department of Labor and Training course providers
Facilitated our application for CTE Program Approval for the Marine Trades Program at NPHS
NPHS is one of only two schools in RI to earn the College Board Advanced Placement (AP) Honor Roll recognition for our commitment to increase AP scores and access to AP courses
Applied for PreSchool Grant through RIDE to support programs and training for your Early Childhood Team
District Elementary Schools all participated in Global School Play Day 2018! Students and staff engaged in unstructured play ( up to an hour in the morning and afternoon) with all types of creative board games, toys, crafts, and more; Technology was not utilized during this time; The focus of the time is to encourage creativity, collaboration, communication, and social skills for our students
We recognized and celebrated our school Guidance counselors for National School Counselors week
We recognized and celebrated our school Media Specialists/Librarians