The Core
September 4, 2020, Volume 11, Summer Edition 6
Principal's Notes
Dear Parents & Guardians,
The first day of school is almost here! We are taking care of last minute preparations and details. We are all looking forward to welcoming everyone to Orchard next week. It has been too long and the school is too quiet...we all know that a school isn't a school without the students!
Hopefully, you are receiving an email today from a classroom teacher. As previously mentioned, our class lists are temporary. Though it is our goal to have permanent class lists, there may be some changes in the next few weeks. Please know - we are committed to getting everyone physically and emotionally settled right away.
Check out our Open House! Check out these links to see the FlipGrid introductions to our staff.
Click here to meet our teachers:
Click here to meet our staff:
Last week, I mentioned that a map will be provided for drop-off and dismissal. It is attached so please check it out. I recommend printing it because there are specific details provided. I can imagine it could be confusing so please reach out to our office with any questions. This is especially important that we follow the directions so that cars and buses travel throughout the parking lots. Special Note: I recommend accessing the driveway via McIntosh if the Goodwill Driveway is backed up.
Make sure your child has:
- Multiple Face Masks - more than one will be necessary (gaiters, buffs, or bandanas are not substitutes for face masks).
- Water Bottles - Classroom and Hallway drinking faucets will not be available.
Also, for the most recent health updates, check out our nurses' notes attached below.
Check out this temperature taking video that members of our staff made:
It could be very helpful to our students!
We had a really nice Kindergarten Informational Night this week and are looking to meeting each of our youngest students this Monday and Tuesday. As I told our new kindergarten parents, we know parents and students are nervous about starting but please know, we are working extensively to keep everyone safe. We will take good care of your child while they are here at school.
Please note the Picture Day Schedule below. We had to make adjustments to our Picture Day Schedule when the Hybrid Model was established back in August. These days are coming on us quickly and I sincerely apologize to all our Jewish families who are celebrating Rosh Hashanah Friday evening. We had no choices but to take the 18th. Class photos will not be taken this year.
It's Labor Day Weekend - have an excellent close to summer! Stay safe, stay well, and take some time to read with your child.
Mark Trifilio
Picture Days
- Tuesday, September 15, Blue Group Classes
- Friday, September 18, Grey Group Classes
Staff Prepping the Building to get Ready for Students
IMPORTANT - Parent Portal Account
Parents, the school district is moving toward communicating through the Student Portal:
Over the summer, the District made Annual Student Update forms available via the PowerSchool Parent Portal. You will need this account when filling out your student’s form for the 2020-2021 school year. The online forms will replace the thick packet of papers that have previously been mailed home to families from the schools each summer.
All returning families should have an account.- you may have received an email from in June informing you that one was created for you, if you did not have a portal account at the time. Please check your email for that important information about your account.
New families should have created accounts when registering your students. If you have any problems please email