Harpeth High School
Smoke Signals - November 11, 2019
Harpeth High School
HHS Employee of the Month - Bailey Weems - Bailey has been extremely helpful with administrative procedures and teaching assistance for one of Harpeth's new teachers. She works hard to engage students in their Spanish learning... Muy Bien!
- November 11 - Veterans Day (No School)
- April 11, 2020 - HHS Prom @ Loveless Cafe (Saturday night)
- May 21, 2020 (7pm) - HHS Graduation @ Lipscomb Allen Arena
Email: lee.rector@ccstn.org
Website: http://www.harpethhighccs.net/
Location: 170 East Kingston Springs Road, Kingston Springs, TN, United States
Phone: (615) 952-2811
Facebook: www.facebook.com/HarpethHS/
Twitter: @Harpeth_HS
Veterans Day
Thank you to all who served and are serving!
No School on Monday!
Fruit Sale - Junior Class Fundraiser
The Harpeth High School Fruit Sale is on now! Juniors are selling fruit by the case to raise funds for graduation. If you are interested in purchasing fruit in time for the holidays, you can order from any HHS junior, order online, or order through Mrs. Fallon. For online ordering, go to www.floridaindianrivergroves.com. The HHS organization ID is 153464. The order window closes on November 15. Thank you for your support!
Living with Demetia
Thursday, Nov 14, 2019, 06:30 PM
HHS Theater
HHS Prom
HHS Graduation
After School Tutoring
Tutoring is now available for Math and English.
Math Tutoring - TUESDAYS - 3:00-4:00 - Room 407
English Tutoring - THURSDAYS - 3:00-4:00 - Room 201
This is a necessary safety procedure we are putting in place for students in our school. This year ALL students will be REQUIRED to wear ID badges.
Students are expected to wear their badges around their necks using a lanyard.
Students will receive (5) disciplinary points for NOT wearing their badge. The first badge is complimentary, lost badges will cost $5. Students that didn't get their badge (absent on both picture days or new to HHS) will not be penalized.
Parking on Campus
Beginning Monday, August 12, all drivers on campus MUST have a parking tag displayed in their vehicle. Any vehicle without a tag is subject to search and a fine or being towed. Students that drive to school must have a parking pass.
Student Devices
If your child has not picked up his or her 1-1 laptop (9-11 graders), please make sure that is resolved early this week. Teachers are beginning to assign work that require computer use in class. The student needs bring the district contract signed to receive the computer. Paying the $30 insurance fee will cover the laptop if it needs repairs. If the fee is not paid, repairs will need to be paid for out-of-pocket and are typically much more expensive than the $30 insurance fee. Please contact Natalia Fallon in the library if you have any questions: Natalia.fallon@ccstn.org.
Harpeth Unified
Harpeth Best Buddies in now Harpeth Unified. Harpeth Unified promotes inclusion for all students at Harpeth High School as well as our Cheatham community. Friendships are developed for students with and without disabilities that extend outside the walls of our school. Sign ups for this amazing club opportunity will be next week, August 15th and 16th in the cafeteria as well as outside the Life Skills Classroom. Please stop by and sign up!
Payments and Fees
RevTrak is as one-stop-spot for taking care of the various monetary items for HHS. We encourage you to make your lunch account payments and cover the various fees your students may have through RevTrak. Click the "RevTrak Payments" button to be directed to the secure site.
Student Drivers
All student drivers MUST have a parking pass! Parking Tag Info: {Letter} designates Lot {Number} designates Spot ex. S-001 will be Senior Lot spot 001 AFTER we get paved.
CCSD expected to have the HHS parking lot paved this summer. Parking pass numbers were printed with our "new" parking spots. Unfortunately, the timing didn't work out therefore the spots still have the old numbers. For students that will be driving to HHS this school year... you must park in your respective lot (S or B) only, not necessarily in your actual spot since it isn't numbered correctly. Your daily parking spot will be determined by how early you arrive and what spots are available at the time you get to school. When the parking lot is paved we will then enforce the actual parking spot."
Any student that didn't purchase a parking pass, has insurance and a license, MUST purchase a parking pass. They will be available during lunch the first week of school. Student must have a copy of a current insurance card and driver's license, plus the signed permission form. Click Here for the form or go to the HHS website.
Information on E-Cigarettes
Remind App
On your phone search rmd.at/8hb423 in your web browser and follow the directions to access HHSRemind
Text @8hb423 to the number 81010
Car Riders
School Safety
We continue to have various drills throughout the school year to practice procedures to help everyone know and understand what is expected from both students and adults.
Policy-6.310 - Hats and other headwear shall not be worn inside school buildings during the school day unless (a) wearing the hat has been approved in advance by the school administration for a school event, (b) the hat or headwear is a customary part of the student’s religious observance or a religious event, or (c) the hat or headwear is recommended or prescribed by a medical doctor duly licensed in the State of Tennessee for a specific medical purpose.
Tardy Policy
Here is our updated Tardy Policy. All students are subject to this policy.
Possession of Tobacco Products/E-Cigarettes/Vaping Materials (excerpt from Student Handbook)
Students shall not use or possess any tobacco product nor smoking/vaping devices at school or any school function where they officially represent the school. Possession or use of any form of tobacco is in violation of Board policy.
1st offense: Violators will receive points. Parents will be notified. Extracurricular restrictions may apply.
2nd offense: Violators will receive points, will be placed in ISS for up to three days, and lose their driving privileges for the remainder of the semester. Parents will be notified. Extracurricular restrictions may apply.
3rd offense: Violators will receive points, be suspended from school for three days, and will have their parking privileges revoked for the remainder of the year. Parents will be called in for a conference with an administrator. Extracurricular restrictions may apply.
4th offense: Violators will be given points and will be referred to the Student Disciplinary Hearing Authority. Extracurricular restrictions may apply.
Any student who possesses tobacco products shall be issued a citation and attend court.