The Primary Connection
Primary Family Newsletter - September 29, 2023
Notes From the Office
Reading is a fundamental skill that serves as the cornerstone of academic success. Beyond its academic benefits, reading fosters imagination, enhances vocabulary, and develops critical thinking skills. By reading together at home, you are not only supporting your child's academic growth but also nurturing a love for learning that will last a lifetime.
If your child does not already have a library card, I suggest stopping in to our local library and getting one. The public library is a great resource for books and activities.
Tips for Reading with Your Child:
- Set a regular time to read together - my own children loved to snuggle and read right before bed.
- As your child's skills develop, take turns reading aloud.
- Ask open-ended questions during and after reading
- Explore different genres of books to expand their exposure to different types of books.
- Model a love for reading - Childre will mimic what they see. Let them see you enjoying a book, magazie or a newspaper.
Our school is committed to supporting your child's literacy journey and I will be sharing tips throughout the year. Do not hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher or our librarian if you need recommendations for age-appropriate books.
Mark Your Calendars!
October 3rd - PTO Meeting, 4:00 PM
October 4th - Fall Count Day
October 5th - Title I Information Meeting, 9:00 AM
October 10th - Title I Information Meeting, 6:00 PM
Octobe 12th - Michigan Apple Crunch Day
October 13th - HOMECOMING 2023
October 14th - Run Eddie Run 5K
Building the Habit of Good Attendance
Our school day begins at 8:25 and ends at 3:45. I have noticed over the past week that there has been an increase of students arriving between 8:30 and 8:45. If the student is not in their classroom by 8:25 they are marked as tardy.
Additionally, this past week our Student Support Specialist began sending out letters for students who have missed excessive days already. We notify parents of the absences regardless of whether they are excused or unexcused.
Homecoming Week - Spirit Week Dress Up Days
Homecoming 2024 is right around the corner! It is honestly one of my favorite weeks of the school year! Our teachers will send out more information about activities and the parade next week.
Chromebook Insurance
Edwardsburg Public Schools offers insurance for our student Chromebooks. At at annual cost of $35, it covers repairs on your child's device should it break. If you need an insurance form, contact the office and we will send one home with your child.
Parent Advisory Council
Edwardsburg Primary School is forming our Parent Advisory Council for the 23 - 24 school year. PACs provide a platform for parents to communicate with teachers and school administrators. This can include discussing school policies, curriculum changes, and other issues affecting students. Our building council meets with the councils from Eagle Lake and the Intermediate three times per year.
Edwardsburg Primary School
Office Hours: 7:45 - 4:15PM
(Regular office hours begin September 5, 2023)
Location: 69100 Section Street, Edwardsburg, MI, USA
Phone: 269-663-1037
Elementary Principal at Edwardsburg Primary School