June 2020
Texas Ranks 5th in High School Graduation Rates!
Texas public schools are doing better than 90% of the states in the nation in graduation rates! Texas graduation rates rank 5th, well above the national average. In fact, when you break down the graduation rate by sub-populations, Texas is in the top four in several categories: 2nd among Asian students, 2nd among Black students, 2nd among White students, 2nd among Economically Disadvantaged students; and 4th among Hispanic students.
Source: https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/tables/ACGR_RE_and_characteristics_2015-16.asp
Message from Leslie & Scott Milder Founders, Friends of Texas Public Schools
Nuts! Nuts! Nuts! We are so incredibly bummed to announce that renowned school leader and extraordinary human being Blake Cooper has resigned his post as Executive Director of Friends of Texas Public Schools.
Blake has played a vital role in the evolution of this organization. His leadership, compassion, class, conviction, dedication, vision, integrity, humor, humility, and good mojo added credibility to the Friends of Texas Public Schools organization and message when he chose to associate his good name with ours. We are so incredibly grateful to Blake for choosing to be part of our Friends team these past four years.
While we are sad to see Blake go, we are delighted to report that the Board of Directors has moved quickly to name our very own Jennifer Storm as the new Executive Director at Friends of Texas Public Schools. Jennifer joined our Friends team in 2016 as Director of Operations and we couldn’t be more pleased with her work. She has streamlined our operations and improved our effectiveness exponentially! Jennifer has adopted our organizational mission as her own. She has earned the respect of educational organization and advocacy leaders, and many school leaders as well. Jennifer Storm is a leader and an ideal candidate for this role.
We are so proud of everything that Friends of Texas Public Schools has become and all that it stands for… and against. (Click here to read up.) We are humbled by the great work and commitment of so many volunteers who’ve contributed to the success of this organization.
Blake, we wish you and your family the very best as you start your next chapter.
Jennifer, we eagerly await what is to come under your leadership.
Great things are happening in Texas Public Schools!
Leslie & Scott
Get Texas Reading - Free Digital Books Available this Summer
Through a partnership with TEA and Renaissance, students and families have free access to thousands of myON digital books and daily news articles during the summer months.
myON reading resources can be accessed on any digital device that is connected to the Internet and are available 24/7. Digital books can be downloaded onto mobile devices for offline reading, as well.
This access will help students continue reading and learning—and provide additional opportunities to explore topics they are interested in. Families can read with myON, too!
How to log into myON: Visit: www.myON.com
Enter School Name: Get Texas Reading
Enter Username: read
Enter Password: myon
Corporate Partner Spotlight
Corporate Partner Spotlight
Parsons Commercial Roofing is a family owned and operated business which began in 1948. We specialize in the installation of Duro-Last Roofing Systems and have installed it on over 3,000 schools in Texas. We have also been named the Duro-Last contractor of the year for the last 14 years! We are a proud supporter of Texas schools and organizations. If we can help you with roofing repairs or re-roofs, please give us a call at 877-881-1733.
For more information visit: www.parsonsroofing.com
Become a Friends Corporate Partner
To become a Friends corporate partner, click below to join online. If you have any questions or would like to discuss additional partnership opportunities, please contact Executive Director, Blake Cooper at 903-453-5412 or bcooper@fotps.org. For more information click here.
About us
Our Mission
"To facilitate respectful conversations about Texas public schools through honest communication, productive dialogue, and relentless encouragement."
Email: Friends@fotps.org
Website: www.fotps.org
Location: 108 Wild Basin Rd. South #250 Austin, TX 78746
Phone: 512-334-6555
Facebook: facebook.com/FriendsTX
Twitter: @FRIENDStxps