Curtis Chronicles
August 14, 2020
A Message from Curtis Principal, Sonya Pitcock
Cougar families,
What a great start to the school year, although quite different than all my previous 23 years! Your kids did great and were flexible and understanding as we continue to fix schedules and load Canvas courses. I hope they got to meet most of their teachers for a bit and were able to see some classmates as well. We were very excited to see their faces and answer their questions. I’m so proud that we had almost all our students “come to school” on the first day!
We are still working on scheduling as we had a very short time to alter our master schedule, then move over 1,400 schedules for students to be in the correct classes. We appreciate your support and patience with this. If your child doesn’t see the correct Canvas course for their Skyward schedule, please have them email their teacher (from their Skyward schedule) to let them know they can’t see the Canvas for their class. This should be resolved very soon, but we want to make sure you know what to do just in case. Please feel free to reach out to our counselors with any scheduling questions.
We have created bell schedules by lunch to eliminate any confusion for kids. Click on the links below to just see the individual times based on students lunch schedule.
Teachers went over expectations for behavior on zoom meetings, but I want to remind all parents and students that we are still following the student code of conduct even during this online learning period. So inappropriate screen names, inappropriate comments or behaviors will cause students to either not be admitted to the class, or be removed from the class zoom. Our teachers and administrators want students to be able to be present in the class with their teacher, however, we still have rules and expectations for behavior to create a safe and productive learning environment for everyone. Students can and will be referred to the administration if there are behaviors that need to be addressed.
In addition, students need to show their faces on the zoom calls so their teachers can begin to learn their names and faces. We work very hard to build relationships with students and this platform certainly has its challenges. Being able to see faces with names will certainly help us be ready for students’ return to campus and allow us to get to know them better.
Students will need to follow the bell schedule and be in the waiting room for class before the class start time. Instruction will begin at the beginning of class, so students arriving late will be behind and possibly confused. Please support your students in getting to class on time so they can be successful.
As always, we appreciate the support from our Curtis families. We are all in this together to make sure that our students have a successful year.
Sonya Pitcock
Upcoming Events
August 25: Spirit Wear orders due for mid-September delivery
September 2: Return to school for campus learners
September 7: Labor Day, Student HolidaySeptember 11: PTA Membership meeting, virtually
September 15: Spirit Night, Raising Cane's
Welcome from PTA President
Dear Cougar Families,
On behalf of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA), welcome to Curtis Middle School for the 2020-2021 school year! Although this year will be unlike any other we have experienced, I am honored to be serving in the role of PTA President this year.
Curtis PTA consists of parents, teachers, students and community members working together to enrich our school community. Our goal is to support the entire Curtis community – both those learning virtually at home and those studying in person on campus. We support school staff, help promote student welfare, and assist in efforts to meet school needs through volunteering.
Our website, CurtisCougarPTA.org, and our PTA Facebook page are key places to track upcoming events, sign up to volunteer, purchase spirit wear and so much more. Please visit them both often.
I look forward to getting to know you. If you have any questions, please contact me at: ptapresident.curtis@gmail.com.
Beth Bradley
PTA Back To School: Membership, Donate, Volunteer, Spirit Wear
Curtis PTA offers the opportunity to Join, Donate, Volunteer and Purchase Spirit Wear from our online website. We invite you to fill out the following forms for the school year:
- Membership: Membership is open to everyone for $10 each
- Donate: Curtis PTA will be having an on-line "no fuss" fundraiser
- Volunteer: Select Volunteer opportunities so we are ready to go when we are able to be back on campus.
- Spirit Wear: Purchase your Curtis spirit wear. Orders placed by August 25 will arrive mid-September.
Purchase Spirit Wear by August 25
Orders placed by August 25 will be delivered mid-September to your student's TRACKS teacher. Arrangements will be made for at-home learners to receive their orders as well.
Questions? Please email Theresa.
Snack Donations Needed
Thank you for supporting our CMS Staff!
PTA Business Sponsorship Program
CMS PTA is pleased to once again offer our business sponsorship program. Curtis PTA would like to invite community businesses to show support for our staff, students and community by making a financial contribution to our PTA for the 2020-21 school year. PTA strives to make every child’s potential a reality.
There are two contributions levels for you to consider.
Red Level, $100
- Your logo and link to your website on CurtisCougarPTA.org from now through June 30, 2021.
- Included in end-of-year thank you email.
Black Level, $250
- Your logo and link to your website on CurtisCougarPTA.org from now through June 30, 2021.
- Included in end-of-year thank you email.
- 1 Thank you in our campus-wide newsletter that goes out to all families.
- 1 thank you and shout out with link to your website on our Curtis PTA Facebook page.
CLICK HERE for more details or email Jennifer.
Update TRACKS Teacher
It is a huge help to PTA if you are able to update Membership Toolkit with your student’s TRACKS teacher.
To do this, go to Account > My Forms/Paperwork and then select Contact Information to update.
Thank you for your help!
PTA Loves Our CMS Staff❤️🖤
The Curtis Hospitality team had the opportunity to treat our staff to lunch the week before school started. Our hardworking teachers and staff enjoyed a lunch catered by Two Rows.
Throughout the year, our teachers and staff are provided with snacks every month for their staff meetings after school. Please look for sign-up details coming soon!
PTA is offering the opportunity to purchase snacks via an Amazon wish list. If you can help, please CLICK HERE.
Opportunities to support our staff are available when you log in to your account at www.CurtisCougarPTA.org.
Volunteer Application Now Open for 2020-2021
Annually, volunteers are required to fill out the Allen ISD Volunteer Application form. While currently volunteers are not able to be on campus, we encourage those interested to fill out the application now. The application resets each year on July 1 and takes about 2 weeks to process. Please click this link below to fill out yours.
Use Amazon Smile to Support Curtis PTA
Do you shop on Amazon? Use Amazon's Smile and support Curtis PTA!
AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your purchase to Curtis PTA when shopping Amazon.
Select your charity: PTA Texas Congress 201 Curtis Middle School
Bookmark smile.amazon.com
Start using smile.amazon.com whenever you want to shop at Amazon!
Be sure to shop through AmazonSmile the next time you shop online. You’re still shopping with Amazon — you’re just doing good while buying what you need!
Please encourage grandparents, neighbors, and friends to support Curtis PTA by shopping through AmazonSmile too.
Curtis Middle School PTA
Email: ptacommunications.curtis@gmail.com
Website: https://www.allenisd.org/curtisms
Location: 1530 Rivercrest Boulevard, Allen, TX, USA
Phone: 972-727-0340
Twitter: @CurtisCougars