Principal's Newsletter
May 2024 - Last Student Day of School is May 23, 2024
Itliong-Vera Cruz Middle School
Dear IVCMS Community,
Throughout this school year, we've gained invaluable insights into our students and discovered new ways to support them. A heartfelt thank you goes out to our IVC community. We understand that navigating middle school can be challenging, and we're committed to being your steadfast partners through this educational journey.
As summer approaches, I encourage everyone to take some well-deserved downtime. I'm sure our students are eagerly anticipating the chance to sleep in and enjoy a break from the cell phone chart.
To our 8th graders, your middle school experience has been unique, but we have every confidence that you'll thrive in high school and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead.
Mark your calendars—the first day of the 2024-2025 school year is August 7th.
Remember, parents must complete the Parent Data Confirmation annual update before the start of each school year. For our returning families, please be on the lookout for updates in mid-July regarding our Parent Data Confirmation "Annual Update" process and schedule pick-up.
A friendly reminder: all incoming 7th graders must have proof of a T-Dap immunization on file to attend school and receive their schedule for the upcoming year. For more information, visit the California Department of Public Health's website on immunizations at
Our site administrators and clerical staff will be back in the building the second week of July.
Wishing everyone a wonderful summer break—a well-deserved rest for us all!
Warm regards,
Marc Guastavino
Itliong-Vera Cruz Middle School
- 5/9 - Spring Choir Concert 6-7pm
- 5/9 - IVCMS School Site Council 6:00pm - virtual meeting through Google Meets
5/10 - Math enrichment recognition 2:55pm - 3:20pm recognizing the top 3 scores for AMC-8 and MOEMS
5/16 - Beyond the Bell Closed - Staff Professional Development
5/17 - 8th Grade Promotion Dance 5-6:30pm
5/20 - 6th and 7th grade Field Day
- 5/21 - 8th grader Breakfast during school AM
- 5/22 - 8th grade Play Day during school all day
- 5/23 - Minimum Day - students dismissed at 11:25
- 5/23 - 8th grade Awards Assembly during school AM (students only)
- 5/23 - Promotion Ceremony more detailed information below - 8th graders arrive at 2pm ceremony starts at 3pm at Logan High School (families welcome)
District African American Advisory
Virtual Meeting: Monday, May 6 at 6PM
Next week is our May D3A meeting. Please register to join us on Monday, May 6 at 6:00PM on Zoom. Please find the agenda and meetings schedule linked.
Please share this meeting with others in your school community. We are looking forward to seeing all of our schools represented. See you Monday, May 6th!
You may opt-in to (or out of) the D3A mailing list here. If you are no longer interested or are no longer a part of NHUSD, please feel free to forward to others or delete.
Yours in service,
District African American Advisory
The District African American Advisory (D3A) is a group of parents, community members, and staff whose goal is to create systematic processes to prepare African American students for a required A-G path to college K-12.
Time to Celebrate
Chromebook Collection
For 8th graders:
On May 16th, during their Core class, all 8th grade students will be returning their Chromebooks. We'll ensure that each assigned device and cable are checked back in. If any Chromebooks show more wear and tear than usual, a bill will be issued accordingly. It's important to note that failure to return the Chromebook will result in a bill for the full amount of a new device.
For those attending summer school, a new device will be provided at the beginning of the session.
Prior to the commencement of the 2024-2025 school year, 8th graders will return their devices and charging cables to IVCMS. Incoming Freshman will then receive a new Chromebook from James Logan.
For 6th and 7th graders:
All 6th and 7th grade students will retain their Chromebooks over the summer and should have them ready for use at the start of the 2024-2025 school year.
8th grade Promotion - Etiquette and Expectations
Thursday, May 23, 2024 - James Logan High School, H Street, Union City, CA, USA
Here are the key details:
On May 23rd, it's a Minimum Day, with dismissal at 11:25 am.
8th graders must attend school on May 23rd to participate in the Promotion Ceremony. There's no being too sick for school but well enough for promotion.
The Promotion Ceremony is set for May 23rd at James Logan High School, located on H Street in Union City, CA, USA.
8th graders should arrive at 2:00 pm in Colt Court for preparation.
The Promotion Ceremony officially commences at 3:00 pm in the stadium.
We do not wear promotion gowns. Attire should be appropriate for a promotional ceremony that includes pictures that will be shared with family members. Clothes should be similar to what you would wear for PBL presentations, public speaking, band or choir concerts.
Remember the weather can change. Over the years we have had promotion ceremonies in drizzling rain and blazing heat. The one thing that is consistent is the spring time wind in the afternoon.
Please ensure that your student arrives at the Logan Pavilion by 2 pm, as the ceremony is set to commence promptly at 3 pm. We kindly ask that families refrain from entering our staging area as we organize the students. There will be ample time for photographs after the ceremony. It's important to note that students who are not present in the staging area will not have the opportunity to walk across the stage, and late arrivals will not be permitted onto the field.
All family members are warmly invited to attend the ceremony. Seating is available on both the home and visitor sides of the field. To optimize your viewing experience, we recommend that families of students with last names beginning with A-L sit on the Visitor side closest to the District Office, while families of students with last names beginning with M-Z sit on the HOME side closest to the Center for the Performing Arts. This arrangement ensures you'll have a clear view of your student crossing the stage.
Please remember that AP Visions will be capturing the pivotal moment of your student crossing the stage at promotion. We coordinate with the students to ensure they know where the photographer will be positioned, enabling them to showcase their brightest smiles for the snapshot. Please note that families will not be permitted onto the field area during promotion.
We kindly request that all parents be considerate of other families by refraining from bringing large balloon arrangements, oversized posters, or poster heads to the ceremony. These items obstruct the view of other families attempting to witness their student's achievement.
Additionally, we ask that families refrain from bringing air horns or noise makers. While they may add excitement after your student's name is called, they also overshadow the names of subsequent students, depriving their families of hearing their names announced. With over 350 students to recognize, names are called swiftly.
We deeply appreciate your cooperation with these guidelines and your commitment to ensuring that all families can relish in the joy of seeing and hearing their students cross our stage.
Up coming Events
Important information for:
8th graders
Parents who signed up for volunteering at 8th grade end of the year events through the permission slip form will be receiving an email from Jen Nemecek this week to confirm. We are still looking for donations of pre-packaged individual servings of food items for our play day on Wednesday, 5/22. Items can be delivered to the school office.
If you are interested in receiving information from the Logan PVC, please fill out their form here.
Promotion Dance: Fri, 5/17 5-6:30pm
8th grader Breakfast: Tues, 5/21 during school AM
8th grade Play Day: Wed, 5/22 during school all day
Awards Assembly: Thurs, 5/23 during school AM (students only)
Promotion Ceremony: Thurs, 5/23 3pm at Logan High School (families welcome).
6th and 7th grade Field Day:
We will be celebrating the end of another school year with a field day for sixth and seventh graders on Monday, 5/20. If you are interested in volunteering at the event please fill out this quick form.
Grades - Stay in the "Know"
3rd Trimester ending on May 23, 2024
The time for retakes and submitting important school work is growing short and teachers will be finalizing grades for report cards with the trimester ending on May 23, 2024
Please refer to management plans and communicate with your child’s teacher regarding efforts being made to raise low grades. The best way to remain up to date with your child's progress is through Aeries Parent Portal at and by becoming a parent observer in CANVAS to see the details about assignments.
CANVAS learning system - How to become a Parent Observer
In NHUSD student who are in 6th grade and higher will be using CANVAS learning system to access most of their assignments. Each teacher will have a CANVAS classroom where schoolwork is assigned. Students can also turn their completed assignments in through the system.
CANVAS is the main tool used by teachers to communicate with families. We encourage all households to become a Parent Observer in the CANVAS system.
Once you become a Parent Observer the system will let you check for updated assignments and due dates. Please follow the attached directions to become a Parent Observer
To do list this summer:
Parent Data Confirmation (PDC) - “Annual Update”
Be on the lookout for messages asking families to complete the Parent Data Confirmation before 6th Grade WEB Orientation and 7th/8th Grade Schedule Pick Up
The “Annual Update” also referred to as the Parent Data Confirmation (PDC) is important because this provides the school with the most accurate contact information on how to communicate with families.
The Parent Connect window is now open. Families will have until Friday August 4th to complete the process for each student that attends an NHUSD school.
Please log into Aeries Parent/Student Portal to complete the update at The Aeries system will take you through a series of prompts to verify and update your contact information.
If you have difficulties logging into the Parent/Student Portal please contact the IVCMS office at 510-489-0700
TDAP-incoming 7th grade students for 2024-2025
If your student is an incoming 7th grader (or 8th grader coming from a school outside of California) please make sure we have your TDAP immunization on record. You can send it to . All 7th grade students will need proof of vaccination prior to starting the school year. Please make sure to have that to us by July 15th, to ensure there are no challenges in issuing your student their schedule or allowing them to begin school.
By law, any student who does not have the T-Dap immunization on file, will not be allowed to receive a schedule or attend classes until IVCMS has the immunization record on file. You can email a copy of the immunization record to Phoebe Bacogiannis at
NHUSD in person Summer School opportunities
WAITLIST 2024 Middle School Summer BOOST Student Application
The Summer BOOST Application has closed but there is a WAITLIST available.
Filling out this form will place your child on a waitlist. Completing an application does not guarantee enrollment. A summer school administrator will reach out to you if space becomes available.
Current Grades 5-7:
Clipper Cards
If you got a Clipper Card from Ms. Clare our Family Service Assistant you will need to verify your Clipper Card to keep your card working. This way you can keep riding UC Transit and AC Transit for free. All you need to do is fill out a quick online form. Here is the link:
Short Term Independent Study
The last day to request independent study was May 1st.
The last day to request independent study was May 1st. The Independent Study would only be able to be for a total of FIVE days. The last day to begin a 5-day Independent Study contract is May 9th. The deadline for all Independents Study contracts to have work submitted to complete the contract is May 17th.
If your family plans to go on vacation or you know your child will miss between 5-14 days, we ask that you request Short Term Independent Study.
Please contact the office at (510) 489-0700 to make an appointment to complete the application process. Appointments and applications must be submitted at least five school days before to your child is absent from school.
There are not any exceptions if this deadline is missed. If a Short Term Independent Study contract is not in place then all absences will follow our attendance guidelines.
For more information about Short Term Independent Study call the office at (510) 489-0700
A message from our Counselors' Corner
Speak Up program at IVC.
The Speak Up program is designed to insure IVC is a safe and welcoming campus encouraging students to report any concerns anonymously. Students can report anything from noticing a student is being treated unkindly to a friend who seems extra sad and may need to talk to someone.
We have placed posters with a QR code around campus. The Speak up form is also available on our website under the Counselors’ Corner Tab or using this QR code. Please encourage your student to speak up and help IVC continue to be a place where everyone feels welcomed and finds belonging.
Keep it Safe and the traffic Moving
Parking Lot Traffic
The areas around IVCMS are very congested in the morning and afternoon with traffic. Our neighbors are trying to also get to and from their homes. Please be courteous and kind to each other and follow all traffic laws to keep our students safe.
Please do not park cars along areas that are marked "No Parking" or "Busses Only".
Our staff parking lot is reserved for clerical, custodial, administration and teachers to park and be able to support your child on time. Use the designated Drop Off Zones to help keep the students and staff safe.
Get to School and Get Home SAFELY
We have had a number of concerns brought to our attention about the unsafe behavior of our students from our community neighbors. Parents please make sure your children who walk, roll and ride to school are wearing helmets and following traffic safety laws. Remind them to have their ears and eyes aware of the traffic around them. We want everyone to get to school and back home safe.
Student Lunches
Please keep in mind that students cannot receive more than one breakfast or more than one lunch for free each day. If a student would like a second serving, families have an option to add funds connected to the student through
Below is a flyer with directions on creating an account and a link to the website.
What if I am absent? - Attendance
When a student misses school the family is required to report the absence. All absences need to be reported. To report an absence at Itliong-Vera Cruz Middle School call (510) 489-0700 option 3 “Report an Absence or email at:
PRE ORDER your yearbooks for $35 until April 1, 2024. Pre-orders can be made during
schedule pick up. We take cash or checks made out to IVC. Preorders are also available at using code 6046.
8th grade families can also customize dedication ads for your students for $30 until March 1,
2024 on the website!