The Acorn
Message from Academy of the Canyons' Principal, Dr. Fine
Week of 12/3-12/9
I hope that you had a restful weekend! We have only two weeks until our winter break. COC exams begin next week. Here is the AOC Final Exams schedule for the week of 12/10. If students need a place to work, our computer lab is open every day. Regarding the finals exam schedule, all electives meet and school will be held from 7:55am-2:55pm.
Upcoming Events
- November 30-UC/CSU Application Deadline
- December 1 -December 8th-COC Final Exams
- December 11-December 14th-AOC Final Exams
- December 15-No School, Last Teacher Work Day
- December 16-January 7- Winter Break, no AOC classes
- January 2- First Day of Winter Term COC Classes for 2024
- January 8- AOC Returns from Winter Break, 1st Day Back'
- January 15- Martin Luther King Day, NO SCHOOL
- February 3rd- Last day of COC winter term
- February 5th- First day of COC spring term (all students)
Click here to order a free lunch for your student through the Hart District. Free lunches are available to all students in the Hart District. Orders must be placed before 8:00am. Here is the menu for December.
And, a special thank you to Mr. Anthony Acosta for generously donating to our Hot Cocoa Bar for students during final exams week. We are so appreciative of your generosity! All snacks and items were given to our students from Mr. Acosta and his husband.
Have a wonderful week! Please do not hesitate to reach out to me or our main office with any questions.
Carla Tuttle, Office Manager- ctuttle@hartdistrict.org
Jennifer LaLiberte, Attendance and Library-jlaliberte@hartdistrict.org
Dr. Juliet Fine
Principal of AOC
(661) 362-3056
Our ROOTS parents will be serving our students hot cocoa and treats during their lunch break on 12/8 to celebrate the conclusion of COC final exams. Thank you, ROOTS for supporting our students and thank you to Mr. Anthony Acosta and family for generously donating all of the goods for this special event!
Spring Schedules are Live on Infinite Campus
AOC Spring 2024 Schedules: Spring 2024 class schedules will be available on Infinite Campus this month of December. Students can check their COC Class schedule on MyCanyons now.
Student Leadership Opportunity -CASL Conference
AOC and I, Bella De Vita, would like to invite you to the 2024 CASL State Conference!
CASL, or the California Association of Student Leaders, is the student leadership organization that represents California on a national level. The CASL State Conference provides students with the opportunity to expand their leadership skills through leadership curriculum, keynote speakers, and statewide networking. You can find more information at caslfan.com/2024-state-conference/.
In addition to attending the conference, students can further engage through:
EISA and OLPA: Both are awards that students can earn based on their efforts in service (EISA) and in general leadership (OLPA)!
Meet the Pros: Students create a 10 minute presentation about a leadership topic of their choosing and present it several times in a row to delegates at the conference.
Running for the 2024 CASL State Board: As a board member, I get to create a student leadership conference from scratch, present leadership lessons across the state, and learn how to create systems in an encouraging, business-like environment. You can either run for Southern Regional Director (creates the content for the conference) or Media Director (designs graphics, videos, and websites for the conference and for other CASL events).
The conference will be held at the Ontario Convention Center from April 13-15. Students pay for their own attendance to the conference. Fees will differ depending on how many students attend, but please refer to this link for a general idea of what fees may look like.
AOC students that are interested in attending the conference and that have received the approval of their parent(s)/guardian(s) can indicate their commitment by filling out THIS INTEREST FORM.
Please email bella.devita@caslboard.com for any questions!
Much CASLove,
Bella De Vita | CASL State Board Member
Want to see our conference in action? Check out our conference promotional video here!
You are Invited for a Tour of AOC and Ribbon Cutting of New Furniture, ROOTS Gift to AOC
To thank all of our AOC families for their generosity, we will be hosting a ribbon cutting to share the new classroom furniture with all of you. We will start outside of classroom 102 and cut the ribbon at 3:00pm with a short opening from ROOTS before starting our tour of the building. The event will take place from 3:00pm-3:30pm. This collaborative furniture has made a huge difference for our students.
Good News from AOC - 12th Grader, Paru Nair, Is Featured in Red Cross News
Paru got featured in Red Cross website for National Youth Involvement Month. This month, Red Cross LA celebrates the contributions of exceptional youth and young adult volunteers in the region.
Toy Drive for Santa Clartia Grocery
The holidays are around the corner! Do you want to help kids by donating a gift or two? I am collecting toys for a toy drive to be donated to local children in need. We need toys for ages 0 to 17 and the toy collection will take place from 12/4 to 12/14. Please drop off new, unwrapped toys in the large box in the hallway labeled “Santa Clarita Grocery.” If you have any questions please contact the Sophomore Nathan Patrus through google or fsako1@yahoo.com
Academy of the Canyons
Email: jfine@hartdistrict.org
Website: https://www.academyofthecanyons.com/
Location: Academy of the Canyons, Rockwell Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, CA, USA
Phone: 661-362-3056
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Academy-of-the-Canyons-Middle-College-High-School-330158873741614
Twitter: @Academy_Canyons