Hembree Highlights

Message from Ms. Smith
Hello Hawks!
Wow what a week! I am sure you were like me, you were ready for a weekend by Wednesday. There were so many things happening this week. Between Book Character Dress-Up day, PBIS celebration, and clubs in the afternoons, it has been a fun-filled week. I am sure that Literacy Night will be great tonight too!
One reminder: Carpool in the morning, if you do not make it in the line by 7:35am, you must park in a parking spot and walk your child in. If you DO make it in by 7:35am in the carpool, please make sure that your child stays in the car until you have reached the sign with Mrs. Stowers. Children do not need to run down the sidewalk, our staff will ensure safety by opening doors for the remaining students in carpool line.
I hope that you all have a wonderful week.
Enjoy your weekend!
AJ Smith
Hembree Springs ES
470-254-2905 - office
678-525-7704 - cell
Important Dates
11/7 Remote Learning Day
11/13-11/17 Hembree Springs Book Fair
11/13-11/17 No regular lunch visitors
11/14 Thanksgiving Feast for 3rd, K, and 2nd
11/14 Hembree Perk @7:40-8:40am (Title I- Technology)
11/15 Thanksgiving Feast for 1st, 5th, 4th, and Pre-K
11/20-11/24 Thanksgiving Break
12/12 Title I/ PTA Language Exchange and Holiday Coffee
Get Your Hawks Gear Here!
Student Work for the November 7 Remote Day
Parents, teachers will be sending home asynchronous work (not digital) for the upcoming Remote Day on November 7. Students will not report to school and will have that time to complete assignments that will be sent by their teachers. Be on the lookout for information from the teachers to come home on November 3. Please reach out to your teachers if you have questions.
Open Letter to Students of Hembree Springs Regarding Swings
November 3, 2023
Dear Hembree Springs Students and Parents,
This is an open letter to all 75 students that signed the petition for swings to be on the grounds at Hembree Springs Elementary School. I reached out to a playground company to find out what the cost would be for these swings. I learned about the specifications required for swings. I also put in a request for swings for students to enjoy at recess at Hembree Springs. However, Fulton County Schools does not allow swings at any of their schools. I am sorry to inform you of this information, but I do want you to know that I advocated on your behalf.
Thank you for working hard to have your voices heard. Keep striving to make the world around you a better place. Sometimes the answer is yes, sometimes it is no, and other times it is not right now. No matter the outcome, each choice you make impacts the people around you. Start small and continue to dream big. Even though the answer to this question was no, that doesn’t mean you stop working for what you believe in.
I am proud of you. I am proud to be your principal. I am proud of the young men and women you are growing into. I cannot wait to see all the wonderful ways you will change the world!
Sincerely Your Proud Principal,
AJ Smith
Kindergarten Thanksgiving Musical
Thanksgiving Feast
Please join us for our annual Thanksgiving Feast! The links below can be used to prepay. See the attached flyer for more details.
Tuesday 11/14/23 3rd, K and 2nd https://osp.osmsinc.com/FultonGA/BVModules/ProductTemplates/Bvc2013/Product.aspx?productid=EN520-13
Wednesday 11/15/23 1st, 5th, 4th and Pre-K https://osp.osmsinc.com/FultonGA/BVModules/ProductTemplates/Bvc2013/Product.aspx?productid=EN520-14
*There will be no regular lunch visitors the week of 11/13-11/17.
Treats For Troops
The PE Department wants to keep our students healthy during this candy filled time of year. Have your child bring in 15-20 pieces of their Halloween candy in a bag. We will collect candy from Oct. 30th – Nov. 8th and they will receive a no jogging pass. This candy will be donated to the men and women in the military.
PE Department
Our Fall Book Fair Is Just A Few Weeks Away!
The Literati book fair is fast approaching! Our fall book fair will be held November 13-17 in the Media Center. Students will be able to create wish lists during their specials period. The week of November 13th is also when we will have our Thanksgiving lunch here at school. Parents who attend will be able to shop for books before and after their student’s Thanksgiving lunch.
Our online Literati Book Fair companion is now up and running if you wish to browse and purchase books online rather than purchase books in person. The link is provided below. Please note that if you decide to purchase books online, your books will be delivered a couple weeks after we wrap up the in person fair at school. For our in person fair purchases, pre-loaded gift cards, credit cards, and cash will be accepted. Gift cards can be purchased using the same link below if you’d rather not send your child to school with cash. Gift cards can also be purchased for teachers if you’d like to gift any. Students and teachers will have until the last day of the in person fair to spend the amount purchased on their gift cards. During the final few minutes of the last day of the in person fair, all remaining balances will be combined to purchase books for the Media Center. This will allow students to have access to these books if they wish to check them out and borrow: Online Fair and Gift Card Purchases
Online Fair: Oct. 16 – Nov. 17
In person Fair: Nov. 13 – Nov. 17 in the Media Center
Thank you for supporting our school’s Media Center through your book fair participation! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Media Specialist, Jenny Soberanis at soberanis@fultonschools.org.
All Star Athletes
Each week the PE department will choose 4 All Star Athletes (2 students & 2 staff members). If your student enjoys hiking, swimming, baseball, softball, football, biking, etc. Please email a picture to marzetti@fultonschools.org.
Ms. Marzetti
From Title I
Join us on November 14th for our Technology Workshop from 7:40-8:40am. We’ll share important information regarding how to check student progress. Don’t have an Infinite Campus account yet? Bring your device and we’ll get you set-up, troubleshoot issues, and offer a quick tutorial. Also- you’ll have a chance to visit our book fair and pick out some wonderful gifts for your student.
Volunteers Needed for 3rd, 4th, & 5th Grade Book Clubs
Parents! Please sign up to moderate book club for your child! We need parents to come in at lunchtime the last week of November to discuss the assigned book with the classroom. We provide discussion questions, but the kids always have a lot to say! Sign up here:
Copy Team Volunteers Needed
One way to support our dedicated teachers and staff is by easing their workload, and we have a fantastic opportunity for you to do just that! We're looking for parents who have some time to make copies for our amazing teachers.
If you can spare a few hours on Thursdays or Fridays and want to be part of this rewarding volunteer opportunity, please get in touch with Julie Burnley at jkburnley@gmail.com to express your interest or ask any questions.
Join The Hawks Nest on Facebook!
Do you 'like' the Hembree Springs PTA page on Facebook? We have a lot of new families this year, and we encourage you to check out The Hawks Nest on Facebook to find out about all the latest happenings, see photos of our events and stay "in the know." Check out our recent Trunk or Treat pics!
Find It Here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HSEHawksNest
PTA Volunteer Opportunities
Dad's Club Mentor
We would love your SUPPORT! We are looking for adult male role models to volunteer as a Dad’s Club Mentor, serving as a group mentor to our Hawks boys in grades 3rd-5th. The purpose of the Dad’s Club program is to provide students with an additional adult who will encourage them to feel good about themselves, make positive choices, positively connect with one another and give back through various actions of helping others! The mentors will meet as a group with the boys every Friday before school from 7:10-7:40 am. It’s okay if you’re not available every Friday. Any time that you have is greatly appreciated! If interested or if you have additional questions, please reach out to Shannon Reynolds (School Counselor) at 470-254-9456 or reynoldssn@fultonschools.org. Thank you for your support!
Media Center
Mrs. Soberanis is looking for one volunteer every other Tuesday, 8 am - 9 am, to help with shelving. She thinks the shelving will take about 20 minutes. Sign up for a slot here:
If you have not already, please make sure you've completed the Volunteer Registration Application through Fulton County Schools: https://www.fultonschools.org/volunteer
Order your HSE Yearbook!
Lunch Visitor Schedule by Homeroom
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Previous Newsletters
Hembree Springs Elementary School
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/hembreespringses
Location: 815 Hembree Road, Roswell, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-2902