Not My Kid:
Drug and Alcohol Information Every Parent Should Know
My Role As a Parent
What can you do, as a parent, to help your child grow up to make responsible decisions about drugs and alcohol?
- Talk to your child about the risks of drug and alcohol use.
- Be a good listener. When your child talks to you about social situations, help him/her come up with appropriate solutions.
- Be a good example to your child by not abusing alcohol or drugs. Children whose parents abuse alcohol or drugs are at a greater risk for misuse or abuse later in life.
- Spend time strengthening the bond with your child.
Anti-Drug PSA-The Truth about drugs
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week is the largest drug prevention campaign and will take place on all campuses in the month of October. For more information on the history of Red Ribbon Week, please visit http://www.dea.gov/redribbon/RedRibbon_history.shtml.
Campuses will be conducting different activities with students during this week geared towards drug prevention. Check out your child's school website for more information on specific activities planned for Red Ribbon Week.
Truth About Drugs Documentary: Alcohol
Drug Free World
For more information on other forms of drugs, including marijuana, crack, crystal meth, ecstasy, cocaine, inhalants, heroin, and prescription drugs, pain killers, please visit http://www.drugfreeworld.org.
This is a great resource for parents to use as a conversation starter with their children.
Eagle Mountain Saginaw ISD Counseling and Campus Support
Please contact your campus counselor for concerns or to get additional information on community resources.
Website: https://www.emsisd.com/Domain/69
Phone: 817-847-7793