MTSD Momentum Newsletter
February 27, 2023

Happy Public Schools Week!
Rescheduling K-8 Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thank you for your patience as we worked to formulate a new plan for conducting parent-teacher conferences following February 16th's inclement weather cancelation. After consulting with elementary and middle school teachers to work through options that would work best for our staff members and families, teachers will plan to work with parents/guardians to schedule 15-minute virtual conferences this week. In addition, time will be set aside for in-person conferences from 4:00-8:00 p.m. on the evening of Thursday, March 2. As a reminder, there is no school for students on Friday, March 3. Please stay tuned for more information to come from your child's teachers, if they have not connected with you already. Thank you again for your flexibility, and for your engagement in this important opportunity for home-to-school connection in support of your student.
Statewide Immunization Update for the 2023-2024 School Year
As of February 1, 2023, the state of Wisconsin has updated the school immunization requirements to be more closely aligned with nationwide recommendations. The following changes will go into effect for the 2023-2024 school year:
- The Tdap booster will now be required for entry into 7th grade instead of 6th
- One meningitis vaccine (MenACWY) will be due for students entering 7th grade (not previously required)
- A meningitis booster will be required for those entering 12th grade (not previously required)
- Parents were previously able to report a history of varicella (chicken pox) as an exception to the varicella vaccination. The exception will now only be allowed if the case was verified by a qualified healthcare provider.
- Students entering grades 8 -11 during the 2023-24 school year will not be affected and will not be required to have documentation of MenACWY. Parents/guardians will be able to continue to sign a waiver for health, religious, or personal conviction reasons. There is no change to this.
Please contact MTSD's District Nurse with any questions you may have about these changes.
Kira Testin, RN
Black History Month at MTSD
Each February, all MTSD schools celebrate the rich culture of African Americans by honoring Black History Month. At Homestead, students involved in the Black Student Union (BSU) shared a message with teachers inviting them to incorporate meaningful connections to Black history in their lessons.
Their message read, in small part, “In order to break barriers and lead our student population to a greater understanding of Black history, students in the Black Student Union believe it is important for all to understand the contributions of Black Americans as it is for them to see themselves and their ancestors represented in their school experience.”
At Lake Shore, students highlighted notable Black scientists, authors, and composers. The family and consumer science 7th grade classes celebrated Black History Month by learning about the southern region of the USA, particularly Louisiana where some of the most distinctive culturally rich foods present themselves.
At Steffen, students celebrated the achievements of African Americans across all subjects and created personal promises with the goal of helping all students and staff members feel valued and share a sense of belonging and purpose.
At our elementary schools, students participated in readalouds/Readers Theatre honoring influential Black Americans, researched civil rights heroes, and learned about Black leaders through morning announcements.
As President Gerald R. Ford urged Americans in 1976, it is important to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.”
MTSD College & Career Week: March 13-17
No one can predict the future, but all students can be prepared to thrive in the world that awaits them after high school. Students' individual determination for educational success and aspirations of their future identity can be influenced by purposefully igniting their passion for learning. With the appropriate postsecondary preparation and a focus on workplace readiness skills that all businesses and organizations need, students can be ready to shape their path and change our world.
During the Mequon-Thiensville School District’s College & Career Week, all students will learn about postsecondary opportunities through focused prompts and related academic activities developmentally appropriate for each respective grade-level. This experience aligns with MTSD 2021-2024 Strategic Plan Goal 2: Students’ Future Success, specifically supporting Objective A: Design opportunities for students to learn about a variety of careers and the pathways taken to attain those careers and Objective C: Facilitate students’ exploration of diverse post-secondary educational opportunities.
Free Learn to Skate Opportunity for MTSD Elementary Students this Friday!
Join Us at Cultural Connections Night
Attention families of multilingual children: Are you looking to connect to others who speak your language? Are you looking for specific language and community resources in the Milwaukee area? This event is for you! Please join us at Cultural Connections Night on Wednesday, March 15 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the Nicolet High School Cafeteria. We look forward to seeing you there!
4K and New-to-MTSD 5K Pre-registration Now Open!
Each year, MTSD holds a designated pre-registration window for four-year-old kindergarten. The purpose of pre-registration is to get an idea of 4K enrollment projections to develop class rosters and determine staffing needs. Families can also indicate their morning or afternoon class preference, and gain other useful information about the program.
The pre-registration window is now open for the 2023-2024 school year. Please feel free to share this registration link with any Mequon or Thiensville resident families you know who have a student entering 4K, or new resident families with a student entering 5K in the 2023-2024 school year. Click here to find out more about the 4K program at MTSD.
MTSD and the Mequon-Thiensville Recreation Department are pleased to offer 4K Wrap Care for the second year. AM and PM sessions will be available at all three of our elementary school sites, from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Find out more about 4K Wrap Care here.
Nominate an Outstanding Educator for the MTEF Excellence in Education Awards!
The Mequon-Thiensville Education Foundation (MTEF) is encouraging parents, students, and colleagues to submit nominations for their Excellence in Education Awards now through March 24. All nominees receive a congratulatory note and your nomination form. Each of the four winners receives $1,000. It couldn’t be easier to recognize a deserving educator! Check out the details and access a simple nomination form at www.mtef.org
Flex Day Update
As you may know, MTSD has a "Flex Day" scheduled for Friday, May 26 this year. A Flex Day is a day that is scheduled for instruction, unless the school district does not need both of the emergency/inclement weather days built into the calendar. If emergency/inclement weather days are not used, the Flex Day will be NO SCHOOL for students, and an inservice day for staff.
Thus far in the year, with our one unique weather day on February 16, Homestead has lost 1 instructional day, and the Elementary/Middle Schools have lost 0 instructional days. Therefore, May 26 may still result in a NO SCHOOL day for students, and an inservice day for staff.
With the assumption that winter weather will be over by May (let's hope, anyway), we will let families and staff members know by May 1 whether or not the Flex Day will remain a day off for students and an inservice day for staff.
M-T Recreation Department News
Take the Mequon-Thiensville Rec. Dept. Survey
Families who are involved in any Mequon-Thiensville Recreation Department programming are invited to participate in a survey to gain feedback about the variety of programming and quality of the recreation department offerings, as well as suggestions for the program going forward.
Summer Academy Registration Now Open!
Take advantage of a GREAT summer opportunity through the Mequon-Thiensville Recreation Department! Registration for Summer Academy is available now through April 15, 2023. Summer Academy is designed for students entering 4K-9th grade, and features two sessions of educational enrichment courses, taught by MTSD educators!
Session dates are as follows:
- June 19-23 (Monday-Friday)
- July 24 - August 3 (Monday-Thursday)
Board Briefs
The Mequon-Thiensville Board of Education held one special business meeting, one legislative committee meeting, and one policy committee meeting this month. Tonight, a closed session is scheduled at 5:15 p.m. and a regular business meeting is scheduled at 7 p.m. in the Range Line Board Room.
February 6 Special Business Meeting
The Board heard a presentation on Buildings & Grounds Projects over $50,000 from Kyle Thompson, MTSD’s Director of Buildings and Grounds and engaged in subsequent discussion.
Executive Director of Business Services, Sarah Viera, led the Board in discussion of MTSD’s transportation contract with Go Riteway.
Board President Shelley Burns led the Board in a discussion of the Board’s Legislative Advocacy Priorities.
February 27 Closed Session
- The Board of Education will convene into Closed Session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(e) for the purpose of Deliberating or Negotiating the Purchasing of Public Properties, the Investing of Public Funds, or Conducting other Specified Public Business, whenever Competitive or Bargaining reasons require a closed session (teacher negotiations).
February 27 Regular Business Meeting
The Board will hear a Treasurer's Report from Board Treasurer Paul Buzzell, a Parent-Teacher Organization Report from a PTO representative, and a Superintendent's Report from Dr. Joynt.
The Board will take action on recommendations to approve capital projects over $50,000 for the 2023-2024 school year.
The Board will hear first readings of Policies #9700 - Access to Students by External Organizations and #6920 - Fundraising on Behalf of the District, as presented by the Policy Committee and engage in subsequent discussion.
Legislative Committee Meeting
The Committee discussed next steps in their Legislative Advocacy Priorities.
Policy Committee Meeting
Policies discussed included: #9700 - Access to Students by External Organizations and #6920 - Fundraising on Behalf of the District.
As a reminder, all Board of Education meeting agendas and video recordings of past meetings can be found on the MTSD Board of Education website.
Employment Opportunities
Like many organizations both locally and nationally, the Mequon-Thiensville School District and some of our contracted services providers are experiencing challenges related to staffing shortages. Please take a moment to review the employment opportunities below and spread the word about working at MTSD!
Bus Drivers
Access to consistent and timely bus transportation is extremely important to the success of our student academics, athletics, and co-curricular activities. Please help to minimize transportation disruptions for our students and consider applying to become a bus driver for MTSD and GO Riteway. Spread the word about how important this career is to our entire school community!
Substitute Teachers
Everyone knows a teacher or someone who loves children. Do you love working with kids? Become a Substitute Teacher and start making a difference in the lives of children! Teachers On Call is a substitute staffing company specializing in recruiting and retaining qualified staff who are willing to step into a classroom with minimal direction. There are many opportunities to sub at the schools in our district.
Featured Opportunities
Certified Staff:
Middle School Special Education Teachers (2 openings)
Research & Digital Learning Specialist - Steffen Middle School
Support Staff:
Academic Intervention Support for Middle Schools - part-time, flexible job!
Substitute Teachers and Paraprofessionals - flexible job!
Connect With Us! 💻
Throughout the school year, be sure to check out the great things going on at your school building by following your school's page on Facebook, as well as the MTSD Facebook page, the District Twitter and Instagram accounts, and by finding us on LinkedIn.
Follow us on Facebook:
Follow us on Twitter:
Find us on LinkedIn
Follow us on Instagram
Please note: The accounts linked above are the only official social media presence managed and moderated with support from MTSD Communications.
Important Dates 🗓️
Board of Education - Closed Session
Monday, February 27 @ 5:15 p.m.
Range Line Conference Room
Board of Education - Regular Business Meeting
Monday, February 27 @ 7 p.m.
Range Line Conference Room
End of Trimester 2
Thursday, March 2
K-8 Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thursday, March 2 @ 4 - 8 p.m.
Rescheduled from February 16
NO SCHOOL - Staff Record-Keeping Day
Friday, March 3
Board of Education - Working Meeting
Monday, March 6 @ 6 p.m.
Range Line Conference Room
MTSD Grades 4-8 Orchestra Concert with Moxie Strings
Thursday, March 9 @ 7 p.m.
HHS James Barr Performing Arts Center
Board of Education - Regular Business Meeting
Monday, March 20 @ 7 p.m.
Range Line Conference Room
NO SCHOOL - Spring Break
Monday, March 27 - Friday, March 31