MTMS Wolf Wire
December 1, 2023
Important Dates
Girls Basketball -
December 6- 7th @ Piper KVL Tournament
December 6 - 8th @ Mill Creek KVL Tournament
December 8-7th @ Piper KVL Tournament
December 8 -8th @ Mill Creek KVL Tournament
Wrestling -
December 2 - @ Clark Middle School
Science Olympiad
December 2 - @ Pembroke Hill
MTMS Mark You Calendars
December 5 - Showcase Night 4:30pm - 6:00pm
December 13 - Band Concert @ MVHS
December 15 - Winter Social 3:00 - 4:30 (6th grade) and 6:00 - 7:30 (7th and 8th grade)
December 19 - Choir Concert @ MVHS
November 14 - Fritz's Railroad Restaurant Giveback 3-9pm
January 29 - Urban Air Event 4-8pm
Showcase Night - December 5
We are looking forward to sharing what learning has been happening at MT with you on December 5 from 4:30 - 6:00.
8th grade will have on display their multi-genre stories and work from Science
7th grade will have their math restaurants open for business
Trailblazers will have their portfolios on display
6th grade pathways will have boardgames and projects on display
Join your student in the gym for a game of Pickle Ball or Hantis
Enjoy art from grades 6-8 on display around the school
6th and 7th grade drawstring bags and aprons will be on display in the commons
A Few Words from the Principal
I have had several parents ask about appropriate computer usage and the district's Appropriate Use Policy (AUP). Every year students sign this policy during enrollment which states, "By signing this policy, you understand the District prohibits Internet content not filtered by the District and cannot be held liable for content accessed in this manner.: However, students continue to try and use sites like tinf0il or VPNs to get around the district securities is in violation of this policy. Some have shared that they are not aware of this policy. Below you will see some of the policy and I have included a link to the entire policy that is located on our District webpage.
The policy includes how students should use their device appropriately:
Use technology in the manner directed by building teachers and principals.
Use technology to enhance the learning process.
Respect technology and report any damage or problem immediately to a staff member.
Report any accidental access to inappropriate material immediately.
Respect all copyright, trademark, and license restrictions.
Cite any reference to Internet sources as you would cite other reference material.
Regularly save any information stored on a District assigned computing device to your assigned network storage directory.
Expect your District assigned computing device to be regularly inspected for inappropriate material, which might include unlicensed software or inappropriate content and software. Any inappropriate content or unlicensed software will be removed.
Expect your software to be uninstalled and digital files deleted, if necessary, to fix or repair your District-assigned computing device, or its District-supported software.
The policy also states what students should not do with their school issued device which includes:
- Use software, apps, or other technology to circumvent web content filters or other security systems employed by the District.
- Use technology with inappropriate language, swearing and/or derogatory comments to harass others.
- Intentionally access inappropriate material through, or with, technology including but not limited to district computers, mobile devices, and/or personal devices that would not be allowed in your school if presented in other media.
- Access or attempt to access any system, file, directory, user account, or network to which you have not been
- Attempt to install any unapproved software on District devices.
Students using proxy sites or VPNs are violating the district AUP policy and the consequences could include:
- Suspension from use of District technology.
- Suspension or expulsion from school.
- Any consequence outlined in your school policy manual.
Please talk with your student and check what is in their history on their device. The district is constantly updating Securly and trying to keep our students safe by blocking many of these sites, but these sites are ever changing. Help us to keep our students safe by having conversations with them about how to appropriately use their school computer for school purposes. We will be having these conversations at school also.
If you would like to read the AUP policy in its entirety, here is the link.
Take care,
Jennifer Smith
Winter Assessments
Help your student be prepared to do their best on their upcoming winter assessments. Getting a good night sleep, having breakfast, and starting the day off in a positive way are a few things that can hope them do their best.
6th grade - FastBridge Reading - December 4
6th grade - FastBridge Math - December 8
7th grade - FastBridge Reading - December 7
7th grade - FastBridge Math - December 4
8th grade - FastBridge Reading - December 5
8th grade - FastBridge Math - December 6
Congratulations Thinking Cap Quiz Bowl Team!
Nineteen sixth grade MTMS students participated in the nationwide Thinking Cap Quiz Bowl scholastic contest, earning 2nd place out of 62 participating teams. After weekly practice sessions, where students worked on critical and collaborative thinking skills, a timed contest consisting of 100 questions was completed online and participating middle school students answered 95% of the questions correctly! Congratulations to the amazing participants! MTMS is proud of you!
From PTA
Thank you very much for coming to Cane's for dinner yesterday! The next restaurant fundraiser will be on Thursday, December 14th from 3-9pm with Fritz's Train Restaurant, so please save the date. Then, we're excited to celebrate Kansas' 163rd birthday at Urban Air Lenexa from 4-8pm on Monday, January 29th with 20% of participating revenue on ultimate and platinum tickets going to Monticello Trails. So, please mark your calendars! Text Andrea Lerner with questions at (620)757-0349. A BIG thank you to StuCo and Ms. Cassel for their help promoting our Raising Cane’s fundraiser!
Thank you Teachers:
Let's show our MTMS Teachers and staff how much we appreciate and value them this holiday season. The PTA will provide a holiday dessert bar for the staff on Thursday, December 14th at 1pm, and we'll give each teacher and support staff a gift card as well.
If you would like to contribute, donate any amount via Venmo to @Helen-Krosky (last four digits: 0874). Please specify that it is for MTMS Staff Gift Cards, and donate by Tuesday, December 12th.
If you wish to send something directly to staff, feel free to purchase something and give it to them.
If you have any questions, please call or text Helen Krosky 913-486-0874.
Winter Social:
Friday, December 15th will be our winter social. 6th graders will party from 3:05-4:30pm while the 7th and 8th graders will socialize from 6:00-7:30pm. No RSVP necessary and admission is free. Snacks and drinks will be provided. The DJ from the spring social is back! Kids loved the tunes he played! If dancing isn’t your thing, the gym will be open for hanging out. There will also be an opportunity to win prizes. The theme is Pajama Party so students are encouraged to wear their best holiday flannels!!
Parents, we need chaperones to help make the social a success! Volunteers will help with snacks, supervise the gym, clean up at the end, and the best part, observe middle schoolers! If your student cringes at the thought of your presence at the party, consider chaperoning the social they won’t be at! We greatly appreciate your gift of time. If you are willing to help, use the link to sign up. Text questions to Katie Rea at 913-220-8836.
Community Service Event:
There are still a few spots available to participate in our community service event after school on Monday, December 4. The kids will be making no sew fleece blankets for Mission Southside. All supplies will be provided. We are excited about this opportunity and hope you will join us.
From Nurse K.
Illness, Covid and Influenza (the Flu)
Please report any symptoms of illness to the school.
Please be specific- report symptoms such as sore throat, nausea, and fever instead of reporting “ill” or “sick”. Giving symptoms helps with Health Department Reporting and to see illness trends at MTMS and in the district.
The transition to chillier weather often comes hand-in-hand with cold and flu season, but healthy habits can help protect everyone from getting or spreading germs. As we enter cold and flu season, we appreciate you encouraging these healthy habits with your children.
- If you have a child who is sick, we ask for your support by keeping them at home. Students and staff must be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medication, and free of vomiting and/or diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school.
· If your student is diagnosed with Influenza (“the Flu”) or with COVID, they must remain at home for 5 days from the onset of illness, with return on day 6.
· If you have questions about your student’s health, please contact your school nurse. Additional information regarding health and wellness is available on the district website.
· Remind your child of important preventative measures for any illness, such as coughing into the sleeve, frequently washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and getting plenty of rest and fluids.
Illness and Covid policy can be found by clicking on the following links:
Fax Line: (913) 422-4990
Location: 6100 Monticello Road, Shawnee, KS, United States
Phone: (913) 422-1100
Twitter: @mtms_wolves