Updates from "Our House"
February 23, 2021
Happy Tuesday!
It's great to connect with you again.
Finally, the weather is cooperating with us and we are able to get our students back outside.
I want to take the opportunity to remind you about the pickup and drop-off zones. Also, the heavy importance of students using the crosswalk which is located on the corner of 46 Street and 49 Ave. Student safety is very important to us and we worry when students run out into the street, especially because the roads around our school are very busy.
School Council Meeting
School Council Meeting
Tonight at @ 7:00 pm, we will host a virtual school council meeting through Zoom. Parents and guardians play an important role in student success. School councils allow parents to participate in decisions that impact student learning. By contributing knowledge, perspective, and ideas at school council meetings, parents actively contribute to the success of the school community.
If you are interested in joining, please email Karen Smith, the Chair of our School Council at ecksparentcouncil@gmail.com to request the Zoom link.
Pink Shirt Day - February 24
Feb. 24, 2021 is this year's Pink Shirt Day. Pink Shirt Day is recognized across Canada each year as a day to focus on kindness and bring awareness to the impact of bullying. By wearing pink on Pink Shirt Day, students and staff take a symbolic stand against bullying and make a commitment to lift each other up instead of tearing one another down.
ECKS Music Parent Association VIP Meat Fundraiser
Good Day ÉCKS parents,
As I am sure most people are aware, there is no in-person band this year at ÉCKS. Despite this, the ÉCKS Music Parent Association is still busy keeping up with repair costs and the purchasing of a new keyboard among other things the music program needs.
One of the band’s very successful fundraisers is our annual VIP Meats sales. Because of the unique year for the music program and the school, the École Charlie Killam Music Parents Association is happy to share this fundraiser with École Charlie Killam for their Learning Commons.
The order form with the product list was sent out today. We need the order form returned to school and all payments completed by e-transfer, by March 15, 2021. The delivery date has been scheduled for March 23, 2021, and orders can be picked up from the main entrance of the school from 3:30 - 6:30.
(All payments for the orders must be made by e-transfer because of Covid-19. No cash or cheques will be accepted) The email to send money to is ckmusicparents@gmail.com .
It is very important that you indicate your child’s name in the email, and that it matches the order form. As mentioned, a copy of the order will be sent home with your child but we have also attached one electronically. If you have any questions, please reach out via email to ckmusicparents@gmail.com. We appreciate your support!
Jason Silbernagel, President
Student / Parent / Teacher Conferences - Save the Date
On March 25, we will host our second round of student/parent / teacher conferences from 4:00pm - 9:00pm. Similar to November, interviews will take place via Google Meets. In the next couple of weeks, we will send out the information and process as to how to request an interview with your child's teacher.
School Photos
Upcoming Dates
February 23 - School Council Meeting (7:00 pm)
March 4 - Staff Meeting - Early Dismissal
March 19 - School PicturesDo you have a child entering Gr. 6 and interested in French Immersion?
About Us!
Email: charliekillam@brsd.ab.ca
Website: https://ckillam.brsd.ab.ca/
Location: École Charlie Killam School, 46 Street, Camrose, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-672-7785
Twitter: @ECKSchool