KES Family Newsletter
January 1 (Sixth Edition), 2022
Principal Message
Happy New Year!
I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday break. Thank you to all of the families that donated so generously this Christmas to help families in need. We had an amazing turnout for the toy drive. I'm so proud to be a part of this community.
A big shout out to Miss Pflum and Mrs. Gerhartz for creating virtual Christmas Concerts for our students. They turned out very cute. Thank you to all of our families for your understanding as we had virtual concerts instead of in-person.
I'm looking forward to the New Year beginning as it brings a new kind of excitement.
A few updates and reminders:
- 8:50 Bell- The bell for the start of the school day is at 8:50. At that time, staff that are monitoring the doors go back to their classrooms. If you are bringing your child after that time, you will have to drop them off by the office doors to be let into the building. If you are in the car line and it is long, please have your child exit the car at a further distance and walk into school.
- Winter Weather- Please send your child to school with hats, gloves, boots, a winter jacket, and snow pants. Students will be required to go outside with the items that they came to school in. Students will be going outside when the temperature is 0 degrees or above (windchill factor included). If your family is in need of help with these items, please contact the school office at 262-626-3101 and ask to be connected to Mrs. Mundigler.
- New Secretary- Mrs. Weidmeyer is our new school secretary. She is looking forward to getting to know all of our KES families.
- PBIS Incentive- We are hoping to have two PBIS incentives for all students in January. Our first incentive will be silly sock day/hair day and our second incentive will be snow toys to play with.
The last day of school before the break was an exciting day for staff and students.
Staff and students ended the day with an activity called Running Reindeer. Each classroom had four surprise visitors that came to read to their classroom. Some visitors were members from our school and city community, substitute teachers, and school board members. Our 5th-grade leaders served as a "guide" to the different classrooms. I am looking forward to this new tradition in the coming years.
PTO Updates
- Tuesday, January 4, 2022: PTO Meeting 6:15 in the LGI. Please enter through the back doors near the parking lot.
- Mark your calendar for Winter Fest-January 28, 2022-More information to come.
- Mark your calendar for Adult Night-March 12, 2022-More information to come.
Upcoming Dates
Monday, January 3: School resumes
Tuesday, January 4: 6:15 PTO Meeting in the cafeteria
Thursday, January 13: 6:00 School Board Meeting
Thursday, January 20: Candid Shots (class pictures); 4:30-6:30 Meet and Greet for incoming 4K students
Friday, January 21: No school for students-professional development day, 1:00-3:00 Meet and Greet for incoming 4K students
Friday, January 28: 6:00 PTO Event-Winter Fest
January 5-26: FastBridge Assessment and Early Math/Lit Screener window for 5K-5th grade
Resources Links
Shelley Hyde
Email: shyde@kewaskumschools.org
Location: 1415 Bilgo Lane, Kewaskum, WI, USA
Phone: 262-626-3101