TCS@ODU Family Newsletter
March 2022
Upcoming Events
- Tues. March 15 - Fri. March 18 - No School - Mid-March Break - Front Office Closed
- Mon. March 21 - Quarter 4 Begins
- Tues. March 22 - Free Produce Drive Thru - 4:00-6:00pm
- Wed. March 30 - Virtual Enrollment Information Session at 6:00pm - Click here to join
- Fri. April 1 - Panther Power Hour - 1:30-2:30pm
- Mon. April 4 - Fri. April 8 - English Language Arts Ohio State Tests
- Mon. April 11 - Thurs. April 14 - Career Tech Education Certification Webex Exams
- Wed. April 13 - Virtual Enrollment Information Session at 6:00pm - Click here to join
- Thurs. April 14 - Family Engagement Council Meeting at 6:30pm
- Fri. April 15 - Fri. April 22 - No School - Spring Break
- Mon. April 25 - No School - PD Day
- Tues. April 26 - Thurs. May 5 - Math, Science, Social Studies Ohio State Tests
- Tues. April 26 - Free Produce Drive Thru - 4:00-6:00pm
- Sat. April 30 - Junior/Senior Prom
- Mon. May 2 - Fri. May 13 - MAP Spring Assessments for Reading & Math
- Mon. May 2 - Fri. May 6 - Career Tech Education Webex Exams for Graduating Seniors
- Mon. May 2 - Fri. May 6 - STAR Testing for Special Education
- Sat. May 7 - ODU Graduation
- Sat. May 14 - TCS@ODU Graduation
- Tues. May 17 - Wed. May 18 - Final Exams (½ days - early release @12:30PM)
- Thurs. May 19 - Awards/Picnic - Last day, early release @12:30PM
- Fri. May 20 - Cedar Point Trip
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Have you read the Family Communications?
Important School Links
- Breakfast Menu - March
- Lunch Menu - March
- Academic Calendar 21-22 - Updated
- Bell Schedule
- Student Family Handbook 21-22
Registration Update
Watch your e-mail next week for information on how to update your student's registration forms for next school year.
COVID Update - Please complete the quick mask survey!
Case rates are down across the state and city. Columbus is poised to remove it's mask mandate. To that end, we are also reviewing our data, gaining teacher and family input into our masking policies. We would like each household to complete the form below so that we can understand your views. These will be considered and weighed with teacher/staff input and data about case rates within our buildings. Thank you for your considered input!
Have you turned in your family's free and reduced lunch application?
It is essential for every family to complete the Free/Reduced Lunch application every year. This information directly effects school funding and resources.
Click here is the link to print the application. After you print and complete the application it can be mailed or scanned, OR dropped off at the front desk. Front office hours are Monday-Friday from 6:45am-3:30pm.
TCS@ODU Free Produce Drive Thru
Calling all Families with 8th Graders! NOW is the time!
If you are considering enrolling your 8th-grade student in The Charles School at Ohio Dominican University (TCS@ODU) please complete an online application as soon as possible. Here’s the link: TCS@ODU 2022-23 Online application
Completing an online application does NOT commit your student to attend OR complete their enrollment for TCS@ODU.
Your family DOES need to complete an application to be considered for enrollment. Our available spaces are starting to fill up, apply soon.
If you'd like a paper application:
Contact us at: office@TheCharlesSchool.org OR
Call 614-258-8588 to have the 2022-23 application mailed to you.
Race to the Top - School-wide Community Service Competition - Feb. 28 - March 31
Race to the Top! is a School-wide Community Service Competition between the underclassmen (9th + 10th graders) and the upperclassmen (11th + 12th graders). From February 28th- March 31st we will collectively collect hygiene products and hair products that will be donated to a youth-serving organization in the state of Ohio. Each team is encouraged to bring 307 items within their assigned category. The winner of the competition will receive a one-of-a-kind CarolineINSPIRES Edition Food Party! Your items can be dropped off in boxes in the counselor's office. For more information please contact CarolineINSPIRES Bennett at cbennett.1@thecharlesschool.org. Let the race begin!"
Have you completed the Tech Needs Survey?
Please take a moment to fill out our brief Tech Needs Survey. This will help us better ensure that all students have access to curriculum both at home and at school. Thank you so much!
Don't Miss the March Panther Table Talk!
At our February meeting we talked about self love-specifically self care versus self soothing. Self soothing is something that makes you feel better in a particular moment. Self care is something that makes you feel better in the long run like eating healthy or working out. Sometimes we only have time for one or the other which is okay; as long as we are taking time to take care of ourselves. Next meeting we will be talking about "Resilience"; the meeting is March 24th from 7-7:45pm. We hope to see you there!
Door Decorations from Black History Month Competition! The CREW class winners will get a lunch catered by a local Black Owned Business.
TCS@ODU Winter Formal
Do you know anyone interested in attending TCS@ODU?
Please forward this newsletter and ask them to complete an online application. Click here to complete an online application. We are currently accepting applications for the 2022-2023 school year. If you have any questions please e-mail Gail Collins at office@thecharlesschool.org.
When you shop at Kroger, and/or Amazon you can help TCS@ODU raise money for class supplies
Go to: www.krogercommunityrewards.com or call 1-800-837-4483 to enroll in the program. You can search for TCS by name or use our school code: DC649. Shop! Every time you use your Kroger Rewards Card TCS@ODU gets rebates. Kroger totals those rebates and sends TCS@ODU a check.
Amazon Smile
Amazon Smile gives to The Charles School! When you make a purchase on Amazon Smile they will now donate 0.5% of your total purchase to TCS@ODU. Go to http://smile.amazon.com/ch/20-2744006 to start shopping!
More Free Covid-19 Tests - Complete the Online Form Today!
The USPS is offering another round of 4 free rapid-antigen Covid tests to all households that sign up via this link: https://special.usps.com/testkits. Click the link to review details and sign up if you would like.
Covid-19 Vaccine Locations:
Ohio Early College Association
The Charles School at Ohio Dominican University is proud to be a member of the Ohio Early College Association. Representatives from each of the 13 Ohio Early College High Schools meet monthly to share best practices and resources, plan occasional group initiatives, and celebrate our work.
The Charles School at Ohio Dominican University has been a member of Middle College National Consortium (MCNC) since 2007. MCNC is a national organization dedicated to increasing the number of high school students across the country who have access to college classes with an integrated support system that positions students for success. Member schools develop and sustain a successful model of collaborative education that expands student's future opportunities.
EL Education
Our partnership with EL Education empowers our teachers to unleash the potential of their students. EL Education is built on ten design principles that reflect the educational values and beliefs of Kurt Hahn, founder of Outward Bound and co-founder of EL Education. These principles also reflect the design's connection to other related thinking about teaching, learning , and the culture of schools.
Title 1
TCS@ODU is a School-wide Title 1 program, enabling us to receive Federal Funds to ensure that our students receive the support they need to reach and exceed grade level goals in reading and math. We welcome parent involvement in planning, review and improvement of Title 1 programs. Please contact Debbie Addison at addison.2@thecharlesschool.org with any questions.
Per House Bill 21 community schools are required to perform a monthly review of student files and randomly select families for residency verification. Please contact the school immediately in case of an address change. Proof of residency must be submitted within two weeks of an address change. If evidence is not provided, requests for additional documentation or a home visit may occur.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
The Charles School at Ohio Dominican University
Email: frontdesk@thecharlesschool.org
Website: https://www.thegrahamfamilyofschools.org/thecharlesschool_home.aspx
Location: 1270 Brentnell Avenue, Columbus, OH, USA
Phone: (614) 258-8588
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-Charles-School-at-Ohio-Dominican-University-217016711531