Normandy Park School
Week of January 4th
Happy New Year! I hope that everyone had an enjoyable and relaxing winter break.
NPS will reopen for in-person instruction on Tuesday, January 5.
MSD will continue to share important information on the Coronavirus Update Center and on our MSD Forward pages. Please know that I am here to help and support in any way that I can. Feel free to reach out to me directly at
Let’s Talk About Race, Equity and Inclusion
This part of the newsletter will have a question or a topic for you to discuss with your child(ren). This can be done on the way to school, on the way to sports practice, before dinner, at bedtime, etc.
Each week there will be a “something to think about” question and a “something to talk about” question. The “something to think about question” is for you as a parent to reflect on for yourself. The “something to talk about” question is for you to discuss with your child. These exercises are meant to stimulate a conversation on race, equity and inclusion in America.
Week Sixteen
Parent Reflection: How would you respond if your child made a racially charged or biased comment? What would your first reaction be? What would you say to your child in response?
Child Question: Let your child know that they should say something if they hear someone make an unkind comment about another person’s race. Some examples of things to say are: “That is wrong to say and hurtful.” “I don’t like when people use words like that. It makes me feel hurt inside.” It is never okay to say that about someone or to someone.” Likewise, it is important to let children know they have the right to stand up for themselves if someone makes a biased remark or micro aggression about them. “That hurts my feelings.” “Please don’t ever use that word (or say that) again.” “That is wrong to say.” You may also want to roleplay with your child so they can feel more comfortable using these phrases.
We will be sharing community activities, including cultural arts programs and fundraising events in the next few weeks. We look forward to sharing them with you soon!
- The NPS Board
Kindergarten Information Session
We had a great turn out for our first Kindergarten Information Session.
I will be hosting another information session at the end of January for prospective K 2021-2022 parents, who were not able to attend last session.
Please click here for additional information.
Message from Ms. Cohen:
Welcome back everyone! I hope that you were able to take some time to rest, recharge, and reconnect with family and friends. I recognize the start of 2021 is still off to a challenging one with having our first day back virtual tomorrow. Please know that I am here for you if you or your child(ren) need assistance. Email is still the best way to reach me.
Lunch with the counselor: I will continue to host the optional daily lunch groups for all virtual students from 12-12:30. It’s a way to check in, play some games and have some social time with friends from other classes.
Lunch groups are as follows:
Mondays: 4th and 5th grades
Tuesdays: Kindergarten
Wednesdays: 1st grade
Thursdays: 2nd grade
Fridays: 3rd grade
5th grade social group will continue to meet virtually on Thursdays from 2:30-3
Ms. Cohen
Travel and Quarantine Updates
For students: Contact the school nurse and quarantine for 14 days; no test is required.
Thank you for your cooperation and diligence in reporting symptoms, exposure, and travel to our school nurses. Your transparency and honesty help our entire community stay safe. If you are contacted by local health department officials, please respond to their inquiry so that they can properly conduct contact tracing.
Access to Virtual Instruction for Student Enrolled for In-Person Instruction
*When NPS is open for in-person instruction:
My child has to quarantine. Can they stream into class?
For students attending in person classes, access to virtual instruction is for absences over an extended period of time due to quarantining or an extenuating circumstance. In this case, access to virtual instruction will consist of a combination of streaming, completion of Google Classroom activities, and teacher check-in(s).
My child is sick. Can they stream into the class?
No, if your child is home sick for a few days they will be considered to have an excused absence due to illness. Students are encouraged to rest.
*Please note, access to virtual instruction for in-person students needs to be approved by the principal and nurse. Please reach out to me with any additional questions at
Grab & Go Meals (Update)
Grab & Go meals will be available for all students, who wish to receive them. The Federal Department of Agriculture has extended waivers that will allow MSD to serve ALL students meals for FREE through June 2021.
More information about School Breakfast & Lunch is available on the MSD Forward homepage under "Back to School Resources for Families."
Please see the menu below for meals offered each day:
Communication between Home and School
*For when we return to in-person schooling:
- If there are changes in your child's dismissal plans (e.g. you are going to pick them up that day, instead of taking the bus), please use the attached form or call the main office.
- For written communication between you and your child's teacher, please utilize Class Dojo and/or e-mail, rather than hand-written letters (when possible).
Upcoming Events
- School Closed on January 19th (MLK Day)
- January 19th: iReady Winter Diagnostic Window Opens